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2 days
Test Coverage
package accounts

import (

    notificationssettings ""
    walletsettings ""

const (
    statusChatPath           = "m/43'/60'/1581'/0'/0"
    statusWalletRootPath     = "m/44'/60'/0'/0/"
    zeroAddress              = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
    SyncedFromBackup         = "backup" // means a keypair is coming from backed up data
    ThirtyDaysInMilliseconds = 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000

    maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses            = uint64(100)
    numOfGeneratedAddressesRegularKeypair = maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses
    numOfGeneratedAddressesKeycardKeypair = uint64(10)

var (
    errDbPassedParameterIsNil                      = errors.New("accounts: passed parameter is nil")
    errDbTransactionIsNil                          = errors.New("accounts: database transaction is nil")
    ErrDbKeypairNotFound                           = errors.New("accounts: keypair is not found")
    ErrCannotRemoveProfileKeypair                  = errors.New("accounts: cannot remove profile keypair")
    ErrDbAccountNotFound                           = errors.New("accounts: account is not found")
    ErrCannotRemoveProfileAccount                  = errors.New("accounts: cannot remove profile account")
    ErrCannotRemoveDefaultWalletAccount            = errors.New("accounts: cannot remove default wallet account")
    ErrAccountWrongPosition                        = errors.New("accounts: trying to set wrong position to account")
    ErrNotTheSameNumberOdAccountsToApplyReordering = errors.New("accounts: there is different number of accounts between received sync message and db accounts")
    ErrNotTheSameAccountsToApplyReordering         = errors.New("accounts: there are differences between accounts in received sync message and db accounts")
    ErrMovingAccountToWrongPosition                = errors.New("accounts: trying to move account to a wrong position")
    ErrKeypairDifferentAccountsKeyUID              = errors.New("cannot store keypair with different accounts' key uid than keypair's key uid")
    ErrKeypairWithoutAccounts                      = errors.New("cannot store keypair without accounts")

type Keypair struct {
    KeyUID                  string      `json:"key-uid"`
    Name                    string      `json:"name"`
    Type                    KeypairType `json:"type"`
    DerivedFrom             string      `json:"derived-from"`
    LastUsedDerivationIndex uint64      `json:"last-used-derivation-index,omitempty"`
    SyncedFrom              string      `json:"synced-from,omitempty"` // keeps an info which device this keypair is added from can be one of two values defined in constants or device name (custom)
    Clock                   uint64      `json:"clock,omitempty"`
    Accounts                []*Account  `json:"accounts,omitempty"`
    Keycards                []*Keycard  `json:"keycards,omitempty"`
    Removed                 bool        `json:"removed,omitempty"`

type Account struct {
    Address               types.Address             `json:"address"`
    KeyUID                string                    `json:"key-uid"`
    Wallet                bool                      `json:"wallet"`
    AddressWasNotShown    bool                      `json:"address-was-not-shown,omitempty"`
    Chat                  bool                      `json:"chat"`
    Type                  AccountType               `json:"type,omitempty"`
    Path                  string                    `json:"path,omitempty"`
    PublicKey             types.HexBytes            `json:"public-key,omitempty"`
    Name                  string                    `json:"name"`
    Emoji                 string                    `json:"emoji"`
    ColorID               common.CustomizationColor `json:"colorId,omitempty"`
    Hidden                bool                      `json:"hidden"`
    Clock                 uint64                    `json:"clock,omitempty"`
    Removed               bool                      `json:"removed,omitempty"`
    Operable              AccountOperable           `json:"operable"` // describes an account's operability (check AccountOperable type constants for details)
    CreatedAt             int64                     `json:"createdAt"`
    Position              int64                     `json:"position"`
    ProdPreferredChainIDs string                    `json:"prodPreferredChainIds"`
    TestPreferredChainIDs string                    `json:"testPreferredChainIds"`

type KeypairType string
type AccountType string
type AccountOperable string

func (a KeypairType) String() string {
    return string(a)

func (a AccountType) String() string {
    return string(a)

func (a AccountOperable) String() string {
    return string(a)

const (
    KeypairTypeProfile KeypairType = "profile"
    KeypairTypeKey     KeypairType = "key"
    KeypairTypeSeed    KeypairType = "seed"

const (
    AccountTypeGenerated AccountType = "generated"
    AccountTypeKey       AccountType = "key"
    AccountTypeSeed      AccountType = "seed"
    AccountTypeWatch     AccountType = "watch"

const (
    AccountNonOperable       AccountOperable = "no"        // an account is non operable it is not a keycard account and there is no keystore file for it and no keystore file for the address it is derived from
    AccountPartiallyOperable AccountOperable = "partially" // an account is partially operable if it is not a keycard account and there is created keystore file for the address it is derived from
    AccountFullyOperable     AccountOperable = "fully"     // an account is fully operable if it is not a keycard account and there is a keystore file for it

    ProdPreferredChainIDsDefault        = "1:10:42161"
    TestPreferredChainIDsDefault        = "5:420:421613"
    TestSepoliaPreferredChainIDsDefault = "11155111:11155420:421614"

// Returns true if an account is a wallet account that logged in user has a control over, otherwise returns false.
func (a *Account) IsWalletNonWatchOnlyAccount() bool {
    return !a.Chat && len(a.Type) > 0 && a.Type != AccountTypeWatch

// Returns true if an account is a wallet account that is ready for sending transactions, otherwise returns false.
func (a *Account) IsWalletAccountReadyForTransaction() bool {
    return a.IsWalletNonWatchOnlyAccount() && a.Operable != AccountNonOperable

func (a *Account) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    item := struct {
        Address               types.Address             `json:"address"`
        MixedcaseAddress      string                    `json:"mixedcase-address"`
        KeyUID                string                    `json:"key-uid"`
        Wallet                bool                      `json:"wallet"`
        Chat                  bool                      `json:"chat"`
        Type                  AccountType               `json:"type"`
        Path                  string                    `json:"path"`
        PublicKey             types.HexBytes            `json:"public-key"`
        Name                  string                    `json:"name"`
        Emoji                 string                    `json:"emoji"`
        ColorID               common.CustomizationColor `json:"colorId"`
        Hidden                bool                      `json:"hidden"`
        Clock                 uint64                    `json:"clock"`
        Removed               bool                      `json:"removed"`
        Operable              AccountOperable           `json:"operable"`
        CreatedAt             int64                     `json:"createdAt"`
        Position              int64                     `json:"position"`
        ProdPreferredChainIDs string                    `json:"prodPreferredChainIds"`
        TestPreferredChainIDs string                    `json:"testPreferredChainIds"`
        Address:               a.Address,
        MixedcaseAddress:      a.Address.Hex(),
        KeyUID:                a.KeyUID,
        Wallet:                a.Wallet,
        Chat:                  a.Chat,
        Type:                  a.Type,
        Path:                  a.Path,
        PublicKey:             a.PublicKey,
        Name:                  a.Name,
        Emoji:                 a.Emoji,
        ColorID:               a.ColorID,
        Hidden:                a.Hidden,
        Clock:                 a.Clock,
        Removed:               a.Removed,
        Operable:              a.Operable,
        CreatedAt:             a.CreatedAt,
        Position:              a.Position,
        ProdPreferredChainIDs: a.ProdPreferredChainIDs,
        TestPreferredChainIDs: a.TestPreferredChainIDs,

    return json.Marshal(item)

func (a *Keypair) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
    item := struct {
        KeyUID                  string      `json:"key-uid"`
        Name                    string      `json:"name"`
        Type                    KeypairType `json:"type"`
        DerivedFrom             string      `json:"derived-from"`
        LastUsedDerivationIndex uint64      `json:"last-used-derivation-index"`
        SyncedFrom              string      `json:"synced-from"`
        Clock                   uint64      `json:"clock"`
        Accounts                []*Account  `json:"accounts"`
        Keycards                []*Keycard  `json:"keycards"`
        Removed                 bool        `json:"removed"`
        KeyUID:                  a.KeyUID,
        Name:                    a.Name,
        Type:                    a.Type,
        DerivedFrom:             a.DerivedFrom,
        LastUsedDerivationIndex: a.LastUsedDerivationIndex,
        SyncedFrom:              a.SyncedFrom,
        Clock:                   a.Clock,
        Accounts:                a.Accounts,
        Keycards:                a.Keycards,
        Removed:                 a.Removed,

    return json.Marshal(item)

func (a *Keypair) CopyKeypair() *Keypair {
    kp := &Keypair{
        Clock:                   a.Clock,
        KeyUID:                  a.KeyUID,
        Name:                    a.Name,
        Type:                    a.Type,
        DerivedFrom:             a.DerivedFrom,
        LastUsedDerivationIndex: a.LastUsedDerivationIndex,
        SyncedFrom:              a.SyncedFrom,
        Accounts:                make([]*Account, len(a.Accounts)),
        Keycards:                make([]*Keycard, len(a.Keycards)),
        Removed:                 a.Removed,

    for i, acc := range a.Accounts {
        kp.Accounts[i] = &Account{
            Address:               acc.Address,
            KeyUID:                acc.KeyUID,
            Wallet:                acc.Wallet,
            Chat:                  acc.Chat,
            Type:                  acc.Type,
            Path:                  acc.Path,
            PublicKey:             acc.PublicKey,
            Name:                  acc.Name,
            Emoji:                 acc.Emoji,
            ColorID:               acc.ColorID,
            Hidden:                acc.Hidden,
            Clock:                 acc.Clock,
            Removed:               acc.Removed,
            Operable:              acc.Operable,
            CreatedAt:             acc.CreatedAt,
            Position:              acc.Position,
            ProdPreferredChainIDs: acc.ProdPreferredChainIDs,
            TestPreferredChainIDs: acc.TestPreferredChainIDs,

    for i, kc := range a.Keycards {
        kp.Keycards[i] = &Keycard{
            KeycardUID:        kc.KeycardUID,
            KeycardName:       kc.KeycardName,
            KeycardLocked:     kc.KeycardLocked,
            AccountsAddresses: kc.AccountsAddresses,
            KeyUID:            kc.KeyUID,

    return kp

func (a *Keypair) GetChatPublicKey() types.HexBytes {
    for _, acc := range a.Accounts {
        if acc.Chat {
            return acc.PublicKey

    return nil

func (a *Keypair) MigratedToKeycard() bool {
    return len(a.Keycards) > 0

// Returns operability of a keypair:
// - if any of keypair's account is not operable, then a keyapir is considered as non operable
// - if any of keypair's account is partially operable, then a keyapir is considered as partially operable
// - if all accounts are fully operable, then a keyapir is considered as fully operable
func (a *Keypair) Operability() AccountOperable {
    for _, acc := range a.Accounts {
        if acc.Operable == AccountNonOperable {
            return AccountNonOperable
        if acc.Operable == AccountPartiallyOperable {
            return AccountPartiallyOperable

    return AccountFullyOperable

// TODO: implement clean full interface. This might require refactoring Database methods
type AccountsStorage interface {
    GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID string) (*Keypair, error)
    GetAccountByAddress(address types.Address) (*Account, error)
    AddressExists(address types.Address) (bool, error)

// Database sql wrapper for operations with browser objects.
type Database struct {
    db *sql.DB

// NewDB returns a new instance of *Database
func NewDB(db *sql.DB) (*Database, error) {
    if db == nil {
        return nil, errDbPassedParameterIsNil

    sDB, err := settings.MakeNewDB(db)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    sn := notificationssettings.NewNotificationsSettings(db)
    sw := walletsettings.NewWalletSettings(db)

    return &Database{sDB, sn, sw, db}, nil

// DB Gets db sql.DB
func (db *Database) DB() *sql.DB {
    return db.db

// Close closes database.
func (db *Database) Close() error {
    return db.db.Close()

func GetAccountTypeForKeypairType(kpType KeypairType) AccountType {
    switch kpType {
    case KeypairTypeProfile:
        return AccountTypeGenerated
    case KeypairTypeKey:
        return AccountTypeKey
    case KeypairTypeSeed:
        return AccountTypeSeed
        return AccountTypeWatch

func (db *Database) processRows(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*Keypair, []*Account, error) {
    keypairMap := make(map[string]*Keypair)
    allAccounts := []*Account{}

    var (
        kpKeyUID                  sql.NullString
        kpName                    sql.NullString
        kpType                    sql.NullString
        kpDerivedFrom             sql.NullString
        kpLastUsedDerivationIndex sql.NullInt64
        kpSyncedFrom              sql.NullString
        kpClock                   sql.NullInt64
        kpRemoved                 sql.NullBool

    var (
        accAddress               sql.NullString
        accKeyUID                sql.NullString
        accPath                  sql.NullString
        accName                  sql.NullString
        accColorID               sql.NullString
        accEmoji                 sql.NullString
        accWallet                sql.NullBool
        accChat                  sql.NullBool
        accHidden                sql.NullBool
        accOperable              sql.NullString
        accClock                 sql.NullInt64
        accCreatedAt             sql.NullTime
        accPosition              sql.NullInt64
        accRemoved               sql.NullBool
        accProdPreferredChainIDs sql.NullString
        accTestPreferredChainIDs sql.NullString
        accAddressWasNotShown    sql.NullBool

    for rows.Next() {
        kp := &Keypair{}
        acc := &Account{}
        pubkey := []byte{}
        err := rows.Scan(
            &kpKeyUID, &kpName, &kpType, &kpDerivedFrom, &kpLastUsedDerivationIndex, &kpSyncedFrom, &kpClock, &kpRemoved,
            &accAddress, &accKeyUID, &pubkey, &accPath, &accName, &accColorID, &accEmoji,
            &accWallet, &accChat, &accHidden, &accOperable, &accClock, &accCreatedAt, &accPosition, &accRemoved,
            &accProdPreferredChainIDs, &accTestPreferredChainIDs, &accAddressWasNotShown)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, nil, err

        // check keypair fields
        if kpKeyUID.Valid {
            kp.KeyUID = kpKeyUID.String
        if kpName.Valid {
            kp.Name = kpName.String
        if kpType.Valid {
            kp.Type = KeypairType(kpType.String)
        if kpDerivedFrom.Valid {
            kp.DerivedFrom = kpDerivedFrom.String
        if kpLastUsedDerivationIndex.Valid {
            kp.LastUsedDerivationIndex = uint64(kpLastUsedDerivationIndex.Int64)
        if kpSyncedFrom.Valid {
            kp.SyncedFrom = kpSyncedFrom.String
        if kpClock.Valid {
            kp.Clock = uint64(kpClock.Int64)
        if kpRemoved.Valid {
            kp.Removed = kpRemoved.Bool
        // check keypair accounts fields
        if accAddress.Valid {
            acc.Address = types.BytesToAddress([]byte(accAddress.String))
        if accKeyUID.Valid {
            acc.KeyUID = accKeyUID.String
        if accPath.Valid {
            acc.Path = accPath.String
        if accName.Valid {
            acc.Name = accName.String
        if accColorID.Valid {
            acc.ColorID = common.CustomizationColor(accColorID.String)
        if accEmoji.Valid {
            acc.Emoji = accEmoji.String
        if accWallet.Valid {
            acc.Wallet = accWallet.Bool
        if accChat.Valid {
            acc.Chat = accChat.Bool
        if accHidden.Valid {
            acc.Hidden = accHidden.Bool
        if accOperable.Valid {
            acc.Operable = AccountOperable(accOperable.String)
        if accClock.Valid {
            acc.Clock = uint64(accClock.Int64)
        if accCreatedAt.Valid {
            acc.CreatedAt = accCreatedAt.Time.UnixMilli()
        if accPosition.Valid {
            acc.Position = accPosition.Int64
        if accProdPreferredChainIDs.Valid {
            acc.ProdPreferredChainIDs = accProdPreferredChainIDs.String
        if accTestPreferredChainIDs.Valid {
            acc.TestPreferredChainIDs = accTestPreferredChainIDs.String
        if accAddressWasNotShown.Valid {
            acc.AddressWasNotShown = accAddressWasNotShown.Bool
        if lth := len(pubkey); lth > 0 {
            acc.PublicKey = make(types.HexBytes, lth)
            copy(acc.PublicKey, pubkey)
        if accRemoved.Valid {
            acc.Removed = accRemoved.Bool
        acc.Type = GetAccountTypeForKeypairType(kp.Type)

        if kp.KeyUID != "" {
            if _, ok := keypairMap[kp.KeyUID]; !ok {
                keypairMap[kp.KeyUID] = kp
            keypairMap[kp.KeyUID].Accounts = append(keypairMap[kp.KeyUID].Accounts, acc)
        allAccounts = append(allAccounts, acc)

    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, nil, err

    // Convert map to list
    keypairs := make([]*Keypair, 0, len(keypairMap))
    for _, keypair := range keypairMap {
        keypairs = append(keypairs, keypair)

    return keypairs, allAccounts, nil

// If `includeRemoved` is false and `keyUID` is not empty, then keypairs which are not flagged as removed and match the `keyUID` will be returned.
// If `includeRemoved` is true and `keyUID` is not empty, then keypairs which match the `keyUID` will be returned (regardless how they are flagged).
// If `includeRemoved` is false and `keyUID` is empty, then all keypairs which are not flagged as removed will be returned.
// If `includeRemoved` is true and `keyUID` is empty, then all keypairs will be returned (regardless how they are flagged).
func (db *Database) getKeypairs(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string, includeRemoved bool) ([]*Keypair, error) {
    var (
        rows           *sql.Rows
        err            error
        mainQueryWhere string
        subQueryWhere  string
    if tx == nil {
        tx, err = db.db.Begin()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer func() {
            if err == nil {
                err = tx.Commit()
            _ = tx.Rollback()

    if keyUID != "" {
        mainQueryWhere = "WHERE k.key_uid = ?"
        if !includeRemoved {
            mainQueryWhere += " AND k.removed = 0"
    } else if !includeRemoved {
        mainQueryWhere = "WHERE k.removed = 0"

    if !includeRemoved {
        subQueryWhere = "WHERE removed = 0"

    query := fmt.Sprintf( // nolint: gosec
            keypairs k
        LEFT JOIN
                SELECT *
            ) AS ka
            k.key_uid = ka.key_uid
        ORDER BY
            ka.position`, subQueryWhere, mainQueryWhere)

    stmt, err := tx.Prepare(query)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer stmt.Close()

    if keyUID != "" {
        rows, err = stmt.Query(keyUID)
    } else {
        rows, err = stmt.Query()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    defer rows.Close()

    keypairs, _, err := db.processRows(rows)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, kp := range keypairs {
        keycards, err := db.getKeycards(tx, kp.KeyUID, "")
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        kp.Keycards = keycards

    return keypairs, nil

func (db *Database) getKeypairByKeyUID(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string, includeRemoved bool) (*Keypair, error) {
    keypairs, err := db.getKeypairs(tx, keyUID, includeRemoved)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, err

    if len(keypairs) == 0 {
        return nil, ErrDbKeypairNotFound
    return keypairs[0], nil

// If `includeRemoved` is false and `address` is not zero address, then accounts which are not flagged as removed and match the `address` will be returned.
// If `includeRemoved` is true and `address` is not zero address, then accounts which match the `address` will be returned (regardless how they are flagged).
// If `includeRemoved` is false and `address` is zero address, then all accounts which are not flagged as removed will be returned.
// If `includeRemoved` is true and `address` is zero address, then all accounts will be returned (regardless how they are flagged).
func (db *Database) getAccounts(tx *sql.Tx, address types.Address, includeRemoved bool) ([]*Account, error) {
    var (
        rows  *sql.Rows
        err   error
        where string
    filterByAddress := address.String() != zeroAddress
    if filterByAddress {
        where = "WHERE ka.address = ?"
        if !includeRemoved {
            where += " AND ka.removed = 0"
    } else if !includeRemoved {
        where = "WHERE ka.removed = 0"

    query := fmt.Sprintf( // nolint: gosec
            keypairs_accounts ka
        LEFT JOIN
            keypairs k
            ka.key_uid = k.key_uid
        ORDER BY
            ka.position`, where)

    if tx == nil {
        if filterByAddress {
            rows, err = db.db.Query(query, address)
        } else {
            rows, err = db.db.Query(query)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
    } else {
        stmt, err := tx.Prepare(query)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        defer stmt.Close()

        if filterByAddress {
            rows, err = stmt.Query(address)
        } else {
            rows, err = stmt.Query()
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

    defer rows.Close()
    _, allAccounts, err := db.processRows(rows)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return allAccounts, nil

func (db *Database) getAccountByAddress(tx *sql.Tx, address types.Address) (*Account, error) {
    accounts, err := db.getAccounts(tx, address, false)
    if err != nil && err != sql.ErrNoRows {
        return nil, err

    if len(accounts) == 0 {
        return nil, ErrDbAccountNotFound

    return accounts[0], nil

func (db *Database) markAccountRemoved(tx *sql.Tx, address types.Address, clock uint64) error {
    if tx == nil {
        return errDbTransactionIsNil

    _, err := db.getAccountByAddress(tx, address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    query, err := tx.Prepare(`
            removed = 1,
            clock = ?
            address = ?
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer query.Close()

    _, err = query.Exec(clock, address)
    return err

// Marking keypair as removed, will delete related keycards.
func (db *Database) markKeypairRemoved(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string, clock uint64) error {
    if tx == nil {
        return errDbTransactionIsNil

    keypair, err := db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, keyUID, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
        if acc.Removed {
        err = db.markAccountRemoved(tx, acc.Address, clock)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    query := `
            removed = 1,
            clock = ?
            key_uid = ?

    stmt, err := tx.Prepare(query)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer stmt.Close()

    _, err = stmt.Exec(clock, keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    err = db.deleteAllKeycardsWithKeyUID(tx, keyUID)
    return err

// Returns active keypairs (excluding removed and excluding removed accounts).
func (db *Database) GetActiveKeypairs() ([]*Keypair, error) {
    return db.getKeypairs(nil, "", false)

// Returns all keypairs (including removed and removed accounts).
func (db *Database) GetAllKeypairs() ([]*Keypair, error) {
    return db.getKeypairs(nil, "", true)

// Returns keypair if it is not marked as removed and its accounts which are not marked as removed.
func (db *Database) GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID string) (*Keypair, error) {
    return db.getKeypairByKeyUID(nil, keyUID, false)

// Returns active accounts (excluding removed).
func (db *Database) GetActiveAccounts() ([]*Account, error) {
    return db.getAccounts(nil, types.Address{}, false)

// Returns all accounts (including removed).
func (db *Database) GetAllAccounts() ([]*Account, error) {
    return db.getAccounts(nil, types.Address{}, true)

// Returns account if it is not marked as removed.
func (db *Database) GetAccountByAddress(address types.Address) (*Account, error) {
    return db.getAccountByAddress(nil, address)

// Returns active watch only accounts (excluding removed).
func (db *Database) GetActiveWatchOnlyAccounts() (res []*Account, err error) {
    accounts, err := db.getAccounts(nil, types.Address{}, false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, acc := range accounts {
        if acc.Type == AccountTypeWatch {
            res = append(res, acc)

// Returns all watch only accounts (including removed).
func (db *Database) GetAllWatchOnlyAccounts() (res []*Account, err error) {
    accounts, err := db.getAccounts(nil, types.Address{}, true)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    for _, acc := range accounts {
        if acc.Type == AccountTypeWatch {
            res = append(res, acc)

func (db *Database) IsAnyAccountPartiallyOrFullyOperableForKeyUID(keyUID string) (bool, error) {
    kp, err := db.getKeypairByKeyUID(nil, keyUID, false)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err

    for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
        if acc.Operable != AccountNonOperable {
            return true, nil
    return false, nil

func (db *Database) RemoveKeypair(keyUID string, clock uint64) error {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    return db.markKeypairRemoved(tx, keyUID, clock)

func (db *Database) RemoveAccount(address types.Address, clock uint64) error {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    acc, err := db.getAccountByAddress(tx, address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    kp, err := db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, acc.KeyUID, false)
    if err != nil && err != ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
        return err

    if kp != nil {
        lastAccOfKepairToBeRemoved := true
        for _, kpAcc := range kp.Accounts {
            if !kpAcc.Removed && kpAcc.Address != address {
                lastAccOfKepairToBeRemoved = false

        if lastAccOfKepairToBeRemoved {
            return db.markKeypairRemoved(tx, acc.KeyUID, clock)

    err = db.markAccountRemoved(tx, address, clock)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // Update keypair clock if any but the watch only account was deleted.
    if kp != nil {
        err = db.updateKeypairClock(tx, acc.KeyUID, clock)
        return err

    return nil

func updateKeypairLastUsedIndex(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string, index uint64, clock uint64, updateKeypairClock bool) error {
    if tx == nil {
        return errDbTransactionIsNil
    var (
        err      error
        setClock string
    if updateKeypairClock {
        setClock = ", clock = ?"

    query := fmt.Sprintf( // nolint: gosec
                last_used_derivation_index = ?
                key_uid = ?`, setClock)

    if setClock != "" {
        _, err = tx.Exec(query, index, clock, keyUID)
    } else {
        _, err = tx.Exec(query, index, keyUID)

    return err

func (db *Database) updateKeypairClock(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string, clock uint64) error {
    if tx == nil {
        return errDbTransactionIsNil

    _, err := tx.Exec(`
                clock = ?
                key_uid = ?`,
        clock, keyUID)

    return err

func (db *Database) saveOrUpdateAccounts(tx *sql.Tx, accounts []*Account, updateKeypairClock, isGoerliEnabled bool) (err error) {
    if tx == nil {
        return errDbTransactionIsNil

    for _, acc := range accounts {
        var relatedKeypair *Keypair
        // only watch only accounts have an empty `KeyUID` field
        var keyUID *string
        if acc.KeyUID != "" {
            relatedKeypair, err = db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, acc.KeyUID, true)
            if err != nil {
                if err == sql.ErrNoRows {
                    // all accounts, except watch only accounts, must have a row in `keypairs` table with the same key uid
                return err
            keyUID = &acc.KeyUID
        var exists bool
        err = tx.QueryRow("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE address = ? AND removed = 0)", acc.Address).Scan(&exists)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Apply default values if account is new and not a watch only
        if !exists && acc.Type != AccountTypeWatch {
            if acc.ProdPreferredChainIDs == "" {
                acc.ProdPreferredChainIDs = ProdPreferredChainIDsDefault

            if acc.TestPreferredChainIDs == "" {
                if isGoerliEnabled {
                    acc.TestPreferredChainIDs = TestPreferredChainIDsDefault
                } else {
                    acc.TestPreferredChainIDs = TestSepoliaPreferredChainIDsDefault

        _, err = tx.Exec(`
                keypairs_accounts (address, key_uid, pubkey, path, wallet, address_was_not_shown, chat, created_at, updated_at)
                (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, datetime('now'), datetime('now'));

                name = ?,
                color = ?,
                emoji = ?,
                hidden = ?,
                operable = ?,
                clock = ?,
                position = ?,
                updated_at = datetime('now'),
                removed = ?,
                prod_preferred_chain_ids = ?,
                test_preferred_chain_ids = ?
                address = ?;
            acc.Address, keyUID, acc.PublicKey, acc.Path, acc.Wallet, acc.AddressWasNotShown, acc.Chat,
            acc.Name, acc.ColorID, acc.Emoji, acc.Hidden, acc.Operable, acc.Clock, acc.Position, acc.Removed,
            acc.ProdPreferredChainIDs, acc.TestPreferredChainIDs, acc.Address)

        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Update positions change clock when adding new/updating account
        err = db.setClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange(tx, acc.Clock)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        // Update keypair clock if any but the watch only account has changed.
        if relatedKeypair != nil && updateKeypairClock {
            err = db.updateKeypairClock(tx, acc.KeyUID, acc.Clock)
            if err != nil {
                return err

        if !acc.Removed && strings.HasPrefix(acc.Path, statusWalletRootPath) {
            accIndex, err := strconv.ParseUint(acc.Path[len(statusWalletRootPath):], 0, 64)
            if err != nil {
                return err

            accountsContainPath := func(accounts []*Account, path string) bool {
                for _, acc := range accounts {
                    if acc.Path == path {
                        return true
                return false

            expectedNewKeypairIndex := uint64(0)
            if relatedKeypair != nil {
                expectedNewKeypairIndex = relatedKeypair.LastUsedDerivationIndex
                for {
                    if !accountsContainPath(relatedKeypair.Accounts, statusWalletRootPath+strconv.FormatUint(expectedNewKeypairIndex, 10)) {

            if accIndex == expectedNewKeypairIndex {
                err = updateKeypairLastUsedIndex(tx, acc.KeyUID, accIndex, acc.Clock, updateKeypairClock)
                if err != nil {
                    return err

    return nil

// Saves accounts, if an account already exists, it will be updated.
func (db *Database) SaveOrUpdateAccounts(accounts []*Account, updateKeypairClock bool) error {
    if len(accounts) == 0 {
        return errors.New("no provided accounts to save/update")
    isGoerliEnabled, err := db.GetIsGoerliEnabled()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()
    err = db.saveOrUpdateAccounts(tx, accounts, updateKeypairClock, isGoerliEnabled)
    return err

// Saves a keypair and its accounts, if a keypair with `key_uid` already exists, it will be updated,
// if any of its accounts exists it will be updated as well, otherwise it will be added.
// Since keypair type contains `Keycards` as well, they are excluded from the saving/updating this way regardless they
// are set or not.
func (db *Database) SaveOrUpdateKeypair(keypair *Keypair) error {
    if keypair == nil {
        return errDbPassedParameterIsNil

    isGoerliEnabled, err := db.GetIsGoerliEnabled()
    if err != nil {
        return err

    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    // If keypair is being saved, not updated, then it must be at least one account and all accounts must have the same key uid.
    dbKeypair, err := db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, keypair.KeyUID, true)
    if err != nil && err != ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
        return err
    if dbKeypair == nil {
        if len(keypair.Accounts) == 0 {
            return ErrKeypairWithoutAccounts
        for _, acc := range keypair.Accounts {
            if acc.KeyUID == "" || acc.KeyUID != keypair.KeyUID {
                return ErrKeypairDifferentAccountsKeyUID

    _, err = tx.Exec(`
            keypairs (key_uid, type, derived_from)
            (?, ?, ?);

            name = ?,
            last_used_derivation_index = ?,
            synced_from = ?,
            clock = ?,
            removed = ?
            key_uid = ?;
    `, keypair.KeyUID, keypair.Type, keypair.DerivedFrom,
        keypair.Name, keypair.LastUsedDerivationIndex, keypair.SyncedFrom, keypair.Clock, keypair.Removed, keypair.KeyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return db.saveOrUpdateAccounts(tx, keypair.Accounts, false, isGoerliEnabled)

func (db *Database) UpdateKeypairName(keyUID string, name string, clock uint64, updateChatAccountName bool) error {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    _, err = db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, keyUID, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = tx.Exec(`
            name = ?,
            clock = ?
            key_uid = ?;
    `, name, clock, keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if updateChatAccountName {
        _, err = tx.Exec(`
                name = ?,
                clock = ?
                key_uid = ?
                path = ?;
        `, name, clock, keyUID, statusChatPath)
        return err

    return nil

func (db *Database) GetWalletAddress() (rst types.Address, err error) {
    err = db.db.QueryRow("SELECT address FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE wallet = 1").Scan(&rst)

func (db *Database) GetProfileKeypair() (*Keypair, error) {
    keypairs, err := db.getKeypairs(nil, "", false)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    for _, kp := range keypairs {
        if kp.Type == KeypairTypeProfile {
            return kp, nil

    panic("no profile keypair among known keypairs")

func (db *Database) GetWalletAddresses() (rst []types.Address, err error) {
    rows, err := db.db.Query("SELECT address FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE chat = 0 AND removed = 0 ORDER BY created_at")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
        addr := types.Address{}
        err = rows.Scan(&addr)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        rst = append(rst, addr)

    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return rst, nil

func (db *Database) GetChatAddress() (rst types.Address, err error) {
    err = db.db.QueryRow("SELECT address FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE chat = 1").Scan(&rst)

func (db *Database) GetAddresses() (rst []types.Address, err error) {
    rows, err := db.db.Query("SELECT address FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE removed = 0 ORDER BY created_at")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer rows.Close()

    for rows.Next() {
        addr := types.Address{}
        err = rows.Scan(&addr)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err
        rst = append(rst, addr)

    if err := rows.Err(); err != nil {
        return nil, err

    return rst, nil

func (db *Database) keypairExists(tx *sql.Tx, keyUID string) (exists bool, err error) {
    query := `SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM keypairs WHERE key_uid = ? AND removed = 0)`

    if tx == nil {
        err = db.db.QueryRow(query, keyUID).Scan(&exists)
    } else {
        err = tx.QueryRow(query, keyUID).Scan(&exists)

    return exists, err

// KeypairExists returns true if given address is stored in database.
func (db *Database) KeypairExists(keyUID string) (exists bool, err error) {
    return db.keypairExists(nil, keyUID)

// AddressExists returns true if given address is stored in database.
func (db *Database) AddressExists(address types.Address) (exists bool, err error) {
    err = db.db.QueryRow("SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE address = ? AND removed = 0)", address).Scan(&exists)
    return exists, err

// GetPath returns true if account with given address was recently key and doesn't have a key yet
func (db *Database) GetPath(address types.Address) (path string, err error) {
    err = db.db.QueryRow("SELECT path FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE address = ? AND removed = 0", address).Scan(&path)
    return path, err

// NOTE: This should not be used to retrieve `Networks`.
// NetworkManager should be used instead, otherwise RPCURL will be empty
func (db *Database) GetNodeConfig() (*params.NodeConfig, error) {
    return nodecfg.GetNodeConfigFromDB(db.db)

// Basically this function should not update the clock, cause it marks keypair/accounts locally. But...
// we need to cover the case when user recovers a Status account from waku, then pairs another device via
// local pairing and then imports seed/private key for the non profile keypair on one of those two devices
// to make that keypair fully operable. In that case we need to inform other device about the change, that
// other device may offer other options for importing that keypair on it.
// If the clock is set to -1, do not update it.
func (db *Database) MarkKeypairFullyOperable(keyUID string, clock uint64, updateKeypairClock bool) (err error) {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    kp, err := db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, keyUID, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
        _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET operable = ?    WHERE address = ?`, AccountFullyOperable, acc.Address)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE keypairs SET synced_from = "" WHERE key_uid = ?`, keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if updateKeypairClock {
        return db.updateKeypairClock(tx, keyUID, clock)

    return nil

func (db *Database) MarkAccountFullyOperable(address types.Address) (err error) {
    _, err = db.db.Exec(`UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET operable = ?    WHERE address = ?`, AccountFullyOperable, address)
    return err

// This function should not update the clock, cause it marks a keypair locally.
func (db *Database) SetKeypairSyncedFrom(address types.Address, operable AccountOperable) (err error) {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    _, err = db.getAccountByAddress(tx, address)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET operable = ?    WHERE address = ?`, operable, address)
    return err

func (db *Database) GetPositionForNextNewAccount() (int64, error) {
    var pos sql.NullInt64
    err := db.db.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(position) FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE removed = 0").Scan(&pos)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    if pos.Valid {
        return pos.Int64 + 1, nil
    return 0, nil

// This function should not be used directly, it is called from the functions which reorders accounts.
func (db *Database) setClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange(tx *sql.Tx, clock uint64) error {
    if tx == nil {
        return nil
    _, err := tx.Exec("UPDATE settings SET wallet_accounts_position_change_clock = ? WHERE synthetic_id = 'id'", clock)
    return err

func (db *Database) GetClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange() (result uint64, err error) {
    query := "SELECT wallet_accounts_position_change_clock FROM settings WHERE synthetic_id = 'id'"
    err = db.db.QueryRow(query).Scan(&result)
    if err != nil {
        return 0, err
    return result, err

// Updates positions of accounts respecting current order.
func (db *Database) ResolveAccountsPositions(clock uint64) (err error) {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    // returns all accounts ordered by position
    dbAccounts, err := db.getAccounts(tx, types.Address{}, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // starting from -1, cause `getAccounts` returns chat account as well
    for i := 0; i < len(dbAccounts); i++ {
        expectedPosition := int64(i - 1)
        if dbAccounts[i].Position != expectedPosition {
            _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE address = ?", expectedPosition, dbAccounts[i].Address)
            if err != nil {
                return err

    return db.setClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange(tx, clock)

// Sets positions for passed accounts.
func (db *Database) SetWalletAccountsPositions(accounts []*Account, clock uint64) (err error) {
    if len(accounts) == 0 {
        return nil
    for _, acc := range accounts {
        if acc.Position < 0 {
            return ErrAccountWrongPosition
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    dbAccounts, err := db.getAccounts(tx, types.Address{}, false)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    // we need to subtract 1, because of the chat account
    if len(dbAccounts)-1 != len(accounts) {
        return ErrNotTheSameNumberOdAccountsToApplyReordering

    for _, dbAcc := range dbAccounts {
        if dbAcc.Chat {
        found := false
        for _, acc := range accounts {
            if dbAcc.Address == acc.Address {
                found = true
        if !found {
            return ErrNotTheSameAccountsToApplyReordering

    for _, acc := range accounts {
        _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE address = ?", acc.Position, acc.Address)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return db.setClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange(tx, clock)

// Moves wallet account fromPosition to toPosition.
func (db *Database) MoveWalletAccount(fromPosition int64, toPosition int64, clock uint64) (err error) {
    if fromPosition < 0 || toPosition < 0 || fromPosition == toPosition {
        return ErrMovingAccountToWrongPosition
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    var (
        newMaxPosition int64
        newMinPosition int64
    err = tx.QueryRow("SELECT MAX(position), MIN(position) FROM keypairs_accounts WHERE removed = 0").Scan(&newMaxPosition, &newMinPosition)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if toPosition > fromPosition {
        _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", newMaxPosition, fromPosition)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        for i := fromPosition + 1; i <= toPosition; i++ {
            _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", i-1, i)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", toPosition, newMaxPosition)
        if err != nil {
            return err
    } else {
        _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", newMinPosition, fromPosition)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        for i := fromPosition - 1; i >= toPosition; i-- {
            _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", i+1, i)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        _, err = tx.Exec("UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET position = ? WHERE position = ? AND removed = 0", toPosition, newMinPosition)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return db.setClockOfLastAccountsPositionChange(tx, clock)

func (db *Database) CheckAndDeleteExpiredKeypairsAndAccounts(time uint64) error {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    // Check keypairs first
    dbKeypairs, err := db.getKeypairs(tx, "", true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, dbKp := range dbKeypairs {
        if dbKp.Type == KeypairTypeProfile ||
            !dbKp.Removed ||
            time-dbKp.Clock < ThirtyDaysInMilliseconds {
        query := `
                    key_uid = ?
        _, err := tx.Exec(query, dbKp.KeyUID)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    // Check accounts (keypair related and watch only as well)
    dbAccounts, err := db.getAccounts(tx, types.Address{}, true)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    for _, dbAcc := range dbAccounts {
        if dbAcc.Chat ||
            dbAcc.Wallet ||
            !dbAcc.Removed ||
            time-dbAcc.Clock < ThirtyDaysInMilliseconds {

        query := `
                address = ?
        _, err := tx.Exec(query, dbAcc.Address)
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (db *Database) AddressWasShown(address types.Address) error {
    tx, err := db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    _, err = tx.Exec(`UPDATE keypairs_accounts SET address_was_not_shown = 0 WHERE address = ?`, address)
    return err

func (db *Database) resolveNumOfAddressesToGenerate(keypair *Keypair) uint64 {
    if keypair == nil {
        return maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses

    if !keypair.MigratedToKeycard() {
        return numOfGeneratedAddressesRegularKeypair

    final := numOfGeneratedAddressesKeycardKeypair + keypair.LastUsedDerivationIndex
    if final < maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses {
        return final
    return maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses

func (db *Database) GetNumOfAddressesToGenerateForKeypair(keyUID string) (uint64, error) {
    kp, err := db.GetKeypairByKeyUID(keyUID)
    if err != nil {
        if err == ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
            return maxNumOfGeneratedAddresses, nil
        return 0, err

    return db.resolveNumOfAddressesToGenerate(kp), nil

func (db *Database) ResolveSuggestedPathForKeypair(keyUID string) (suggestedPath string, err error) {
    var tx *sql.Tx
    tx, err = db.db.Begin()
    if err != nil {
        return "", err

    defer func() {
        if err == nil {
            err = tx.Commit()
        _ = tx.Rollback()

    var kp *Keypair
    kp, err = db.getKeypairByKeyUID(tx, keyUID, true)
    if err != nil {
        if err == ErrDbKeypairNotFound {
            return fmt.Sprintf("%s0", statusWalletRootPath), nil
        return "", err

    numOfAddressesToGenerater := db.resolveNumOfAddressesToGenerate(kp)

    nextIndex := kp.LastUsedDerivationIndex + 1
    for i := nextIndex; i < numOfAddressesToGenerater; i++ {
        suggestedPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s%d", statusWalletRootPath, i)
        relativePath := fmt.Sprintf("m/%d", i)
        found := false
        for _, acc := range kp.Accounts {
            if acc.Path != suggestedPath && acc.Path != relativePath {
            found = true
        if !found {
            // relate custom migration
            if kp.Type == KeypairTypeProfile {
                walletRootAddress, err := db.GetWalletRootAddress()
                if err != nil {
                    return relativePath, err
                if kp.DerivedFrom == walletRootAddress.Hex() { // derive from wallet root
                    return relativePath, nil
            return suggestedPath, nil

    return "", errors.New("couldn't find available path for new account")