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6 days
Test Coverage
/* eslint no-console: 0 */
/* ^^^ remove once testing complete
import JSONFormatter from 'json-formatter-js'
import qrlAddressValidator from '@theqrl/validate-qrl-address'
import _ from 'underscore'
import qrlNft from '@theqrl/nft-providers'
import { BigNumber } from 'bignumber.js'
import { rawAddressToB32Address, rawAddressToHexAddress } from '@theqrl/explorer-helpers'
import './address.html'
import {
  bytesToString, anyAddressToRaw, hexOrB32, numberToString, SHOR_PER_QUANTA, upperCaseFirst, decimalToBinary,
} from '../../../startup/both/index.js'

BigNumber.config({ EXPONENTIAL_AT: 1e+9 })
let tokensHeld = []

// const ab2str = buf => String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint16Array(buf))

const addressResultsRefactor = (res) => {
  // rewrite all arrays as strings (Q-addresses) or hex (hashes)
  const output = res
  if (res.state) {
    // output.state.address = ab2str(output.state.address)
    output.state.txcount = output.state.transaction_hashes.length

    // transactions
    const transactions = []
    output.state.transaction_hashes.forEach((value) => {
      transactions.push({ txhash: Buffer.from(value).toString('hex') })
    output.state.transactions = transactions

    // pubhashes
    const pubhashes = []
    if (output.state.pubhashes) {
      output.state.pubhashes.forEach((value) => {
        const adjusted = Buffer.from(value).toString('hex')
      output.state.pubhashes = pubhashes

    // txhashes
    const transactionHashes = []
    output.state.transaction_hashes.forEach((value) => {
      const adjusted = Buffer.from(value).toString('hex')
    output.state.transaction_hashes = transactionHashes
  return output

async function parseOTS(obj) {
  const k = Object.keys(obj)
  let c = 0
  let ret = ''
  k.forEach((val) => {
    let o = '<div class="column '
    if (obj[val] === 1) {
      o = `${o}used`
    } else {
      o = `${o}unused`
    o = `${o}">${val}</div>`
    c += 1
    if (c > 10) {
      ret = `${ret}</div><div class="row">`
      c -= 10
    ret = `${ret}${o}`
  if (c < 10) {
    // add some empty columns
    for (let i = c; i < 10; i += 1) {
      ret = `${ret}<div class="column"></div>`
  return ret

async function OTS(obj) {
  const x = await parseOTS(obj)
  Session.set('OTStracker', `<div class="row">${x}</div>`)

function loadAddressTransactions(aId, page) {
  Session.set('addressTransactions', [])
  // console.log('Getting transactions for page ', page)
  const addresstx = anyAddressToRaw(aId)
  const request = {
    address: addresstx,
    item_per_page: 10,
    page_number: page,
  }'getTransactionsByAddress', request, (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      Session.set('addressTransactions', { error: err })
    } else {
      Session.set('addressTransactions', res.transactions_detail)
      const a = Session.get('address')
      a.transactions = res.transactions_detail
      Session.set('address', a)
      Session.set('fetchedTx', true)
    }'getSlavesByAddress', request, (errSlaves, resSlaves) => {
      if (errSlaves) {
        // error handling
      } else {
        Session.set('slaves', resSlaves)


const getTokenBalances = (getAddress, callback) => {
  const request = {
    address: anyAddressToRaw(getAddress),
  }'getFullAddressState', request, (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      // TODO - Error handling
    } else {
      // Now for each res.state.token we find, go discover token name and symbol
      // eslint-disable-next-line
      if (res.state.address !== '') {
        Object.keys(res.state.tokens).forEach((key) => {
          const tokenHash = key
          const tokenBalance = res.state.tokens[key]

          const thisToken = {}

          const req = {
            query: Buffer.from(tokenHash, 'hex'),

'getObject', req, (objErr, objRes) => {
            if (err) {
              // TODO - Error handling here
              console.log('err:', objErr)
            } else {
              // Check if this is a token hash.
              // eslint-disable-next-line
              if (objRes.transaction.tx.transactionType !== 'token') {
                // TODO - Error handling here
              } else {
                const tokenDetails = objRes.transaction.tx.token
                thisToken.hash = tokenHash
       = bytesToString(
                thisToken.symbol = bytesToString(tokenDetails.symbol) // eslint-disable-next-line
                thisToken.balance = tokenBalance / Math.pow(10, tokenDetails.decimals)
                let nft = {}
                const symbol = Buffer.from(tokenDetails.symbol).toString(
                if (symbol.slice(0, 8) === '00ff00ff') {
                  const nftBytes = Buffer.concat([
                  const idBytes = Buffer.from(nftBytes.slice(4, 8))
                  const cryptoHashBytes = Buffer.from(nftBytes.slice(8, 40))
                  const id = Buffer.from(idBytes).toString('hex')
                  const provider = `Q${Buffer.from(objRes.transaction.addr_from).toString('hex')}`
                  const providerDetails = {
                    known: false,
                  _.each(qrlNft.providers, (providerList) => {
                    if (, 10) === id) {
                      _.each(providerList.addresses, (address) => {
                        if (address === provider) {
                          providerDetails.known = true
                          providerDetails.url = providerList.url
                  nft = {
                    txhash: Buffer.from(objRes.transaction.tx.transaction_hash).toString('hex'),
                    type: 'CREATE NFT',
                    hash: Buffer.from(cryptoHashBytes).toString('hex'),
                  thisToken.nft = nft
                Session.set('tokensHeld', tokensHeld)


        // When done hide loading section
      } else {
        // Wallet not found, put together an empty response

const otsParse = (response, totalSignatures) => {
  // Parse OTS Bitfield, and grab the lowest unused key
  let newOtsBitfield = {}
  let thisOtsBitfield = []
  if (response.ots_bitfield_by_page[0].ots_bitfield !== undefined) {
    thisOtsBitfield = response.ots_bitfield_by_page[0].ots_bitfield
  thisOtsBitfield.forEach((item, index) => {
    const thisDecimal = new Uint8Array(item)[0]
    const thisBinary = decimalToBinary(thisDecimal).reverse()
    const startIndex = index * 8
    for (let i = 0; i < 8; i += 1) {
      const thisOtsIndex = startIndex + i
      // Add to parsed array unless we have reached the end of the signatures
      if (thisOtsIndex < totalSignatures) {
        newOtsBitfield[thisOtsIndex] = thisBinary[i]
  // console.log('otslen', newOtsBitfield)
  if (newOtsBitfield.length > totalSignatures) {
    newOtsBitfield = newOtsBitfield.slice(0, totalSignatures + 1)

  // Add in OTS fields to response
  const ots = {}
  ots.keys = newOtsBitfield
  ots.nextKey = response.next_unused_ots_index
  // console.log('ots:', ots)
  return ots

const renderAddressBlock = () => {
  const aId = upperCaseFirst(FlowRouter.getParam('aId'))
  let tPage = FlowRouter.getParam('tPage')
  tPage = parseInt(tPage, 10)
  if (!tPage) { tPage = 1 }
  // TODO: validate aId before constructing Method call
  if (aId) {
    const validate = qrlAddressValidator.hexString(aId)
    if (validate.result === false) { return }
    const req = {
      address: anyAddressToRaw(aId),
    if (validate.sig.type === 'MULTISIG') {'getMultiSigAddressState', req, (err, res) => {
        if (err) {
          Session.set('address', { error: err, id: aId })
        } else {
          if (!(res.state.address)) {
            res.state.address = aId
          let bal = new BigNumber(res.state.balance)
          bal = bal.div(SHOR_PER_QUANTA)
          res.state.balance = bal.toString()
          Session.set('address', addressResultsRefactor(res))
    } else {'getAddressState', req, (err, res) => {
        if (err) {
          Session.set('address', { error: err, id: aId })
        } else {
          if (res) {
            res.state.balance = (parseInt(res.state.balance, 10) / SHOR_PER_QUANTA).toFixed(9)
            if (!(res.state.address)) {
              res.state.address = aId
            if (parseInt(res.state.txcount, 10) === 0 && parseInt(res.state.nonce, 10) === 0) {
              res.state.empty_warning = true
            } else {
              res.state.empty_warning = false

          req.page_from = 1
          req.page_count = 1
          req.unused_ots_index_from = 0

'getOTS', req, (error, result) => {
            if (err) {
              Session.set('address', { error, id: aId })
            } else {
              const ots = otsParse(result, qrlAddressValidator.hexString(res.state.address).sig.number)
              res.ots = ots
              res.ots.keysConsumed = res.state.used_ots_key_count

              // generate OTS tracker HTML

              Session.set('address', addressResultsRefactor(res))
              Session.set('fetchedTx', false)
              const numPages = Math.ceil(res.state.transaction_hash_count / 10)
              const pages = []
              while (pages.length !== numPages) {
                  number: pages.length + 1,
                  from: ((pages.length + 1) * 10) + 1,
                  to: ((pages.length + 1) * 10) + 10,
              // let txArray = null
              Session.set('pages', pages)
              Session.set('active', tPage)
              // const startIndex = (tPage - 1) * 10
              // txArray = res.state.transactions.reverse().slice(startIndex, startIndex + 10)
              Session.set('fetchedTx', false)
              loadAddressTransactions(aId, tPage)
  }'QRLvalue', (err, res) => {
    if (err) {
      Session.set('qrl', 'Error getting value from API')
    } else {
      Session.set('qrl', res)

  bech32() {
    return Session.equals('addressFormat', 'bech32')
  address() {
    try {
      const address = Session.get('address')
      if (Session.get('address').error) {
        return { found: false, parameter: FlowRouter.getParam('aId') }
      if (address !== undefined) {
        if (address.state !== undefined) {
          address.state.address = hexOrB32(
          return address
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  isCreateNFT() {
    try {
      if (this.token.nft.type === 'CREATE NFT') {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  heldTokenIsNFT() {
    if (this.nft) {
      return true
    return false
  isNFTTransfer() {
    try {
      if (this.transfer_token.nft.type === 'TRANSFER NFT') {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  knownProvider() {
    let id
    if (this.token) {
      id =
    } else if (this.transfer_token) {
      id =
    try {
      const from = Session.get('address').state.address
      let known = false
      _.each(qrlNft.providers, (provider) => {
        if ( === `0x${id}`) {
          _.each(provider.addresses, (address) => {
            if (address === from) {
              known = true
      return known
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  knownProviderNonSpecific() {
    try {
      const from = Session.get('address').state.address
      let known = false
      _.each(qrlNft.providers, (provider) => {
        _.each(provider.addresses, (address) => {
          if (address === from) {
            known = true
      return known
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  providerURL() {
    let id
    if (this.token) {
      id =
    } else {
      id =
    let url = ''
    _.each(qrlNft.providers, (provider) => {
      if ( === `0x${id}`) {
        url = provider.url
    return url
  providerName() {
    let id
    if (this.token) {
      id =
    } else {
      id =
    let name = ''
    _.each(qrlNft.providers, (provider) => {
      if ( === `0x${id}`) {
        name =
    return name
  providerID() {
    if (this.token) {
      return `0x${}`
    return `0x${}`
  isMultiSig() {
    try {
      if (
        ).sig.type === 'MULTISIG'
      ) {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (error) {
      return false
  pages() {
    let ret = []
    const active = Session.get('active')
    if (Session.get('pages').length > 0) {
      ret = Session.get('pages')
      if (active - 5 <= 0) {
        ret = ret.slice(0, 9)
      } else {
        // eslint-disable-next-line
        if (active + 10 > ret.length) {
          ret = ret.slice(ret.length - 10, ret.length)
        } else {
          ret = ret.slice(active - 5, active + 4)
    return ret
  coinbaseValue() {
    return this.coinbase.amount / SHOR_PER_QUANTA
  // timestampToDateTime(ts) {
  //   console.log('ts', ts)
  //   if (moment.unix(ts.timestamp).isValid()) {
  //     return moment.unix(ts.timestamp).format('HH:mm D MMM YYYY')
  //   }
  //   return 'Unconfirmed Tx'
  // },
  addressTx() {
    let ret = []
    if (Session.get('addressTransactions').length > 0) {
      ret = Session.get('addressTransactions')
    return ret
  addressTransactions() {
    try {
      const transactions = []
      const thisAddress = rawAddressToB32Address(
      _.each(Session.get('addressTransactions'), (transaction) => {
        // Store modified transaction
        const y = transaction.tx

        // Update timestamp from unix epoch to human readable time/date.
        if (moment.unix(transaction.timestamp).isValid()) {
          y.timestamp = moment
            .format('HH:mm D MMM YYYY')
        } else {
          y.timestamp = 'Unconfirmed Tx'

        y.addr_from = transaction.addr_from

        // Set total received amount if sent to this address
        let thisReceivedAmount = 0
        if (
          transaction.type === 'transfer' ||
          transaction.type === 'transfer_token'
        ) {
          _.each(transaction.outputs, (output) => {
            if (output.address_b32 === thisAddress) {
              thisReceivedAmount += parseFloat(output.amount)
        y.thisReceivedAmount = numberToString(thisReceivedAmount)

      // console.log('transactions', transactions)
      return transactions
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  receivedAmount(tx) {
    if (tx.transfer_token) {
      if (tx.transfer_token.nft) {
        return ''
    try {
      const a = Session.get('address').state.address
      const outputs = tx.transfer
      if (outputs) {
        let amount = 0
        _.each(outputs.addrs_to, (element, key) => {
          if (element === a) {
            amount += outputs.amounts[key] / SHOR_PER_QUANTA
        return amount
      return ''
    } catch (e) {
      return ''
  receivedTokens(tx) {
    if (tx.transfer_token.nft) {
      return ''
    const a = Session.get('address').state.address
    const outputs = tx.transfer_token.addrs_to
    let amount = 0
    if (outputs) {
      _.each(outputs, (element, key) => {
        if (element === a) {
          amount +=
            tx.transfer_token.amounts[key] /
            10 ** parseInt(tx.token.decimals, 10)
      return `${amount} ${tx.token.symbol}`
    return ''
  sendingOutputs(outputs) {
    // console.log('outputs', outputs)
    const result = []
    _.each(outputs.transfer.addrs_to, (element, key) => {
      const a = new BigNumber(outputs.transfer.amounts[key])
        to: element,
        amount: a.dividedBy(SHOR_PER_QUANTA).toString(),
    // console.log('return in sendingOutputs', result)
    return result
  totalTransferred(tx) {
    const outputs = tx.transfer
    if (outputs) {
      let amount = new BigNumber(0)
      _.each(outputs.amounts, (element) => {
        amount =
      return amount.dividedBy(SHOR_PER_QUANTA).toString()
    return ''
  addressHasTransactions() {
    try {
      if (Session.get('addressTransactions').length > 0) {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  notFound() {
    try {
      if (Session.get('address').error) {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  isThisAddress(address) {
    try {
      // console.log(address)
      if (address === Session.get('address').state.address) {
        // console.log('isThisAddress ping true on ', address)
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  getAmount(index) {
    return this.amounts[index]
  QRtext() {
    return upperCaseFirst(FlowRouter.getParam('aId'))
  qrl() {
    const address = Session.get('address')
    try {
      const value = address.state.balance
      const x = Session.get('qrl')
      return Math.round(x * value * 100) / 100
    } catch (e) {
      return '...'
  color() {
    let ret = ''
    if (this.found) {
      if (this.transaction.tx.transactionType === 'coinbase') {
        ret = 'teal'
      if (this.transaction.tx.transactionType === 'stake') {
        ret = 'red'
      if (this.transaction.tx.transactionType === 'transfer') {
        ret = 'yellow'
    return ret
  isActive() {
    let ret = ''
    const tPage = parseInt(FlowRouter.getParam('tPage'), 10)
    if (this.number === Session.get('active') || tPage === this.number) {
      ret = 'active'
    return ret
  pback() {
    let ret = false
    if (Session.get('active') !== 1) {
      ret = true
    return ret
  pforward() {
    let ret = false
    if (Session.get('active') !== Session.get('pages').length) {
      ret = true
    return ret
  pagination() {
    let ret = false
    if (Session.get('pages')) {
      if (Session.get('pages').length > 1) {
        ret = true
    return ret
  currentPage() {
    return Session.get('active')
  isTransfer(txType) {
    if (txType === 'transfer') {
      return true
    return false
  isTokenCreation(txType) {
    if (txType === 'token') {
      return true
    return false
  isTokenTransfer(txType) {
    if (txType === 'transfer_token') {
      return true
    return false
  isCoinbaseTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'coinbase') {
      return true
    return false
  isSlaveTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'slave') {
      return true
    return false
  isLatticePKTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'latticePK') {
      return true
    return false
  isMessageTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'message') {
      return true
    return false
  isMultiSigCreateTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'multi_sig_create') {
      return true
    return false
  isMultiSigSpendTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'multi_sig_spend') {
      return true
    return false
  isMultiSigVoteTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'multi_sig_vote') {
      return true
    return false
  isKeybaseTxn(txType) {
    if (txType === 'keybase') {
      return true
    return false
  isDocumentNotarisation(txType) {
    if (txType === 'document_notarisation') {
      return true
    return false
  tokensHeld() {
    return Session.get('tokensHeld')
  ownTokens() {
    try {
      const tokens = Session.get('tokensHeld')
      let count = tokens.length
      if (count > 0) {
        _.each(tokens, (token) => {
          if (token.nft) {
            count -= 1
      if (count > 0) {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  ownNFTs() {
    try {
      const tokens = Session.get('tokensHeld')
      let count = tokens.length
      if (count > 0) {
        _.each(tokens, (token) => {
          if (!token.nft) {
            count -= 1
      if (count > 0) {
        return true
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  addressValidation() {
    try {
      if (Session.get('address').state) {
        const thisAddress = rawAddressToHexAddress(
        const result = {}
        const validationResult = qrlAddressValidator.hexString(thisAddress)

        result.height = validationResult.sig.height
        result.totalSignatures = validationResult.sig.number

        result.signatureScheme = validationResult.sig.type
        result.hashFunction = validationResult.hash.function
        if (Session.get('address').ots) {
          const { keysConsumed } = Session.get('address').ots
          result.keysRemaining =
            parseInt(result.totalSignatures, 10) - parseInt(keysConsumed, 10)
        return result
      return false
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  totalPages() {
    if (Session.get('pages')) {
      return Session.get('pages').length
    return false
  OTStracker() {
    return Session.get('OTStracker')
  signatories(i) {
    try {
      if (i) {
        if (i === 'MULTISIG') {
          const addressState = Session.get('address').state
          const r = []
          _.each(addressState.signatories, (item, index) => {
            r.push({ address_hex: item, weight: addressState.weights[index] })
          return r
        return `${i.multi_sig_create.weights.length} signatories`
      return null
    } catch (error) {
      return null
  msSpendAmount(i) {
    try {
      let sum = new BigNumber(0)
      _.each(i.multi_sig_spend.amounts, (a) => {
        sum =
      return sum.dividedBy(SHOR_PER_QUANTA).toNumber()
    } catch (error) {
      return null
  msVoteStatus(i) {
    try {
      if (i.multi_sig_vote.unvote === true) {
        return 'Approval revoked'
      return 'Approved'
    } catch (error) {
      return null
  threshold() {
    try {
      return Session.get('address').state.threshold
    } catch (error) {
      return null
  hasSlaves() {
    try {
      const x = Session.get('slaves')
      if (x.length === 0) {
        return false
      return true
    } catch (e) {
      return false
  slaves() {
    return Session.get('slaves')
  'keypress #paginator': (event) => {
    if (event.keyCode === 13) {
      const x = parseInt($('#paginator').val(), 10)
      const max = Session.get('pages').length
      if ((x < (max + 1)) && (x > 0)) {
  'click .refresh': () => {
    Session.set('address', {})
  'click .close': () => {
  'click .jsonclick': () => {
    if (!($('.json').html())) {
      const myJSON = Session.get('address')
      const formatter = new JSONFormatter(myJSON)
  'click .slave-address': () => {
    $('#addressTabs').tab('change tab', 'transactions')
    $('#addressTabs > a').last().removeClass('active')
    $('#addressTabs > a').first().addClass('active')
  'click .pagination': (event) => {
    let b = 0
    Session.set('addressTransactions', {})
    if (parseInt(, 10)) {
      b = parseInt(, 10)
      Session.set('active', b)
    } else {
      const a ='qrl-data')
      b = Session.get('active')
      const c = Session.get('pages').length
      if (a === 'forward') {
        b += 1
      if (a === 'back') {
        b -= 1
      if (b > c) {
        b = c
      if (b < 1) {
        b = 1
    // const startIndex = (b - 1) * 10
    Session.set('active', b)
    Session.set('fetchedTx', false)
  'click #clickHelp': () => {'', '_blank')
  'click .transactionRecord': (event) => {
    let route = ''
    route = event.currentTarget.attributes[0].ownerElement.childNodes[5].children[0].attributes[0].nodeValue
    if (route.length !== 68) {
      route = event.currentTarget.lastElementChild.children[0].attributes[0].nodeValue

Template.address.onRendered(() => {
  $('#addressTabs .item').tab()
      on: 'hover',
  Tracker.autorun(() => {
    Session.set('address', {})
    Session.set('addressTransactions', {})
    Session.set('qrl', 0)
    Session.set('pages', [])
    Session.set('active', 1)
    Session.set('fetchedTx', false)
    Session.set('slaves', [])
    if (FlowRouter.getParam('aId')) {

  Tracker.autorun(() => {
    if (Session.equals('addressFormat', 'bech32') || Session.equals('addressFormat', 'hex')) {
      addressToRender = hexOrB32(Session.get('address').state.address)

      // Re-render identicon
      jdenticon.update('#identicon', addressToRender)
      // Re-render QR Code
      // $('.qr-code-container').qrcode({ width: 100, height: 100, text: addressToRender })

  tokensHeld = []
  Session.set('tokensHeld', [])

  // Get Tokens and Balances
  getTokenBalances(upperCaseFirst(FlowRouter.getParam('aId')), () => {

  // Render identicon (needs to be here for initial load).
  // Also Session.get('address') is blank at this point
  // $('.qr-code-container').qrcode({ width: 100, height: 100, text: upperCaseFirst(FlowRouter.getParam('aId')) })
  // jdenticon.update('#identicon', upperCaseFirst(FlowRouter.getParam('aId'))) /* eslint no-undef:0 */