* base-plugins-enhanced <>
* Copyright (c) 2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
var utils = require('./utils')
* > Upgrade the built-in plugin system or that
* comes from [base-plugins][] to have error handling
* and some little extra stuff. Like you can pass array
* of plugins to `.use` method and also `options` object
* as second argument.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var plugins = require('base-plugins-enhanced')
* var Base = require('base')
* var app = new Base()
* app
* .use(plugins())
* .use(function foo () {}, { aa: 'bb' })
* .use(function bar () {}, { xx: 'yy' })
* .use([
* function pluginOne () {},
* function pluginTwo () {},
* ], opts)
* ```
* @param {Object} `options` object merge with `app.options`
* @return {Function} plugin executed by `.use` method
* @api public
module.exports = function basePluginsEnhanced (options) {
return function enhancedUseMethod (app) {
if (!utils.isValid(app, 'base-plugins-enhanced')) return
var originalUse = app.use.bind(app)
app.options = utils.extend({}, app.options, options)
* > Add plugin to your [base][] application. See Base's or
* the [base-plugins][] documentation.
* **Example**
* ```js
* app.use([
* function one () {},
* function two () {}
* ], { foo: 'bar' })
* ```
* @name .use
* @param {Function|Array} `fn` function or array of functions
* @param {Object} `opts` options to be merged with `app.options`
* @return {Base} instance for chaining
* @api public
app.define('use', function use (fn, opts) {
if (utils.isObject(opts)) {
app.options = utils.extend({}, app.options, opts)
if (utils.isArray(fn)) {
fn.forEach(function (plugin) {
try {
} catch (err) {
app.emit('error', err)
return app
if (typeof fn === 'function') {
try {
} catch (err) {
app.emit('error', err)
return app
if ( {
var originalRun =
* > Run the stack of plugins. See more on [base-plugins][]
* documentation on `.run` method.
* **Example**
* ```js
* app
* .use(function foo (app) {
* return function (ctx) {
* = 'fooooo'
* }
* }, { first: 'yes' })
* .use([
* function bar (app) {
* return function (ctx) {
* = 'barrr'
* }
* }
* function baz (app) {
* return function (ctx) {
* ctx.qux = 123
* }
* }
* ], { multiple: true })
* .use(function qux (app) {
* app.zzz = 'yyyy'
* }, { aaa: bbb })
* var obj = { charlike: 'mike' }
* console.log(app.zzz)
* // => 'yyyy'
* console.log(obj)
* // => { foo: 'fooooo', bar: 'barrr', qux: 123 }
* console.log(app.options)
* // => { first: 'yes', multiple: true, aaa: 'bbb', charlike: 'mike' }
* ```
* @name .run
* @param {Object} `val` object to be passed to each smart plugin
* @return {Base} instance for chaining
* @api public
app.define('run', function run (val) {
try {
} catch (err) {
app.emit('error', err)
return app