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Test Coverage
{% if exportId is not defined %}
    {% redirect 'exporter' %}
{% endif %}

{% set export = %}

{% import "_includes/forms" as forms %}

<form sprig s-action="exporter/element/step2" s-method="post">
    {{ redirectInput('') }}
    {% if %}
        {{ hiddenInput('elementId', }}
    {% endif %}
    {% set attributes = export.getAttributes() %}
    {% set fields = export.getFields() ?? [] %}

    {% set element = export.mockElement() %}

    {% if not element %}
        {{ "No elements can be found for your selection. Please create an element first or check your settings in step 1."|t('exporter') }}
    {% else %}

            .default-fields .field, .custom-fields .field {
                margin: 12px 0;

        {% set elementAttributes = export.getExportableAttributes() %}

        <div class="default-fields">
            <h2>{{ "Which default fields do you want to include in this export?"|t('exporter') }}</h2>
            {% for attr, label in elementAttributes %}
                {{ forms.checkboxField({
                    label: label|t('exporter'),
                    name: "attributes["~attr~"]",
                    value: attr,
                    checked: attributes[attr] ?? false
                }) }}
            {% endfor %}

        <div class="custom-fields">
            <h2>{{ "Which custom fields do you want to include in this export?"|t('exporter') }}</h2>
            {% if errors is defined %}
                {% if errors.fields is defined %}
                    <div class="error">{{ errors.fields|first }}</div>
                {% endif %}
            {% endif %}
            <input type="hidden" name="fields">
            {% set allFields = export.getSupportedFields(element) %}
            {% set showNotSupportedNotice = false %}
            {% for field in allFields %}
                {% set parser = craft.exporter.getFieldParser(field) %}
                {% if not parser %}
                    {# Parser not found #}
                    {% if craft.exporter.getClass(field) in craft.exporter.getIgnoredFieldTypes() %}

                    {% else %}
                        {% set showNotSupportedNotice = true %}
                        <div id="{{ field.handle }}-input-field" class="field checkboxfield"
                             data-attribute="{{ field.handle }}-input">
                            <div class="input ltr">
                                <input type="checkbox" disabled id="{{ field.handle }}-input" class="checkbox">
                                <label for="{{ field.handle }}-input">
                                    <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">{{ }}</span>
                                    ({{ "Field not supported"|t('exporters') }})
                    {% endif %}
                {% else %}
                    {# We have a parser, so the field is supported #}
                    {% set fieldSettings = false %}
                    {% if fields|length and attribute(fields, field.handle) is defined %}
                        {% set fieldSettings = attribute(fields, field.handle) %}
                    {% endif %}
                    <div id="{{ field.handle }}-input-field" class="field checkboxfield"
                         data-attribute="{{ field.handle }}-input">
                        <div class="input ltr">
                            <input type="hidden" name="fields[{{ field.handle }}][handle]" value="">
                            <input s-on:click="htmx.toggleClass('#{{ field.handle }}-option', 'hidden')" type="checkbox"
                                   id="{{ field.handle }}-input" class="checkbox"
                                   name="fields[{{ field.handle }}][handle]"
                                   value="{{ field.handle }}"
                                   {% if fieldSettings and fieldSettings.handle|length %}checked=""{% endif %}>
                            <label for="{{ field.handle }}-input">
                                {{ }}

                    {% if parser and parser.getOptionType()|length %}
                        <div id="{{ field.handle }}-option" {% if fieldSettings and fieldSettings.handle|length %}{% else %} class="hidden" {% endif %}>
                            {% switch parser.getOptionType() %}
                            {% case 'select' %}
                                <div class="field">
                                    <div class="heading">
                                        <label id="{{ field.handle }}-options"
                                               for="{{ field.handle }}-options">{{ parser.getOptionLabel()|length ? parser.getOptionLabel() : "Select an option" }}
                                            <span class="visually-hidden">Required</span><span class="required"
                                    {% if parser.getOptionDescription() %}
                                        <div id="elementType-instructions" class="instructions">
                                            <p>{{ parser.getOptionDescription() }}</p>
                                    {% endif %}
                                    <div class="input ltr">
                                        <div class="select">
                                            {# TODO: aria labels for this? #}
                                            <select name="fields[{{ field.handle }}][property]"
                                                    id="{{ field.handle }}-options">
                                                {% for key, label in parser.getOptions() %}
                                                    <option value="{{ key }}">{{ label }}</option>
                                                {% endfor %}
                                            {# TODO: Add custom option? #}
                            {% endswitch %}
                    {% endif %}
                {% endif %}
            {% endfor %}
            {% if showNotSupportedNotice %}
                <div style="margin-top: 20px; padding: 20px; background-color: rgba(100, 108, 255, 0.14); border-radius: 20px;">
                    <h3>⚠️ {{ "Unsupported fields found"|t('exporter') }}</h3>
                    <p>{{ "This element contains fields that can not be exported"|t('exporter') }}</p>
            {% endif %}

        <div class="field">
            {{ hiddenInput('nextStep', '3') }}
            <button type="submit" class="btn submit">{{ "Next" }}</button>
    {% endif %}