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import Ember from 'ember';

 * @module
 * @augments ember/Service
export default Ember.Service.extend({

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Dependencies

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Attributes

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Actions

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Events

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Properties

     * Translations
     * @type {?Object|ember/Object}
    dictionary: null,

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Observers

    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Methods

     * Set translation dictionary data
     * @function
     * @param {Object|ember/Object} translations
     * @throws {ember/Error}
     * @returns {undefined}
    setDictionary( translations ) {

        /* jshint ignore:start */
        if (
                'object' !== Ember.typeOf( translations ) &&
                'instance' !== Ember.typeOf( translations )
            ) ||
            'symbol' === typeof translations
        ) {
            throw new Ember.Error( 'services/translation.setDictionary() expects parameter to be an object' );
        /* jshint ignore:end */

        this.set( 'dictionary', translations );

     * Retrieve value for specified dictionary key
     * @function
     * @param {String} key - Dictionary key to retrieve value for
     * @returns {String}
    getKeyValue( key ) {
        const defaultKeyValue = 'KEY__NOT__PRESENT';
        const retrievedKey = this.get( 'dictionary' ).getWithDefault( key, defaultKeyValue );
        let returnValue;

        if ( defaultKeyValue !== retrievedKey ) {
            returnValue = retrievedKey;

        } else {
            Ember.Logger.warn( 'No translation match for key "' + key + '".' );
            returnValue = key;

        return returnValue;

     * @typedef {Object} translateKeyParameter
     * @property {String} key
     * @property {String} [pluralKey]
     * @property {String} [pluralCount]
     * @property {Object} [parameters]

     * Translate provided key
     * Supports
     * - singular/plural string substitution
     * - replacement of placeholder tokens in translation strings with passed parameters
     * @function
     * @param {translateKeyParameter} data
     * @throws {ember/Error}
     * @returns {String}
    translateKey( data ) {

        /* jshint ignore:start */
        if (
                'object' !== Ember.typeOf( data ) &&
                'instance' !== Ember.typeOf( data )
            ) ||
            'symbol' === typeof data
        ) {
            throw new Ember.Error( 'services/translation.translateKey() expects parameter to an object' );
        /* jshint ignore:end */

        data.parameters = data.parameters || {};

        let pluralErrorTracker = 0;

        // BEGIN: Pluralization error checking
        if ( !Ember.isEmpty( data.pluralKey ) ) {

        if ( !Ember.isEmpty( data.pluralCount ) ) {

        let token = data.key;

        const getTokenValue = ( value ) => {
            try {
                value = this.getKeyValue( value );
            } catch ( e ) {
                Ember.Logger.warn( 'Unable to translate key "' + value + '".' );

            return value;

        if ( 1 === pluralErrorTracker ) {
            Ember.Logger.warn( 'If either "pluralKey" or "pluralCount" are provided then both must be. ' +
                'Singular key value was returned.' );

            return getTokenValue( token );
        // END: Pluralization error checking

        // Pluralization
        if ( !Ember.isEmpty( data.pluralCount ) && Number( data.pluralCount ) > 1 ) {
            token = data.pluralKey;

        let translatedString;
        translatedString = getTokenValue( token );

        // Parameter replacement
        Object.keys( data.parameters ).map( key => {
            translatedString = translatedString.replace( '{' + key.replace( '$', '' ) + '}', data.parameters[key] );

        return translatedString;