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3 days
Test Coverage
import * as path from "path";
import Provider from "@truffle/provider";
import TruffleConfig from "./";

export const getInitialConfig = ({
}: {
  truffleDirectory?: string;
  workingDirectory?: string;
  network?: string;
}) => {
  const truffle_directory =
    truffleDirectory || path.resolve(path.join(__dirname, "../"));
  const working_directory = workingDirectory || process.cwd();

  return {
    networks: {
      dashboard: {
        network_id: "*",
        networkCheckTimeout: 120000,
        url: "http://localhost:24012/rpc",
        skipDryRun: true
    verboseRpc: false,
    solidityLog: {
      displayPrefix: "",
      preventConsoleLogMigration: false
    debugGlobal: "debug",
    gas: null,
    gasPrice: null,
    maxFeePerGas: null,
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: null,
    type: undefined, //don't use null here!
    from: null,
    confirmations: 0,
    timeoutBlocks: 0,
    production: false,
    skipDryRun: false,
    build: null,
    resolver: null,
    artifactor: null,
    quiet: false,
    dashboard: {
      host: "localhost",
      port: 24012,
      autoOpen: true,
      verbose: false
    ens: {
      enabled: false,
      registryAddress: undefined
    mocha: {
      bail: false,
      grep: null
    compilers: {
      solc: {
        settings: {
          //Note: The default solc version is *not* set here!
          //It's set in compilerSupplier/index.js in compile-solidity
          optimizer: {
            enabled: false,
            runs: 200
          remappings: []
      vyper: {
        settings: {}
    console: {
      require: null
    logger: console

export const configProps = ({
}: {
  configObject: TruffleConfig;
}) => {
  const resolveDirectory = (value: string): string =>
    path.resolve(configObject.working_directory, value);

  return {
    // These are already set.
    truffle_directory() {},
    working_directory() {},
    network() {},
    networks() {},
    verboseRpc() {},
    solidityLog() {},
    build() {},
    resolver() {},
    artifactor() {},
    dashboard() {},
    logger() {},
    compilers() {},
    ens() {},
    console() {},
    mocha() {},
    quiet() {},
    debugGlobal() {},

    build_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.working_directory, "build"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    contracts_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.working_directory, "contracts"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    contracts_build_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.build_directory, "contracts"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    migrations_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.working_directory, "migrations"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    migrations_file_extension_regexp() {
      return /^\.(js|ts|es6?)$/;
    test_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.working_directory, "test"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    test_file_extension_regexp() {
      return /.*\.(js|ts|es|es6|jsx|sol)$/;
    example_project_directory: {
      default: () => path.join(configObject.truffle_directory, "example"),
      transform: resolveDirectory
    network_id: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.network_id;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Do not set config.network_id. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].network_id"
    network_config: {
      get() {
        const network =;

        if (network === null || network === undefined) {
          throw new Error("Network not set. Cannot determine network to use.");

        let config = configObject.networks[network];

        if (config === null || config === undefined) {
          config = {};

        if (network === "dashboard") {
          const { host: configuredHost, port } = configObject.dashboard;
          const host =
            configuredHost === "" ? "localhost" : configuredHost;

          const userOverrides = config;

          config = {
            network_id: "*",
            networkCheckTimeout: 120000,
            url: `http://${host}:${port}/rpc`,
            skipDryRun: true

        return config;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.network_config. Instead, set config.networks with the desired values."
    from: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.from;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.from directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].from"
    gas: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.gas;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.gas directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].gas"
    gasPrice: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.gasPrice;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.gasPrice directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].gasPrice"
    maxFeePerGas: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.maxFeePerGas;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.maxFeePerGas directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].maxFeePerGas"
    maxPriorityFeePerGas: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.maxPriorityFeePerGas;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.maxPriorityFeePerGas directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].maxPriorityFeePerGas"
    type: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.type;
        } catch (e) {
          return null;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.type directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].type"
    provider: {
      get() {
        if (! {
          return null;

        const options = configObject.network_config;
        options.verboseRpc = configObject.verboseRpc; =;

        return Provider.create(options);
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.provider directly. Instead, set config.networks and then set config.networks[<network name>].provider"
    confirmations: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.confirmations;
        } catch (e) {
          return 0;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.confirmations directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].confirmations"
    production: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.production;
        } catch (e) {
          return false;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.production directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].production"
    timeoutBlocks: {
      get() {
        try {
          return configObject.network_config.timeoutBlocks;
        } catch (e) {
          return 0;
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.timeoutBlocks directly. Instead, set config.networks and then config.networks[<network name>].timeoutBlocks"
    ensRegistry: {
      get() {
        let networkConfig;
        try {
          networkConfig = configObject.network_config;
        } catch {
          //if this throws, then there's no network config, whatever
        //prefer specific over generic.  if there are two specific and they conflict,
        //or two generic and they conflict (w/o specific to shadow), throw error.
        //note: we treat null as a legitimate value here.
        let address;
        if (
          networkConfig?.registry !== undefined &&
          networkConfig?.ens?.registry !== undefined
        ) {
          throw new Error(
            "<network_config>.registry and <network_config>.ens.registry both defined"
        let specificAddressInsideRegistry =
          networkConfig?.ens?.registry?.address !== undefined
            ? networkConfig?.ens?.registry?.address
            : networkConfig?.registry?.address;
        if (
          specificAddressInsideRegistry !== undefined ||
          networkConfig?.registryAddress !== undefined
        ) {
          if (
            specificAddressInsideRegistry !== undefined &&
            networkConfig?.registryAddress !== undefined
          ) {
            if (
              specificAddressInsideRegistry === networkConfig?.registryAddress
            ) {
              //if both are defined and they're equal, use either one
              address = specificAddressInsideRegistry;
            } else {
              //if both are defined but they're unequal, throw an error
              throw new Error(
                "Conflicting values for registry address found in network config"
          } else {
            //if only one is defined, use that one
            address =
              specificAddressInsideRegistry !== undefined
                ? specificAddressInsideRegistry
                : networkConfig?.registryAddress;
        } else if (
          configObject.ens?.registry?.address !== undefined ||
          configObject.ens?.registryAddress !== undefined
        ) {
          if (
            configObject.ens?.registry?.address !== undefined &&
            configObject.ens?.registryAddress !== undefined
          ) {
            if (
              configObject.ens?.registry?.address ===
            ) {
              //if both are defined and they're equal, use either one
              address = configObject.ens?.registry?.address;
            } else {
              //if both are defined but they're unequal, throw an error
              throw new Error(
                "Conflicting values for registry address found in project ens config"
          } else {
            //if only one is defined, use that one
            address =
              configObject.ens?.registry?.address ||
        //otherwise, address is just undefined
        return { address };
      set() {
        throw new Error(
          "Don't set config.ensRegistry directly. Instead, set config.networks[<network name>].registry, or config.networks[<network name>].registryAddress, or config.ens.registry, or config.ens.registryAddress."