* is-empty-function <>
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
var parseFn = require('parse-function')
var cleanup = require('cleanup-coverage-code')
* > Check that given string, function or arrow function
* have empty body, using `parse-function`.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const isEmptyFunction = require('is-empty-function')
* const fixture = "function codeCov () {__cov_Ejgcx$XN18CSfmeWn$f7vQ.f['2']++;};"
* isEmptyFunction(fixture) // => true
* isEmptyFunction('function () {}') // => true
* isEmptyFunction('z => {}') // => true
* isEmptyFunction('(a, b) => {}') // => true
* isEmptyFunction(z => {}) // => true
* isEmptyFunction((a, b) => {}) // => true
* // return `false`
* isEmptyFunction('function () { return true }') // => false
* isEmptyFunction('z => { return z * z }') // => false
* isEmptyFunction('(a, b) => {}') // => false
* isEmptyFunction(z => { return z + z }) // => false
* isEmptyFunction((a, b) => { return a * b}) // => false
* isEmptyFunction((a, b) => a * 2 * z) // => false
* isEmptyFunction(function () { return true }) // => false
* isEmptyFunction(function named () { return true }) // => false
* ```
* @name isEmptyFunction
* @param {Function|ArrowFunction|String} `val` passed to [parse-function][parse-function]
* @return {Boolean}
* @api public
module.exports = function isEmptyFunction (val) {
if (!val || !arguments.length) return false
return !(cleanup(parseFn(val).body).length > 0)