import { cons } from '@hexlet/pairs';
import getRandomNum from '../random.js';
import runGame from '../index.js';
const description = 'What is the result of the expression?';
const operators = ['-', '+', '*'];
const lengthOfOperators = operators.length;
const getCalc = (num1, num2, operator) => {
switch (operator) {
case '-':
return num1 - num2;
case '+':
return num1 + num2;
case '*':
return num1 * num2;
return `There is no result of the expression for the received operator: '${operator}' `;
const genGameData = () => {
const num1 = getRandomNum(1, 20);
const num2 = getRandomNum(1, 20);
const indexOfOperator = getRandomNum(0, (lengthOfOperators - 1));
const question = `${num1} ${operators[indexOfOperator]} ${num2}`;
const correctAnswer = getCalc(num1, num2, operators[indexOfOperator]);
return cons(question, correctAnswer.toString());
export default () => runGame(genGameData, description);