require 'abnf'
require 'pp'
# IPv6 [RFC2373]
# Note that this ABNF description is wrong: e.g. it doesn't match to "::".
wrong = ABNF.regexp_tree(<<-'End')
IPv6address = hexpart [ ":" IPv4address ]
IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
hexpart = hexseq | hexseq "::" [ hexseq ] | "::" [ hexseq ]
hexseq = hex4 *( ":" hex4)
hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
corrected = ABNF.regexp_tree(<<-'End')
IPv6address = "::" /
7( hex4 ":" ) hex4 /
1*8( hex4 ":" ) ":" /
7( hex4 ":" ) ( ":" hex4 ) /
6( hex4 ":" ) 1*2( ":" hex4 ) /
5( hex4 ":" ) 1*3( ":" hex4 ) /
4( hex4 ":" ) 1*4( ":" hex4 ) /
3( hex4 ":" ) 1*5( ":" hex4 ) /
2( hex4 ":" ) 1*6( ":" hex4 ) /
( hex4 ":" ) 1*7( ":" hex4 ) /
":" 1*8( ":" hex4 ) /
6( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
6( hex4 ":" ) ":" IPv4address /
5( hex4 ":" ) ":" 0*1( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
4( hex4 ":" ) ":" 0*2( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
3( hex4 ":" ) ":" 0*3( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
2( hex4 ":" ) ":" 0*4( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
( hex4 ":" ) ":" 0*5( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address /
"::" 0*6( hex4 ":" ) IPv4address
IPv4address = 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT "." 1*3DIGIT
hex4 = 1*4HEXDIG
pp wrong
pp corrected
p /\A#{wrong}\z/o =~ "::"
p /\A#{corrected}\z/o =~ "::"