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# How to contribute

Thanks for contributing to skeleton! Just follow these single guidelines:

* You __MUST__ follow the PSR-2 coding standard. Please see [PSR-2]( for more details.
    * Please run `composer format-preview` to see which codes should be fixed.
    * Please run `composer format` to fix coding style, before sending pull requests.
* You __MUST__ pass all unit tests in your local environment.
    * Please run `composer test`.
    * Please run `docker-compose up` if you can. This will run unit tests against multiple PHP versions.
* You __MUST__ use [feature / topic branches]( to ease the merge of contributions.
* You __MUST__ use the provided [commit message template](../.gitmessage), which follows the [rules]( described by Chris Beams. It can be configured via `composer configure-commit-template` prior to committing.