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# Legato PHP Framework
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## About Legato

Legato is a web application framework that sits on the shoulders of giants like Symfony and Laravel, when you need a lightweight framework for PHP development.

## Documentation

[Stabled and Versioned Docs](http://bit.ly/2IyIbaF)

## Learning Legato

[Devscreencast Video Tutorials](http://bit.ly/2rYoeyv)

[Youtube Videos](http://bit.ly/2rRANf8)

## Contributing

Thank you for considering contributing to the Legato framework! Feel free to create a pull request.
The contribution guide will be released soon.

## Slack Channels
[Join Legato Slack Group](https://join.slack.com/t/legatoframework/shared_invite/enQtMzczODM4MTUyODcxLTZhOTc1YjA4YWE5OGZkMDFhN2U3OGRmOThmNWJkZjBlYTE4M2U2MDcwNDBhNTdhMWU0NjA4MjEwODY4MGIyMjk)

## Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within Legato,
please send an e-mail to Terry Ogbemudia Osayawe
via [terrymarcy2000@yahoo.com](mailto:terrymarcy2000@yahoo.com).
All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

## License

The Legato framework is open-sourced software
licensed under the [MIT license](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).