* gruu-api <>
* Copyright (c) Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
import dush from 'dush'
import plugin from './plugins/index.js'
* > Initialize `Gruu` constructor with optional `options` object.
* Basically it is just [dush][] which is simple event emitter system and
* has `.on`, `.off`, `.once`, `.emit` and `.use` methods. In addition
* the runner adds `.define`, `.delegate`, `.add` and `.run` methods.
* Use `.add` to define new test and `.run` to start the suite. One more
* cool thing is that it emit life-cycle events - `start`, `beforeEach`, `pass`,
* `fail`, `afterEach` and `finish`. So for example if test fail it
* will emit `fail`, `beforeEach` and `afterEach` events which you can listen with `.on('fail', fn)`.
* By default `gruu-api` _does not_ comes with included reporter, so you can
* give listener to each event manually or pass `options.reporter` which is
* the same thing as plugin - a function that is called immediatelly with `(app)` signature.
* _All `options` are also passed to [redolent][] and [each-promise][].
* Tests by default are ran concurrently in `opts.settle:true` mode (means that it **won't** stop
* after the first found error), so `.run().then()` will be called always._
* **Example**
* ```js
* const delay = require('delay')
* const Gruu = require('gruu-api')
* const app = Gruu()
* app.add('my awesome test', (t) => {
* t.strictEqual(111, 111, 'should be 111 === 111')
* })
* // note: use node >= 7.6
* app.add('failing async test', async (t) => {
* await delay(500)
* t.ok(false)
* })
* app.add('some failing test', (t) => {
* t.strictEqual('foo', 123)
* })
* // CUSTOM TAP REPORTER, built as plugin
* app.use((app) => {
* // makes error object enhanced
* const metadata = require('stacktrace-metadata')
* app.once('start', (app) => {
* console.log('TAP version 13')
* })
* app.on('pass', (app, test) => {
* console.log('# :)', test.title)
* console.log('ok', test.index, '-', test.title)
* })
* app.on('fail', (app, { title, index, reason }) => {
* console.log('# :(', title)
* console.log('not ok', index, '-', title)
* const err = metadata(reason, app.options)
* delete err.generatedMessage
* // TAP-ish YAML-ish output
* let json = JSON.stringify(err, null, 2)
* json = json.replace(/^\{/, ' ---')
* json = json.replace(/\}$/, ' ...')
* console.log(json)
* // or the whole stack
* // console.log(err.stack)
* })
* app.once('finish', ({ stats }) => {
* console.log('')
* console.log(`1..${stats.count}`)
* console.log('# tests', stats.count)
* console.log('# pass ', stats.pass)
* if ( {
* console.log('# fail ',
* console.log('')
* process.exit(1)
* } else {
* console.log('')
* console.log('# ok')
* process.exit(0)
* }
* })
* })
* () => console.log('done')
* )
* ```
* @name Gruu
* @param {Object} `options` see more in [Options Section](#options) _(soon)_
* @return {Object} an object that is returned from `dush`
* @api public
export default function Gruu (options) {
const app = dush()
return app