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Test Coverage
// tom-weatherhead/thaw-grammar/src/languages/smalltalk/domain-object-model/interfaces/iexpression.ts

import { IEqualityComparable } from 'thaw-common-utilities.ts';

import { IParser, ITokenizer } from 'thaw-interpreter-types';

// import { Name } from 'thaw-interpreter-core';

import { IEnvironmentFrame } from '../../../../common/domain-object-model/environment-frame';

import { IFunctionDefinition } from '../../../../common/domain-object-model/function-definition';

import { IExpression } from '../../../../common/domain-object-model/iexpression';

import { IGlobalInfo } from '../../../../common/domain-object-model/iglobal-info';

import { IVariable } from '../../../../common/domain-object-model/variable';

export interface ISmalltalkEvaluateOptions {
    c?: ISmalltalkClass;
    receiver: ISmalltalkValue;

export interface ISmalltalkValue
    extends IEqualityComparable,
        ISmalltalkExpression /*, IStringifiable */ {
    readonly typename: string;
    isInteger: boolean;
    readonly owner: ISmalltalkClass | undefined;

    getTypename(): string;

    isArray(): boolean;
    isCharacter(): boolean;
    isNumber(): boolean;
    isObject(): boolean;
    isString(): boolean;
    isSymbol(): boolean;

    toArray(): ISmalltalkValue[] | undefined;
    toInteger(): number | undefined;
    toFloat(): number | undefined;
    toStringX(): string | undefined;
    toUserValue(): ISmalltalkUserValue | undefined;

export interface ISmalltalkArray extends ISmalltalkValue {
    getElement(i: number): ISmalltalkValue;
    setElement(i: number, elementValue: ISmalltalkValue): ISmalltalkValue;

export interface ISmalltalkString extends ISmalltalkValue {
    index(idx: ISmalltalkValue): ISmalltalkValue;

// export interface ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition {
//     readonly functionName: string;
//     readonly argList: ISmalltalkVariable[];
//     readonly body: ISmalltalkExpression;
// }
export type ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition = IFunctionDefinition<ISmalltalkValue>;

export interface ISmalltalkGlobalInfo extends IGlobalInfo<ISmalltalkValue> {
    // **** Public instance fields ****
    // readonly globalEnvironment: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame;
    // readonly functionDefinitions: Map<string, ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition>;
    readonly classDict: Map<string, ISmalltalkClass>;
    readonly objectInstance: ISmalltalkUserValue;

    // falseValue: ISmalltalkValue;
    // trueValue: ISmalltalkValue;

    // **** Public instance methods ****
    // initialize(): void; // Restore the state of the global info object to its newly-created state.

    // valueIsFalse(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean;
    // valueIsTrue(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean;
    // valueIsInteger(value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean;
    // valueAsInteger(value: ISmalltalkValue): number; // Shoud we return Number.NaN if value is not a (safe) integer?
    // integerAsValue(value: number): ISmalltalkValue;

    // valueIsFloat(value: T): boolean;
    // valueAsFloat(value: T): number;
    // floatAsValue(value: number): T;

    // valueIsNumber(value: T): boolean;
    // valueAsNumber(value: T): number;
    // numberAsIntegerValue(value: number): T; // Convert to the language's native integer data type
    // numberAsFloatValue(value: number): T; // Convert to the language's native floating-point number data type

    // **** Presets ****
    // loadPreset(presetName: string): string;
    // loadPresets(): void;

    // **** Printing text to stdout ****
    // clearPrintedText(): void;
    // print(evaluatedArguments: ISmalltalkValue[]): void;
    // getPrintedText(): string;

    // evaluate(expr: ISmalltalkExpression): ISmalltalkValue;

export interface ISmalltalkVariable extends IEqualityComparable, IVariable<ISmalltalkValue> {
    readonly typename: string;
    // readonly name: string;
// export type ISmalltalkVariable = IVariable<ISmalltalkValue>;

// export interface ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame {
//     readonly dict: Map<string, ISmalltalkValue>;
//     isDefined(key: ISmalltalkVariable): boolean;
//     lookup(key: ISmalltalkVariable): ISmalltalkValue;
//     add(key: ISmalltalkVariable, value: ISmalltalkValue): void;
//     addBubbleDown(key: ISmalltalkVariable, value: ISmalltalkValue): void;
// }
export type ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame = IEnvironmentFrame<ISmalltalkValue>;

export interface ISmalltalkClass extends ISmalltalkExpression {
    readonly className: string; // Or Name;
    readonly superClassName: string | undefined; // Or Name | undefined;
    superClass: ISmalltalkClass | undefined;
    readonly clRep: ISmalltalkVariable[];

    addFunction(tokenizer: ITokenizer, parser: IParser, functionAsString: string): void;
    findMethod(methodName: string): {
        method: ISmalltalkFunctionDefinition | undefined;
        classInWhichMethodWasFound: ISmalltalkClass | undefined;
    findClassVariableValue(variable: ISmalltalkVariable): ISmalltalkValue | undefined;
    trySetClassVariableValue(variable: ISmalltalkVariable, value: ISmalltalkValue): boolean;

export interface ISmalltalkStringValue extends ISmalltalkValue {
    readonly value: string;

export interface ISmalltalkUserValue extends ISmalltalkValue {
    readonly value: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame;

// export interface ISmalltalkExpression {
//     evaluate(
//         localEnvironment: ISmalltalkEnvironmentFrame | undefined,
//         receiver: ISmalltalkValue, // | undefined,
//         // "SmalltalkClass c" was added here as the third parameter in order to support "super"; see Exercise 11 on pages 347-348.
//         c: ISmalltalkClass | undefined,
//         globalInfo: ISmalltalkGlobalInfo
//     ): ISmalltalkValue;
// }
export type ISmalltalkExpression = IExpression<ISmalltalkValue>;