isDebug: true,
mapOptions: {
basemap: 'streets',
center: [-96.59179687497497, 39.09596293629694],
zoom: 5,
sliderStyle: 'small'
titles: {
header: 'CMV MessageBox Widget',
subHeader: 'This is an example of Confirm and Alert MessageBoxes',
pageTitle: 'CMV MessageBox Widget'
panes: {
left: {
collapsible: false,
style: 'display:none'
operationalLayers: [],
widgets: {
// widget to create the MessageBox
messagebox: {
include: true,
id: 'messagebox',
type: 'invisible',
path: 'widgets/MessageBox',
options: {
nameSpace: 'app' // optional namespace
// simple widget to show how to open
// and respond to a message box
callMeAMessageBox: {
include: true,
id: 'callMeAMessageBox',
type: 'invisible',
path: 'dijit/_WidgetBase',
options: {
map: true,
startup: function () {
// waiting a second. not normally needed when used in your code
window.setTimeout(function () {
// use the same namespace defined in the messagebox options above
// can be called from anywhere in your code
var mb =;
title: 'Delete Feature?',
content: 'Are you sure you want to delete this feature?<br/><br/>This action cannot be undone.'
function (result) {
// respond based on the results returned from the confirm MessageBox
if (result === mb.okMessage) {
title: 'Feature Deleted',
content: 'You chose to delete the feature.'
} else if (result === mb.cancelMessage) {
title: 'NOT Deleted',
content: 'You chose NOT to delete the feature.'
function (/* result */) {}
}, 1000);