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// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/smalltalk/domain-object-model/global-info.ts

// public class SmalltalkGlobalInfo : IGlobalInfoOps
// {
//     public string LoadPreset(string presetName)
//     {
//         switch (presetNameToLower)
//         {
//             case "collection":
//                 // From Kamin page 283.
//                 const string collectionClass = @"
// (class Collection Object ()
// () ; abstract class
// (define first () #subclassResponsibility)
// (define next () #subclassResponsibility)
// (define add: (item) #subclassResponsibility)
// (define size ()
//     (let ((tempitem (first self)) ; This has been modified to use 'let'.
//           (tempsize 0))
//         (begin
//             (while (notNil tempitem)
//                 (begin
//                     (set tempsize (+1 tempsize))
//                     (set tempitem (next self))))
//             tempsize)))
// (define isEmpty () (isNil (first self)))
// (define includes: (item)
//     (let ((tempitem (first self))
//           (found false))
//         (begin
//             (while (and (notNil tempitem) (not found))
//                 (if (= tempitem item)
//                     (set found true)
//                     (set tempitem (next self))))
//             found)))
// ; The next three methods are described in Exercise 3 on page 345.
// (define asSet ()
//     (let ((result (mkSet))
//           (tempitem (first self)))
//         (begin
//             (while (notNil tempitem)
//                 (begin
//                     (add: result tempitem)
//                     (set tempitem (next self))))
//             result)))
// (define occurrencesOf: (item)
//     (let ((tempitem (first self))
//           (count 0))
//         (begin
//             (while (notNil tempitem)
//                 (begin
//                     (if (= item tempitem)
//                         (set count (+1 count))
//                         0) ; The 0 is essentially a no-op.
//                     (set tempitem (next self))))
//             count)))
// (define addAll: (collection)
//     (let ((tempitem (first collection)))
//         (begin
//             (while (notNil tempitem)
//                 (begin
//                     (add: self tempitem)
//                     (set tempitem (next collection)))))))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 286.
//                 const string keyedCollectionClass = @"
// (class KeyedCollection Collection ()
// () ; abstract class
// (define at:put: (key value) #subclassResponsibility)
// (define currentKey () #subclassResponsibility)
// (define at: (key)
//     (begin
//         (set tempvalue (first self))
//         (set found false)
//         (while (and (notNil tempvalue) (not found))
//             (if (= key (currentKey self))
//                 (set found true)
//                 (set tempvalue (next self))))
//         tempvalue)) ; note: nil if key out of range
// (define includesKey: (key) (notNil (at: self key)))
// (define indexOf: (value)
//     (begin
//         (set tempvalue (first self))
//         (set found false)
//         (while (and (notNil tempvalue) (not found))
//             (if (= value tempvalue)
//                 (set found true)
//                 (set tempvalue (next self))))
//         (if (isNil tempvalue) nil (currentKey self))))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 289.
//                 const string sequenceableCollectionClass = @"
// (class SequenceableCollection KeyedCollection ()
// () ; abstract class
// (define firstKey () #subclassResponsibility)
// (define lastKey () #subclassResponsibility)
// (define last () (at: self (lastKey self)))
// (define at: (index)
//     (begin
//         (set iterations (- index (firstKey self)))
//         (set result (first self))
//         (while (> iterations 0)
//             (begin
//                 (set result (next self))
//                 (set iterations (- iterations 1))))
//         result))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 290.
//                 const string listClass = @"
// (class List SequenceableCollection ()
// (car cdr currentKey currentCell)
// (define car () car)
// (define cdr () cdr)
// (define init () (begin (set car nil) self)) ; super allows us to use a uniform init instead of initList et al.
// (define add: (item)
//     (let ((temp (newEmptyCollection self))) ; See page 308.
//         (begin
//             (car: temp car)
//             (cdr: temp cdr)
//             (set cdr temp)
//             (set car item))))
// (define newEmptyCollection () (init (new List))) ; See page 308.
// (define car: (x) (set car x))
// (define cdr: (x) (set cdr x))
// (define first ()
//     (begin
//         (set currentKey 1)
//         (set currentCell self)
//         car))
// (define next ()
//     (if (isNil (car currentCell)) nil
//         (begin
//             (set currentKey (+1 currentKey))
//             (set currentCell (cdr currentCell))
//             (car currentCell))))
// (define firstKey () 1)
// (define lastKey () (size self))
// (define currentKey () currentKey)
// (define at:put: (n value)
//     (if (= n 1) (set car value)
//         (at:put: cdr (- n 1) value)))
// (define removeFirst ()
//     (if (isEmpty self) self ; do nothing
//         (begin
//             (set car (car cdr))
//             (set cdr (cdr cdr)))))
// (define zerolist (size)
//     (while (> size 0)
//         (begin
//             (add: self 0)
//             (set size (- size 1)))))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 283.
//                 const string setClass = @"
// (class Set Collection ()
// (members) ; list of elements
// (define init () (begin (set members (mkList)) self))
// (define first () (first members))
// (define next () (next members))
// (define add: (item)
//     (if (includes: members item) self (add: members item)))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 286.
//                 const string associationClass = @"
// (class Association Object ()
// (fst snd)
// (define init (x y) (begin (set fst x) (set snd y) self))
// (define fst () fst)
// (define snd () snd)
// (define fst: (x) (set fst x))
// (define snd: (y) (set snd y))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 288.
//                 const string dictionaryClass = @"
// (class Dictionary KeyedCollection ()
// (table currentKey)
// (define init ()
//     (begin (set table (mkList)) self))
// (define currentKey () currentKey)
// (define first ()
//     (if (isEmpty table) nil
//         (begin
//             (set tempassoc (first table))
//             (set currentKey (fst tempassoc))
//             (snd tempassoc))))
// (define next ()
//     (begin
//         (set tempassoc (next table))
//         (if (isNil tempassoc) nil
//             (begin
//                 (set currentKey (fst tempassoc))
//                 (snd tempassoc)))))
// (define at:put: (key value)
//     (begin
//         (set tempassoc (associationAt: self key))
//         (if (isNil tempassoc)
//             (add: table (mkAssociation key value))
//             (snd: tempassoc value))))
// (define associationAt: (key)
//     (begin
//         (set temptable table)
//         (set found false)
//         (while (not (or (isEmpty temptable) found))
//             (if (= (fst (car temptable)) key)
//                 (set found true)
//                 (set temptable (cdr temptable))))
//         (if found (car temptable) nil)))
// )";
//                 // From Kamin page 291.  (Not used by the Financial History example.)
// #if DEAD_CODE
//                 const string arrayClass = @"
// (class Array SequenceableCollection ()
// (elements lobound hibound currentKey)
// (define init (lo size)
//     (begin
//         (set lobound lo)
//         (set hibound (- (+ lo size) 1))
//         (set elements (new List))
//         (zerolist elements size)
//         self))
// (define size () (+1 (- hibound lobound)))
// (define firstKey () lobound)
// (define lastKey () hibound)
// (define currentKey () currentKey)
// (define first ()
//     (begin
//         (set currentKey lobound)
//         (first elements)))
// (define next ()
//     (if (= currentKey hibound) nil
//         (begin
//             (set currentKey (+1 currentKey))
//             (next elements))))
// (define at:put: (n value)
//     (if (or (< n lobound) (> n hibound)) nil ; Slightly modified condition
//         (at:put: elements (+1 (- n lobound)) value)))
// )";
// #else
//                 // Re-implement the Array class using the built-in "array" value type.
//                 const string arrayClass = @"
// (class Array SequenceableCollection ()
// (elements lobound hibound currentKey)
// (define init (lo size)
//     (begin
//         (set lobound lo)
//         (set hibound (- (+ lo size) 1))
//         (set elements (newarray size))
//         ; (zerolist elements size)
//         self))
// (define size () (arraylength elements))
// (define firstKey () lobound)
// (define lastKey () hibound)
// (define currentKey () currentKey)
// (define first ()
//     (begin
//         (set currentKey lobound)
//         (at: self lobound)))
// (define next ()
//     (if (= currentKey hibound) nil
//         (begin
//             (set currentKey (+1 currentKey))
//             (at: self currentKey))))
// (define at:put: (n value)
//     (if (or (< n lobound) (> n hibound)) nil ; Slightly modified condition
//         (arrayset elements (+1 (- n lobound)) value)))
// (define at: (index)
//     (if (or (< index lobound) (> index hibound)) nil ; Slightly modified condition
//         (arrayget elements (+1 (- index lobound))))) ; ThAW 2014/02/01 : Override the 'at:' that is in SequenceableCollection.
// )";
// #endif
//                 // ThAW 2014/02/03 : There are some similarities between Stack and Queue.
//                 const string stackClass = @"
// (class Stack List () ()
// (define init () (init super))
// (define newEmptyCollection () (init (new Stack)))
// (define peek () car)
// (define push: (item) (add: self item))
// (define pop ()
//     (if (isEmpty self) nil
//         (let ((result car))
//             (begin
//                 (removeFirst self)
//                 result))))
// )";
//                 // This Queue class is somewhat similar to the one on page 309.
//                 const string queueClass = @"
// (class Queue List () ()
// (define init () (init super))
// (define newEmptyCollection () (init (new Queue)))
// (define peek () car)
// (define enqueue: (item) ; Add the item to the end of the queue.
//     (if (isEmpty self)
//         (add: self item)
//         (enqueue: cdr item)))
// (define dequeue ()
//     (if (isEmpty self) nil
//         (let ((result car))
//             (begin
//                 (removeFirst self)
//                 result))))
// )";
//                 // See page 310.
//                 const string priorityQueueClass = @"
// (class PriorityQueue List () ()
// (define init () (init super))
// (define newEmptyCollection () (init (new PriorityQueue)))
// (define peek () car)
// (define enqueue: (pair) ; Insert the item at the appropriate place in the queue.
//     (cond
//         ((isEmpty self) (add: self pair))
//         ; ThAW 2014/02/07 : I replaced these two lines...
//         ;((< (fst pair) (fst car)) (add: self pair))
//         ;(true (enqueue: cdr pair))))
//         ; ... with these two lines:
//         ((< (fst car) (fst pair)) (enqueue: cdr pair))
//         (true (add: self pair))))
// (define dequeue ()
//     (if (isEmpty self) nil
//         (let ((result car))
//             (begin
//                 (removeFirst self)
//                 result))))
// )";
//                 Evaluate(collectionClass);
//                 Evaluate(keyedCollectionClass);
//                 Evaluate(sequenceableCollectionClass);
//                 Evaluate(listClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkList () (init (new List)))");
//                 Evaluate(setClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkSet () (init (new Set)))");
//                 Evaluate(associationClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkAssociation (a b) (init (new Association) a b))");
//                 Evaluate(dictionaryClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkDictionary () (init (new Dictionary)))");
//                 Evaluate(arrayClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkArray (l s) (init (new Array) l s))");
//                 Evaluate(stackClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkStack () (init (new Stack)))");
//                 Evaluate(queueClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkQueue () (init (new Queue)))");
//                 Evaluate(priorityQueueClass);
//                 Evaluate("(define mkPriorityQueue () (init (new PriorityQueue)))");
//                 break;
//             default:
//                 throw new Exception(string.Format("LoadPreset() : Unknown preset name '{0}'.", presetName));
//         }
//         LoadedPresets.Add(presetNameToLower);
//         return string.Format("The preset '{0}' has been successfully loaded.", presetName);
//     }
// }

import { IParser, ITokenizer } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

import { ArgumentException } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

// import { IGlobalInfoOps } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/iglobal-info-ops';

import { GlobalInfoBase } from '../../../common/domain-object-model/global-info-base';

import {
} from './interfaces/iexpression';

import { unblockValue } from './data-types/block';

import { SmalltalkInteger } from './data-types/integer';

import { falseVar, objectClass, trueVar } from './bootstrap';

import {
} from './object-instance';

export class SmalltalkGlobalInfo
    extends GlobalInfoBase<ISmalltalkValue>
    implements /* IGlobalInfoOps, */ ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
    public readonly classDict = new Map<string, ISmalltalkClass>();
    public readonly objectInstance: ISmalltalkUserValue; // Passed to Evaluate() by the interpreter; see Kamin pages 297-298.

        options: {
            parser?: IParser;
            tokenizer?: ITokenizer;
        } = {}
    ) {

        // if (typeof options.parser !== 'undefined' && typeof options.tokenizer !== 'undefined') {
        //     // new SmalltalkFunctionDefinition('isNil', [], new SmalltalkVariable('false'));
        //     objectClass.addFunction(
        //         options.tokenizer,
        //         options.parser,
        //         `(define isNil () ${falseVariableName})`
        //     );
        //     // new SmalltalkFunctionDefinition('notNil', [], new SmalltalkVariable('true'));
        //     objectClass.addFunction(
        //         options.tokenizer,
        //         options.parser,
        //         `(define notNil () ${trueVariableName})`
        //     );
        // }

        // Set up the class dictionary:

        // The Mother Of All Classes: Object
        this.classDict.set(objectClass.className, objectClass);

        // When you are ready to make the switch from if-usage to 'if as a method',
        // then uncomment A, B, and C, and delete D:

        // A: this.classDict.set(falseClass.className, falseClass);
        this.classDict.set(nilClass.className, nilClass);
        // B: this.classDict.set(trueClass.className, trueClass);

        // Set up the global environment:

        // The objectInstance is special; it is used as a receiver all over the place.
        this.objectInstance = objectInstance;

        this.globalEnvironment.add(nilVar, nilInstance);
        this.globalEnvironment.add(falseVar, falseValue); // D
        this.globalEnvironment.add(trueVar, trueValue); // D
        // C: this.globalEnvironment.add(falseVar, falseInstance);
        // C: this.globalEnvironment.add(trueVar, trueInstance);

    public get falseValue(): ISmalltalkValue {
        return falseValue;

    public get trueValue(): ISmalltalkValue {
        return trueValue;

    public valueIsFalse(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean {
        return unblockValue(value).toInteger() === 0;

    public valueIsTrue(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean {
        return !this.valueIsFalse(value);

    public valueIsInteger(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean {
        return value.isInteger;

    public valueAsInteger(value: ISmalltalkValue): number {
        const valueAsNumber = value.toInteger();

        if (valueAsNumber === undefined) {
            throw new ArgumentException(
                'valueAsInteger() : The value is not an IntegerLiteral.',

        return valueAsNumber;

    public integerAsValue(value: number): ISmalltalkValue {
        return new SmalltalkInteger(value);

    public override loadPresets(): void {
        if (typeof this.tokenizer === 'undefined' || typeof this.parser === 'undefined') {

        const f = (str: string) => {
            if (typeof this.tokenizer === 'undefined' || typeof this.parser === 'undefined') {
                throw new Error('loadPresets() : tokenizer or parser is undefined.');

            (this.parser.parse(this.tokenizer.tokenize(str)) as ISmalltalkExpression).evaluate(
                { receiver: this.objectInstance }

        f('(define +1 (x) (+ x 1))');

        // Evaluate("(define > (x y) (< y x))");
        //Evaluate("(define and (x y) (if x y x))");
        //Evaluate("(define or (x y) (if x x y))");
        //Evaluate(string.Format("(define not (x) (if x {0} {1}))", FalseVariableName, TrueVariableName));
        // Evaluate("(define <> (x y) (not (= x y)))");
        // Evaluate("(define <= (x y) (not (> x y)))");
        // Evaluate("(define >= (x y) (not (< x y)))");
        // Evaluate("(define mod (m n) (- m (* n (/ m n))))");
        // Evaluate("(define gcd (m n) (if (= n 0) m (gcd n (mod m n))))");
        // Evaluate("(define abs (n) (if (< n 0) (- 0 n) n))");

    // More code to put into loadPresets() :

    // GlobalEnvironment.Add(new SmalltalkVariable("e" /*, 0, 0 */), new SmalltalkFloatValue(Math.E));
    // GlobalEnvironment.Add(new SmalltalkVariable("pi" /*, 0, 0 */), new SmalltalkFloatValue(Math.PI));

    //         Evaluate(string.Format(@"
    // (class {0} Object ()
    // (stringValue) ; stringValue is used as the value of the object of this class when it is converted to a string.
    // (define init () (begin (set stringValue '{1}') self))
    // (define if (trueBlock falseBlock) falseBlock)
    // (define and (x) {2})
    // (define or (x) x)
    // (define xor (x) x)
    // (define not () {3})
    // )", FalseValueClassName, FalseValueAsString, FalseVariableName, TrueVariableName));
    //         Evaluate(string.Format(@"
    // (class {0} Object ()
    // (stringValue) ; stringValue is used as the value of the object of this class when it is converted to a string.
    // (define init () (begin (set stringValue '{1}') self))
    // (define if (trueBlock falseBlock) trueBlock)
    // (define and (x) x)
    // (define or (x) {2})
    // (define xor (x) (not x))
    // (define not () {3})
    // )", TrueValueClassName, TrueValueAsString, TrueVariableName, FalseVariableName));
    //         Evaluate(string.Format("(set {0} (init (new {1})))", FalseVariableName, FalseValueClassName));
    //         Evaluate(string.Format("(set {0} (init (new {1})))", TrueVariableName, TrueValueClassName));
    //         FalseVal = GlobalEnvironment.Dict[new SmalltalkVariable(FalseVariableName)];
    //         TrueVal = GlobalEnvironment.Dict[new SmalltalkVariable(TrueVariableName)];
    //         Evaluate(string.Format(@"
    // (class UndefinedObject Object ()
    // (stringValue) ; stringValue (#nil) is used as the value of the object of this class when it is converted to a string.
    // (define init () (begin (set stringValue '{0}') self))
    // (define isNil () {1})
    // (define notNil () {2})
    // )", NilValueAsString, TrueVariableName, FalseVariableName));
    //         Evaluate("(set nil (init (new UndefinedObject)))");

    public override evaluate(str: string): ISmalltalkValue {
        if (typeof this.tokenizer === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('GlobalInfoBase.evaluate() : this.tokenizer is undefined.');
        } else if (typeof this.parser === 'undefined') {
            throw new Error('GlobalInfoBase.evaluate() : this.parser is undefined.');

        const parseResult = this.parser.parse(this.tokenizer.tokenize(str));
        const expr = parseResult as ISmalltalkExpression;

        // return expr.evaluate(this, options.localEnvironment, {
        //     c: options.c,
        //     receiver: this.objectInstance
        // });
        return expr.evaluate(this, undefined, {
            receiver: this.objectInstance