include 'vendor/autoload.php';
use function Async\Path\file_get;
use function Async\Stream\{messenger_for, net_accept, net_close, net_local, net_response, net_server, net_write};
const WEB_DIR = __DIR__ . DS;
function main($port)
$count = 0;
$server = yield net_server($port);
print('Server is running on: ' . net_local($server) . \EOL);
while (true) {
// Will pause current task and wait for connection, all others tasks will continue to run
$connected = yield net_accept($server);
// Once an connection is made, will create new task and continue execution there, will not block
yield \away(\handleClient($connected, $count));
function handleClient($socket, int $counter)
yield \stateless_task();
// add 2 second delay to every 10th request
if ($counter % 10 === 0) {
print("Adding delay. Count: " . $counter . \EOL);
yield \sleep_for(2);
$html = messenger_for('response');
$contents = yield file_get(WEB_DIR . 'hello.html');
if (\is_string($contents)) {
$output = net_response($html, $contents, 200);
} else {
$output = net_response($html, "The file you requested does not exist. Sorry!", 404);
yield net_write($socket, $output);
yield net_close($socket);