], function (esriConfig, GeometryService, ImageParameters) {
esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService('');
var imageParameters = new ImageParameters();
imageParameters.format = 'png32';
return {
isDebug: false,
defaultMapClickMode: 'identify',
mapOptions: {
basemap: 'streets',
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sliderStyle: 'small'
titles: {
header: 'CMV Search Example',
subHeader: 'This is an example of the Search Widget',
pageTitle: 'CMV Search Example'
panes: {
left: {
style: 'width:350px'
bottom: {
id: 'sidebarBottom',
placeAt: 'outer',
splitter: true,
collapsible: true,
region: 'bottom',
open: 'none', // using false doesn't work
style: 'height: 200px',
content: '<div id="attributesContainer"></div>'
collapseButtonsPane: 'center', //center or outer
operationalLayers: [
type: 'dynamic',
url: '',
title: 'Louisville Public Safety',
options: {
id: 'louisvillePubSafety',
opacity: 1.0,
visible: true,
imageParameters: imageParameters
identifyLayerInfos: {
layerIds: [2, 4, 5, 8, 12, 21]
type: 'dynamic',
url: '',
title: 'Damage Assessment',
options: {
id: 'DamageAssessment',
opacity: 1.0,
visible: true,
imageParameters: imageParameters
widgets: {
growler: {
include: true,
id: 'growler',
type: 'domNode',
path: 'gis/dijit/Growler',
srcNodeRef: 'growlerDijit',
options: {}
identify: {
include: true,
id: 'identify',
type: 'invisible',
path: 'gis/dijit/Identify',
options: {
map: true,
mapClickMode: true,
identifyLayerInfos: true,
identifyTolerance: 10
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include: true,
id: 'layerControl',
type: 'titlePane',
path: 'gis/dijit/LayerControl',
title: 'Layers',
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options: {
map: true,
layerControlLayerInfos: true,
separated: true
search: {
include: true,
id: 'search',
type: 'titlePane',
iconClass: 'fas fa-search',
path: 'widgets/Search',
title: 'Search',
open: true,
position: 1,
canFloat: true,
paneOptions: {
resizable: true,
resizeOptions: {
minSize: {
w: 650,
h: 520
options: 'config/searchWidget'
attributesTable: {
include: true,
id: 'attributesContainer',
type: 'domNode',
srcNodeRef: 'attributesContainer',
path: 'widgets/AttributesTable',
options: {
map: true,
mapClickMode: true,
// use a tab container for multiple tables or
// show only a single table
useTabs: true,
// used to open the sidebar after a query has completed
sidebarID: 'sidebarBottom'
messagebox: {
include: true,
type: 'invisible',
path: 'widgets/MessageBox',
options: {}
exportDialog: {
include: true,
id: 'export',
type: 'floating',
path: 'widgets/Export',
title: 'Export',
preload: true,
options: {}