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Test Coverage
## 0.6.0

* Drop support to EOL rubies.
* Support kwargs for ruby 3.0+.

## 0.5.0

*   Fix states being evaluated with wrong `owner_class` context

*   Fixed state machine false duplication

*   Fixed inconsistent use of :use_transactions

*   Namespaced integrations are not registered by default anymore

*   Pass `static: false` in case you don't want initial states to be forced. e.g.

    # will set the initial machine state

    # optionally you can pass the attributes to have that as the initial state
    @machines.initialize_states(@object, {}, { state: 'finished' })

    # or pass set `static` to false if you want to keep the `object.state` current value
    @machines.initialize_states(@object, { static: false })