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Test Coverage
 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * @Author: Shakti Phartiyal
 * Date: 01/27/17
 * Time: 06:43 PM
namespace Core\Mailer;

use Exception;
use Swift_Attachment;
use Swift_Mailer;
use Swift_Message;
use Swift_SmtpTransport;

class Mailer
    private $mailEngine = null;
    private $mailTo = array();
    private $mailCc = array();
    private $mailBcc = array();
    private $mailFrom = null;
    private $mailSubject = null;
    private $mailBody = null;
    private $mailContentType = "text/plain";
    private $mailHeaders = array();
    private $mailHost = null;
    private $mailPort = null;
    private $mailUser = null;
    private $mailPassword = null;
    private $mailEncryption = null;
    private $mailAttachments = array();

     * Mailer constructor.
    private function __construct()
        $this->mailEngine = $_ENV['mail']['engine'];
        $this->mailHost = $_ENV['mail']['host'];
        $this->mailPort = $_ENV['mail']['port'];
        $this->mailUser = $_ENV['mail']['user'];
        $this->mailPassword = $_ENV['mail']['password'];
        $this->mailEncryption = $_ENV['mail']['encryption'];

     * Sets the mailing Engine php/swiftmailer etc avoid using this method except for testing purposes
     * @deprecated use the config file instead
     * @param $engine
     * @param null $host
     * @param null $port
     * @param null $user
     * @param null $password
     * @param null $encryption
     * @return Mailer class object
    public function setEngine($engine, $host=null, $port=null, $user=null, $password=null, $encryption=null)
        $this->mailEngine = $engine;
        $this->mailHost = $host;
        $this->mailPort = $port;
        $this->mailUser = $user;
        $this->mailPassword = $password;
        $this->mailEncryption = $encryption;
        return $this;

     * Initialize the mailing system
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public static function init()
        $mailer = new Mailer();
        return $mailer;

     * Sets the mail recipients
     * @param $recipients can be a single email address or an array
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function to($recipients)
            foreach ($recipients as $recipient)
                $this->mailTo[] = $recipient;
            $this->mailTo[] = $recipients;
        return $this;

     * Sets the sender of the mail
     * @param $from can be email address or an associative array of length 1 containing the name as key and email as value
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function from($from)
            $this->mailFrom = $from;
            $this->mailFrom = [$from => $from];
        return $this;

     * Sets the CC recipient of the email
     * @param $cc can be a single email address or an array of addresses
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function cc($cc)
            foreach ($cc as $copy)
                $this->mailCc[] = $copy;
            $this->mailCc[] = $cc;
        return $this;

     * Sets the Bcc recipient of the email
     * @param $bcc
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function bcc($bcc)
            foreach ($bcc as $bcopy)
                $this->mailBcc[] = $bcopy;
            $this->mailBcc[] = $bcc;
        return $this;

     * Sets the content type of mail message defaults to text/plain
     * @param $type
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function contentType($type)
        $this->mailContentType = $type;
        return $this;

     * Sets the email subject
     * @param $subject
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function subject($subject)
        $this->mailSubject = $subject;
        return $this;

     * Set the body of the email message a custom view can also be passed as a string
     * @param $body
     * @return Mailer class Object
    public function body($body)
        $this->mailBody = $body;
        return $this;

     * Adds an attachment to the mail
     * @param $attachmentPath
     * @param $fileName
     * @return $this
    public function attach($attachmentPath, $fileName)
        $this->mailAttachments[$attachmentPath] = $fileName;
        return $this;

     * Send the compiled mail
     * @param null $options for swiftmailer/php mailer
     * @return bool mail send response
    public function send($options=null) //$options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = false;
        if(strtolower($this->mailEngine) == "php")
            return $this->corePHPMailer($options);
        else if(strtolower($this->mailEngine) == "swiftmailer")
            return $this->swiftMailer($options);

     * PHP mailer
     * @param $options
     * @return bool
     * @throws Exception
    private function corePHPMailer($options)
        $options = null;
        $this->mailHeaders[] = "MIME-Version: 1.0";
        $this->mailHeaders[] = "Content-Type: ".$this->mailContentType;
        $this->mailHeaders[] = "Cc: ".implode(",",$this->mailCc);
        $this->mailHeaders[] = "Bcc: ".implode(",",$this->mailBcc);
        foreach ($this->mailFrom as $name=>$mail)
            $this->mailHeaders[] = "From: ".$name." <".$mail.">";
            $this->mailBody .= "\r\n";
            foreach($this->mailAttachments as $path => $name)
                $fileData = null;
                    $fileHandle = fopen($path, 'r');
                    $fileData = stream_get_contents($fileHandle);
                catch(Exception $e)
                    Throw New Exception("Unable to open File for Reading",1);
                $this->mailBody .= "Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name=\"" . $name . "\"\r\n";
                $this->mailBody .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\r\n";
                $this->mailBody .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\r\n";
                $this->mailBody .= chunk_split(base64_encode($fileData)) ."\r\n";
        $response = mail(implode(",",$this->mailTo), $this->mailSubject , wordwrap($this->mailBody,70), implode("\r\n", $this->mailHeaders),$options);
        return $response;

     * Swiftmailer
     * @param $options
     * @return int
    private function swiftMailer($options)
        $transport = Swift_SmtpTransport::newInstance($this->mailHost, $this->mailPort, $this->mailEncryption)
        $mailer = Swift_Mailer::newInstance($transport);
        $message = Swift_Message::newInstance($this->mailSubject)
            foreach($this->mailAttachments as $path => $name)
        $result = $mailer->send($message);
        return $result;

     * @internal
     * Test mailer
     * @return bool
    protected function test()
        $options['ssl']['verify_peer'] = false;
        return Mailer::init()
        ->subject("Sample Test Mail")
        ->body("<h1>This is the mail body</h1>")
        ->attach("/home/jane/somefile.zip", "theFile.zip")
