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# JSRap

A Node.js module to wrap existing library functions with custom code.

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## Installation

npm i jsrap

## Usage

var { PrototypeWrapper } = require("jsrap");
var Target = require("some-class");

PrototypeWrapper(Target, "someMethod", {
  before() {"Executed before someMethod");
  after() {"Executed after someMethod");

## Methods

All of the following methods may be passed in the options object.

### `before(...args: any[]): any[]`

The before method is called with all of the arguments of the original function passed in. Your implementation must either return the arguments array, or `void`.

### `exceptionHandler(exception: any, ...args: any[]): any`

This method is called whenever an exception is thrown by the original method. It's return value is saved as the method result if it's not `void`.

### `after(...args: any[]): any`

This method is called after the original method has completed. All of the original arguments are passed to it, and it can return `void` or some other value that will be used as the method result. If `void` is returned, the previous result value is saved.

### `filterResults(result: any): any`

Allows you to modify the results before returning. Whatever is returned from this function is used as the final result.