* bind-context <>
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
var rename = require('rename-function')
* > Bind context to a function and preserve her name.
* **Example**
* ```js
* var inspect = require('util').inspect
* var bindContext = require('bind-context')
* function hello () {
* // `this` context is `{foo: 'zzz'}`
* return
* }
* // just returns same function
* // as regular `.bind`, but also
* // preserves the name of given function
* var hi = bindContext({foo: 'zzz'}, hello, 'bar')
* console.log(inspect(hi)) // => [Function: bar]
* console.log(hi) // => [Function: bar]
* console.log(hi()) // => 'zzz'
* console.log(hi.toString()) // => function bar () { ... code ... }
* console.log( // => 'bar'
* ```
* @param {Object|Function} `ctx` The context to pass bind or function.
* @param {Function|String=} `fn` Function to bind context to, or new `name` for it.
* @param {String=} `name` Name for the new function (optional, can be used to rename functions).
* @return {Function} New function which will have `ctx` bound and correct `.toString`.
* @api public
module.exports = function bindContext (ctx, fn, name) {
name = typeof fn === 'string' ? fn : name
fn = typeof ctx === 'function' ? ctx : fn
ctx = typeof ctx === 'object' ? ctx : this
name = typeof name === 'string' ? name : false
return rename(fn, name, ctx)