* abbrev-kindof <>
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
var abbrev = require('map-types')
var kindOf = require('kind-of')
* > Check type of a `val` with abbreviations.
* **Example**
* ```js
* // `soa` here means - string, object or array
* abbrevKindof(123, 'soa') //=> false
* abbrevKindof('foo bar', 'soa') //=> true
* abbrevKindof({a: 123}, 'soa') //=> true
* abbrevKindof(['c', 'd'], 'soa') //=> true
* ```
* @param {Mixed} `val` value to check
* @param {String|Array} `type` list of single-letter [(abbr) types](
* @return {Boolean} if `true`, so `val` match one of the abbreviated types
* @api public
module.exports = function abbrevKindof (val, type) {
var abbrs = abbrev(type)
var len = abbrs.length
var i = -1
while (i++ < len) {
type = abbrs[i]
var next = abbrs[i + 1]
if (next) {
return !(val && kindOf(val) !== type && kindOf(val) !== next)
return !(val && kindOf(val) !== type)