* stringify-github-short-url <>
* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Charlike Mike Reagent <@tunnckoCore> (
* Released under the MIT license.
'use strict'
* Generate github / npm shorthand from list
* of arguments or object.
* **Example**
* ```js
* const gh = require('stringify-github-short-url')
* gh('jonschlinkert', 'micromatch') // => 'jonschlinkert/micromatch'
* gh('jonschlinkert', 'micromatch', 'dev') // => 'jonschlinkert/micromatch#dev'
* gh('gulpjs', 'gulp', 'v3.8.1', true) // => 'gulpjs/gulp@v3.8.1'
* gh({
* owner: 'tunnckoCore',
* name: 'parse-function'
* }) // => 'tunnckoCore/parse-function'
* gh({
* user: 'assemble',
* repo: 'assemble-core'
* }) // => 'assemble/assemble-core'
* ```
* @name stringifyGithubShortUrl
* @param {String|Object} `<owner>` user or org string, or object
* @param {String} `[name]` repo name
* @param {String} `[branch]` branch name
* @param {String} `[npm]` pass `true` if you want to generate npm shorthand
* @return {String} generated shorthand
* @api public
module.exports = function stringifyGithubShortUrl (owner, name, branch, npm) {
if (owner && typeof owner === 'object') {
var params = owner
owner = params.owner || params.user
name = || params.repo
branch = params.branch
npm = params.npm
if (typeof owner !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('stringify-github-short-url: expects `owner` to be a string')
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
return owner
var url = owner + '/' + name
if (typeof branch === 'string' && branch.length) {
return url + (npm === true ? '@' : '#') + branch
return url