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import type { IDeref, IObjectOf } from "";
import type { IAtom } from "";
import { Atom } from "";
import { implementsFunction } from "";
import { isArray } from "";
import { isFunction } from "";
import { isPromise } from "";
import { illegalArgs } from "";
import { setInUnsafe } from "";
import { updateInUnsafe } from "";
import {
    type EffectDef,
    type EffectPriority,
    type Event,
    type EventDef,
    type IDispatch,
    type Interceptor,
    type InterceptorContext,
    type InterceptorFn,
    type SideEffect,
} from "./api.js";

 * Batched event processor for using composable interceptors for event
 * handling and side effects to execute the result of handled events.
 * @remarks
 * Events processed by this class are simple 2-element tuples/arrays of
 * this form: `["event-id", payload?]`, where the `payload` is optional
 * and can be of any type.
 * Events are processed by registered handlers which transform each
 * event into a number of side effect descriptions to be executed later.
 * This separation ensures event handlers themselves are pure functions
 * and leads to more efficient reuse of side effecting operations. The
 * pure data nature until the last stage of processing (the application
 * side effects) too means that event flow can be much easier inspected
 * and debugged.
 * In this model a single event handler itself is an array of objects
 * with `pre` and/or `post` keys and functions attached to each key.
 * These functions are called interceptors, since each intercepts the
 * processing of an event and can contribute their own side effects.
 * Each event's interceptor chain is processed bi-directionally (`pre`
 * in forward, `post` in reverse order) and the effects returned from
 * each interceptor are merged/collected. The outcome of this setup is a
 * more aspect-oriented, composable approach to event handling and
 * allows to inject common, re-usable behaviors for multiple event types
 * (logging, validation, undo/redo triggers etc.).
 * Side effects are only processed after all event handlers have run.
 * Furthermore, their order of execution can be configured with optional
 * priorities.
 * See for further details:
 * - {@link StatelessEventBus.processQueue}
 * - {@link StatelessEventBus.processEvent}
 * - {@link StatelessEventBus.processEffects}
 * - {@link StatelessEventBus.mergeEffects}
 * The overall approach of this type of event processing is heavily
 * based on the pattern initially pioneered by @Day8/re-frame, with the
 * following differences:
 * - stateless (see {@link EventBus} for the more common stateful
 *   alternative)
 * - standalone implementation (no assumptions about surrounding
 *   context/framework)
 * - manual control over event queue processing
 * - supports event cancellation (via FX_CANCEL side effect)
 * - side effect collection (multiple side effects for same effect type
 *   per frame)
 * - side effect priorities (to control execution order)
 * - dynamic addition/removal of handlers & effects
export class StatelessEventBus implements IDispatch {
    state: any;

    protected eventQueue: Event[];
    protected currQueue: Event[] | undefined;
    protected currCtx: InterceptorContext | undefined;

    protected handlers: IObjectOf<Interceptor[]>;
    protected effects: IObjectOf<SideEffect>;
    protected priorities: EffectPriority[];

     * Creates a new event bus instance with given handler and effect
     * definitions (all optional).
     * @remarks
     * In addition to the user provided handlers & effects, a number of
     * built-ins are added automatically. See
     * {@link StatelessEventBus.addBuiltIns}. User handlers can override
     * built-ins.
     * @param handlers -
     * @param effects -
        handlers?: IObjectOf<EventDef>,
        effects?: IObjectOf<EffectDef>
    ) {
        this.handlers = {};
        this.effects = {};
        this.eventQueue = [];
        this.priorities = [];
        if (handlers) {
        if (effects) {

     * Adds built-in event & side effect handlers.
     * @remarks
     * Also see additional built-ins defined by the stateful {@link EventBus}
     * extension of this class, as well as comments for these class methods:
     * - {@link StatelessEventBus.mergeEffects}
     * - {@link StatelessEventBus.processEvent}
     * ### Handlers
     * currently none...
     * ### Side effects
     * #### `FX_CANCEL`
     * If assigned `true`, cancels processing of current event, though still
     * applies any side effects already accumulated.
     * #### `FX_DISPATCH`
     * Dispatches assigned events to be processed in next frame.
     * #### `FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC`
     * Async wrapper for promise based side effects.
     * #### `FX_DISPATCH_NOW`
     * Dispatches assigned events as part of currently processed event queue (no
     * delay).
     * #### `FX_DELAY`
     * Async side effect. Only to be used in conjunction with
     * `FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC`. Triggers given event after `x` milliseconds.
     * ```js
     * import { FX_DELAY, FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC } from "";
     * // this triggers `[EV_SUCCESS, "ok"]` event after 1000 ms
     * { [FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC]: [FX_DELAY, [1000, "ok"], EV_SUCCESS, EV_ERROR] }
     * ```
     * #### `FX_FETCH`
     * Async side effect. Only to be used in conjunction with
     * `FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC`. Performs `fetch()` HTTP request and triggers success
     * with received response, or if there was an error with response's
     * `statusText`. The error event is only triggered if the fetched response's
     * `ok` field is non-truthy.
     * -
     * -
     * ```js
     * import { FX_FETCH, FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC } from "";
     * // fetches "foo.json" and then dispatches EV_SUCCESS or EV_ERROR event
     * { [FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC]: [FX_FETCH, "foo.json", EV_SUCCESS, EV_ERROR] }
     * ```
    addBuiltIns(): any {
            [FX_DISPATCH]: [(e) => this.dispatch(e), -999],

            [FX_DISPATCH_ASYNC]: [
                ([id, arg, success, err], bus, ctx) => {
                    const fx = this.effects[id];
                    if (fx) {
                        const p = fx(arg, bus, ctx);
                        if (isPromise(p)) {
                            p.then((res) =>
                                this.dispatch([success, res])
                            ).catch((e) => this.dispatch([err, e]));
                        } else {
                            LOGGER.warn("async effect did not return Promise");
                    } else {
                        LOGGER.warn(`skipping invalid async effect: ${id}`);

            [FX_DELAY]: [
                ([x, body]) =>
                    new Promise((res) => setTimeout(() => res(body), x)),

            [FX_FETCH]: [
                (req) =>
                    fetch(req).then((resp) => {
                        if (!resp.ok) {
                            throw new Error(resp.statusText);
                        return resp;

    addHandler(id: string, spec: EventDef) {
        const iceps = this.interceptorsFromSpec(spec);
        if (iceps.length > 0) {
            if (this.handlers[id]) {
                LOGGER.warn(`overriding handler for ID: ${id}`);
            this.handlers[id] = iceps;
        } else {
            illegalArgs(`no handlers in spec for ID: ${id}`);

    addHandlers(specs: IObjectOf<EventDef>) {
        for (let id in specs) {
            this.addHandler(id, specs[id]);

    addEffect(id: string, fx: SideEffect, priority = 1) {
        if (this.effects[id]) {
            LOGGER.warn(`overriding effect for ID: ${id}`);
        this.effects[id] = fx;
        const p: EffectPriority = [id, priority];
        const priors = this.priorities;
        for (let i = 0; i < priors.length; i++) {
            if (p[1] < priors[i][1]) {
                priors.splice(i, 0, p);

    addEffects(specs: IObjectOf<EffectDef>) {
        for (let id in specs) {
            const fx = specs[id];
            if (isArray(fx)) {
                this.addEffect(id, fx[0], fx[1]);
            } else {
                this.addEffect(id, fx);

     * Prepends given interceptors (or interceptor functions) to
     * selected handlers. If no handler IDs are given, applies
     * instrumentation to all currently registered handlers.
     * @param inject -
     * @param ids -
    instrumentWith(inject: (Interceptor | InterceptorFn)[], ids?: string[]) {
        const iceps =;
        const handlers = this.handlers;
        for (let id of ids || Object.keys(handlers)) {
            const h = handlers[id];
            if (h) {
                handlers[id] = iceps.concat(h);

    removeHandler(id: string) {
        delete this.handlers[id];

    removeHandlers(ids: string[]) {
        for (let id of ids) {

    removeEffect(id: string) {
        delete this.effects[id];
        const p = this.priorities;
        for (let i = p.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            if (id === p[i][0]) {
                p.splice(i, 1);

    removeEffects(ids: string[]) {
        for (let id of ids) {

     * If called during event processing, returns current side effect
     * accumulator / interceptor context. Otherwise returns nothing.
    context() {
        return this.currCtx;

     * Adds given events to event queue to be processed by
     * {@link StatelessEventBus.processQueue} later on.
     * @remarks
     * It's the user's responsibility to call that latter function
     * repeatedly in a timely manner, preferably via
     * `requestAnimationFrame()` or similar.
     * @param e -
    dispatch(...e: Event[]) {

     * Adds given events to whatever is the current event queue. If
     * triggered via the `FX_DISPATCH_NOW` side effect from an event
     * handler / interceptor, the event will still be executed in the
     * currently active batch / frame. If called from elsewhere, the
     * result is the same as calling {@link dispatch}.
     * @param e -
    dispatchNow(...e: Event[]) {
        (this.currQueue || this.eventQueue).push(...e);

     * Dispatches given event after `delay` milliseconds (by default
     * 17).
     * @remarks
     * Since events are only processed by calling
     * {@link StatelessEventBus.processQueue}, it's the user's
     * responsibility to call that latter function repeatedly in a
     * timely manner, preferably via `requestAnimationFrame()` or
     * similar.
     * @param e -
     * @param delay -
    dispatchLater(e: Event, delay = 17) {
        setTimeout(() => this.dispatch(e), delay);

     * Triggers processing of current event queue and returns `true` if
     * any events have been processed.
     * @remarks
     * If an event handler triggers the `FX_DISPATCH_NOW` side effect,
     * the new event will be added to the currently processed batch and
     * therefore executed in the same frame. Also see {@link dispatchNow}.
     * An optional `ctx` (context) object can be provided, which is used
     * to collect any side effect definitions during processing. This
     * can be useful for debugging, inspection or post-processing
     * purposes.
     * @param ctx -
    processQueue(ctx?: InterceptorContext) {
        if (this.eventQueue.length > 0) {
            this.currQueue = [...this.eventQueue];
            this.eventQueue.length = 0;
            ctx = this.currCtx = ctx || {};
            for (let e of this.currQueue) {
                this.processEvent(ctx, e);
            this.currQueue = this.currCtx = undefined;
            return true;
        return false;

     * Processes a single event using its configured handler/interceptor
     * chain. Logs warning message and skips processing if no handler is
     * available for the event type.
     * @remarks
     * The array of interceptors is processed in bi-directional order.
     * First any `pre` interceptors are processed in forward order. Then
     * `post` interceptors are processed in reverse.
     * Each interceptor can return a result object of side effects,
     * which are being merged and collected for
     * {@link StatelessEventBus.processEffects}.
     * Any interceptor can trigger zero or more known side effects, each
     * (side effect) will be collected in an array to support multiple
     * invocations of the same effect type per frame. If no side effects
     * are requested, an interceptor can return `undefined`.
     * Processing of the current event stops immediately, if an
     * interceptor sets the `FX_CANCEL` side effect key to `true`.
     * However, the results of any previous interceptors (incl. the one
     * which cancelled) are kept and processed further as usual.
     * @param ctx -
     * @param e -
    protected processEvent(ctx: InterceptorContext, e: Event) {
        const iceps = this.handlers[<any>e[0]];
        if (!iceps) {
            LOGGER.warn(`missing handler for event type: ${e[0].toString()}`);
        if (!this.processForward(ctx, iceps, e)) {
        this.processReverse(ctx, iceps, e);

    protected processForward(
        ctx: InterceptorContext,
        iceps: Interceptor[],
        e: Event
    ) {
        let hasPost = false;
        for (let i = 0, n = iceps.length; i < n && !ctx[FX_CANCEL]; i++) {
            const icep = iceps[i];
            if (icep.pre) {
                this.mergeEffects(ctx, icep.pre(ctx[FX_STATE], e, this, ctx));
            hasPost = hasPost || !!;
        return hasPost;

    protected processReverse(
        ctx: InterceptorContext,
        iceps: Interceptor[],
        e: Event
    ) {
        for (let i = iceps.length; i-- > 0 && !ctx[FX_CANCEL]; ) {
            const icep = iceps[i];
            if ( {
                this.mergeEffects(ctx,[FX_STATE], e, this, ctx));

     * Takes a collection of side effects generated during event
     * processing and applies them in order of configured priorities.
     * @param ctx -
    protected processEffects(ctx: InterceptorContext) {
        const effects = this.effects;
        for (let p of this.priorities) {
            const id = p[0];
            const val = ctx[id];
            val !== undefined && this.processEffect(ctx, effects, id, val);

    protected processEffect(
        ctx: InterceptorContext,
        effects: IObjectOf<SideEffect>,
        id: string,
        val: any
    ) {
        const fn = effects[id];
        if (id !== FX_STATE) {
            for (let v of val) {
                fn(v, this, ctx);
        } else {
            fn(val, this, ctx);

     * Merges the new side effects returned from an interceptor into the
     * internal effect accumulator.
     * @remarks
     * Any events assigned to the `FX_DISPATCH_NOW` effect key are
     * immediately added to the currently active event batch.
     * If an interceptor wishes to cause multiple invocations of a
     * single side effect type (e.g. dispatch multiple other events), it
     * MUST return an array of these values. The only exceptions to this
     * are the following effects, which for obvious reasons can only
     * accept a single value.
     * **Note:** the `FX_STATE` effect is not actually defined by this
     * class here, but is supported to avoid code duplication in
     * {@link EventBus}.
     * - `FX_CANCEL`
     * - `FX_STATE`
     * Because of this support (multiple values), the value of a single
     * side effect MUST NOT be a nested array itself, or rather its
     * first item can't be an array.
     * For example:
     * ```js
     * import { FX_DISPATCH } from "";
     * // interceptor result map to dispatch a single event
     * { [FX_DISPATCH]: ["foo", "bar"]}
     * // result map format to dispatch multiple events
     * { [FX_DISPATCH]: [ ["foo", "bar"], ["baz", "beep"] ]}
     * ```
     * Any `null` / `undefined` values directly assigned to a side
     * effect are ignored and will not trigger the effect.
     * @param ctx -
     * @param ret -
    protected mergeEffects(ctx: InterceptorContext, ret: any) {
        if (!ret) {
        for (let k in ret) {
            const v = ret[k];
            if (v == null) {
            if (k === FX_STATE || k === FX_CANCEL) {
                ctx[k] = v;
            } else if (k === FX_DISPATCH_NOW) {
                if (isArray(v[0])) {
                    for (let e of v) {
                        e && this.dispatchNow(e);
                } else {
            } else {
                ctx[k] || (ctx[k] = []);
                if (isArray(v[0])) {
                    for (let e of v) {
                        e !== undefined && ctx[k].push(e);
                } else {

    protected interceptorsFromSpec(spec: EventDef) {
        return isArray(spec)
            ? (<any>spec).map(asInterceptor)
            : isFunction(spec)
            ? [{ pre: spec }]
            : [spec];

 * Stateful version of {@link StatelessEventBus}.
 * @remarks
 * Wraps an [`IAtom`](
 * state container (i.e. `Atom`/`Cursor`/`History`) and provides additional
 * pre-defined event handlers and side effects to manipulate wrapped state.
 * Prefer this as the default implementation for most use cases.
export class EventBus
    extends StatelessEventBus
    implements IDeref<any>, IDispatch
    readonly state: IAtom<any>;

     * Creates a new event bus instance with given parent state, handler and
     * effect definitions (all optional).
     * @remarks
     * If no state is given, automatically creates an
     * [`Atom`]( with empty
     * state object.
     * In addition to the user provided handlers & effects, a number of
     * built-ins are added automatically. See {@link EventBus.addBuiltIns}. User
     * handlers can override built-ins.
     * @param state -
     * @param handlers -
     * @param effects -
        state?: IAtom<any> | null,
        handlers?: IObjectOf<EventDef>,
        effects?: IObjectOf<EffectDef>
    ) {
        super(handlers, effects);
        this.state = state || new Atom({});

     * Returns value of internal state. Shorthand for:
     * `bus.state.deref()`
    deref() {
        return this.state.deref();

     * Adds same built-in event & side effect handlers as in
     * `StatelessEventBus.addBuiltIns()` and the following additions:
     * ### Handlers
     * #### `EV_SET_VALUE`
     * Resets state path to provided value. See
     * [`setIn()`](
     * Example event definition:
     * ```js
     * import { EV_SET_VALUE } from "";
     * [EV_SET_VALUE, ["", val]]
     * ```
     * #### `EV_UPDATE_VALUE`
     * Updates a state path's value with provided function and optional extra
     * arguments. See
     * [`updateIn()`](
     * Example event definition:
     * ```js
     * import { EV_UPDATE_VALUE } from "";
     * [EV_UPDATE_VALUE, ["", (x, y) => x + y, 1]]
     * ```
     * #### `EV_TOGGLE_VALUE`
     * Negates a boolean state value at given path.
     * Example event definition:
     * ```js
     * import { EV_TOGGLE_VALUE } from "";
     * [EV_TOGGLE_VALUE, ""]
     * ```
     * #### `EV_UNDO`
     * Calls `ctx[id].undo()` and uses return value as new state. Assumes
     * `ctx[id]` is a
     * [`History`](
     * instance, provided via e.g. `processQueue({ history })`. The event can be
     * triggered with or without ID. By default `"history"` is used as default
     * key to lookup the `History` instance. Furthermore, an additional event
     * can be triggered based on if a previous state has been restored or not
     * (basically, if the undo was successful). This is useful for
     * resetting/re-initializing stateful resources after a successful undo
     * action or to notify the user that no more undo's are possible. The new
     * event will be processed in the same frame and has access to the
     * (possibly) restored state. The event structure for these options is shown
     * below:
     * ```js
     * import { EV_UNDO } from "";
     * // using default ID
     * bus.dispatch([EV_UNDO]);
     * // using custom history ID
     * bus.dispatch([EV_UNDO, ["custom"]]);
     * // using custom ID and dispatch another event after undo
     * bus.dispatch([EV_UNDO, ["custom", ["ev-undo-success"], ["ev-undo-fail"]]]);
     * ```
     * #### `EV_REDO`
     * Similar to `EV_UNDO`, but for redo actions.
     * ### Side effects
     * #### `FX_STATE`
     * Resets state atom to provided value (only a single update per processing
     * frame).
    addBuiltIns(): any {
        // handlers
            [EV_SET_VALUE]: (state, [_, [path, val]]) => ({
                [FX_STATE]: setInUnsafe(state, path, val),
            [EV_UPDATE_VALUE]: (state, [_, [path, fn, ...args]]) => ({
                [FX_STATE]: updateInUnsafe(state, path, fn, ...args),
            [EV_TOGGLE_VALUE]: (state, [_, path]) => ({
                [FX_STATE]: updateInUnsafe(state, path, (x) => !x),
            [EV_UNDO]: undoHandler("undo"),
            [EV_REDO]: undoHandler("redo"),

        // effects
            [FX_STATE]: [(state) => this.state.reset(state), -1000],

     * Triggers processing of current event queue and returns `true` if the any
     * of the processed events caused a state change.
     * If an event handler triggers the `FX_DISPATCH_NOW` side effect, the new
     * event will be added to the currently processed batch and therefore
     * executed in the same frame. Also see {@link dispatchNow}.
     * If the optional `ctx` arg is provided it will be merged into the
     * {@link InterceptorContext} object passed to each interceptor. Since the
     * merged object is also used to collect triggered side effects, care must
     * be taken that there're no key name clashes.
     * In order to use the built-in `EV_UNDO`, `EV_REDO` events, users MUST
     * provide a
     * [`History`]( (or
     * compatible undo history instance) via the `ctx` arg, e.g.
     * ```
     * bus.processQueue({ history });
     * ```
    processQueue(ctx?: InterceptorContext) {
        if (this.eventQueue.length > 0) {
            const prev = this.state.deref();
            this.currQueue = [...this.eventQueue];
            this.eventQueue.length = 0;
            ctx = this.currCtx = { ...ctx, [FX_STATE]: prev };
            for (let e of this.currQueue) {
                this.processEvent(ctx, e);
            this.currQueue = this.currCtx = undefined;
            return this.state.deref() !== prev;
        return false;

const asInterceptor = (i: Interceptor | InterceptorFn) =>
    isFunction(i) ? { pre: i } : i;

const undoHandler =
    (action: string): InterceptorFn =>
    (_, [__, ev], bus, ctx) => {
        const id = ev ? ev[0] : "history";
        if (implementsFunction(ctx[id], action)) {
            const ok = ctx[id][action]();
            return {
                [FX_STATE]: bus.state.deref(),
                [FX_DISPATCH_NOW]: ev
                    ? ok !== undefined
                        ? ev[1]
                        : ev[2]
                    : undefined,
        } else {
            LOGGER.warn("no history in context");