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Test Coverage
# Memory:
# By default 25% of host system memory will be allocated to the guest. But you
# may override that amount by setting a fixed value here. A lower limit of
# 1024 MB is always enforced.
# memory: 2048

# Cores:
# By default all cores available on the host system will be used. Please take
# care that specifying more cores than you have available in your host host
# system, may actually 'reduce' performance.
# cores: 2

## Boot Timeout
# The time in seconds that Vagrant will wait for the machine to boot.
# boot_timeout: 600

# Debug:
# If debug is enabled, the virtualbox gui will be shown.
# debug: no

# Forward ports:
# Should any ports be forwarded to the host system? - generally not needed
# forward_ports: no

# Synced folders:
# Host system folders (src) that will be mounted on the guest system (target).
# Homestead installs all sites and sources in the /var/www/ folder. So for ease
# of use we recomend to mount a single host 'Development' folder on /var/www/.
# Linux and OSX users will get the benefit of an NFS mount, but Windows users
# will get the default Vagrant shared folder. SMB may also work fine in the
# future.
# But...
# If you want a SUPER fast vm, you can leave this set empty. No folders will be
# shared from host to guest. You will have to set up your ide to access the
# homestead box just as if it was a regular remote server. This will be fastest
# because file intensive actions like class inspections etc. will take place on
# the 'native' filesystem instead of over nfs or another 'mounted' filesystem.
#  - name: Development
#    src: ~/Projects/TYPO3/Development
#    target: /var/www
  - name: Development
    src: .
    target: /var/www/local.typo3.org

# IP:
# The IP address of local network interface. This defaults to
# which happens to be the ip pointed to by *.local.typo3.org. You are advised
# to leave this untouched unless you actually have a network collision. In this
# case you will need to take care of mapping your own hostname aliasses in the
# Vagrantfile
# private_interface: ""