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Test Coverage
package hyperv

 * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
 * Copyright 2020 vorteil.io Pty Ltd

import (

    logger "github.com/vorteil/vorteil/pkg/virtualizers/logging"

// Virtualizer is a struct which will implement the interface so the manager can create one
type Virtualizer struct {
    id           string      // rando has for named pipes and folder names
    name         string      // name of vm
    pname        string      // name of virtualizer
    source       interface{} // details on how the virtual machine was made
    state        string      // the state of the vm
    headless     bool        // whether to show a gui when spawning a vm
    created      time.Time   // time the vm was created
    switchName   string      // The virtual switch hyper-v will use
    folder       string      // The folder to store vm details and objects
    disk         *os.File    // disk of the machine
    logger       elog.View
    serialLogger *logger.Logger                  // logs for the serial of the vm
    routes       []virtualizers.NetworkInterface // api network interface that displays ports and network types

    config  *vcfg.VCFG // config for the vm
    sock    net.Conn   // net connection to listen for serial on
    vmdrive string     // store disks in this directory


// execute is a general function for running commands through powershell
func (v *Virtualizer) execute(cmd *exec.Cmd) (string, error) {
    if !strings.Contains(strings.Join(cmd.Args, " "), "| Select State") {
        v.logger.Infof("Executing %s", cmd.Args)
    resp, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
    if err != nil {
        if err.Error() == "" {
            return "", errors.New(string(resp))
    output := string(resp)
    return output, nil

// Type returns the type of virtualizer
func (v *Virtualizer) Type() string {
    return VirtualizerID

// State returns the state of the virtualizer
func (v *Virtualizer) State() string {
    return v.state

// Stop stops the vm and changes the status back to 'ready'
func (v *Virtualizer) Stop() error {
    v.logger.Debugf("Stopping VM")
    if v.state != virtualizers.Ready {
        v.state = virtualizers.Changing

        go func() {
            time.Sleep(time.Second * 12)
            state, err := v.getState()
            if err != nil {
                v.logger.Errorf("Getting State: %s", err)
            // remove vm as unable to stop within 10 seconds
            if state == "Running" {
                cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Remove-VM", "-Name", v.name, "-Force")
                _, err := v.execute(cmd)
                if err != nil {
                    v.logger.Errorf("Error Remove-VM: %v", err)

        cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Stop-VM", "-Name", v.name)
        output, err := v.execute(cmd)
        if err != nil {
            v.logger.Errorf("Error Stop-VM: %v", err)
            return err
        if len(output) != 0 {
            // If hyper-v is not running the cmdlets won't exist
            if !strings.Contains(output, "is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet") {
                v.logger.Infof("%s", output)

        v.state = virtualizers.Ready
    return nil

func (v *Virtualizer) startVMCommand() error {
    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Start-VM", "-Name", v.name)
    output, err := v.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        v.logger.Errorf("Error Start-VM: %v", err)
        return err

    if len(output) != 0 {
        v.logger.Infof("%s", output)

    err = v.initLogs()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (v *Virtualizer) headlessCheck() error {
    if !v.headless {
        vmconnect, err := exec.LookPath("vmconnect.exe")
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("Error finding vmconnect: %v", err)
        // goroutine this as it hangs the processes forking a program on windows to open connection with vm
        go func() {
            cmd := exec.Command(vmconnect, "localhost", v.name)
            _, err := v.execute(cmd)
            if err != nil {
                v.logger.Errorf("Error VMConnect: %v", err)
    return nil

// Start creates the virtualmachine and runs it
func (v *Virtualizer) Start() error {
    v.logger.Debugf("Starting VM")
    switch v.State() {
    case "ready":
        v.state = virtualizers.Changing

        err := v.startVMCommand()
        if err != nil {
            return err

        v.state = virtualizers.Alive

        go v.checkState()
        go func() {
            v.routes = util.LookForIP(v.serialLogger, v.routes)

        err = v.headlessCheck()
        if err != nil {
            return err
        return fmt.Errorf("vm not in a state to be started currently in: %s", v.State())
    return nil

// Download returns the disk as a vio.File
func (v *Virtualizer) Download() (vio.File, error) {
    if !(v.state == virtualizers.Ready) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("virtual machine must be in state ready to be downloaded")
    f, err := vio.LazyOpen(v.disk.Name())
    if err != nil {
        v.logger.Errorf("Error Downloading Disk Image: %s", err.Error())
        return nil, err
    return f, nil

// Details returns data to for the ConverToVM function on util
func (v *Virtualizer) Details() (string, string, string, []virtualizers.NetworkInterface, time.Time, *vcfg.VCFG, interface{}) {
    return v.name, v.pname, v.state, v.routes, v.created, v.config, v.source

// Close shuts down the virtual machine and cleans up the disk and folders
func (v *Virtualizer) Close(force bool) error {
    v.logger.Debugf("Deleting VM")
    if !(v.state == virtualizers.Ready) {
        err := v.Stop()
        if err != nil {
            if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not currently running") {
                v.logger.Errorf("Error Stopping VM: %v", err)
                return err
    v.state = virtualizers.Changing

    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Remove-VM", "-Name", v.name, "-Force")
    _, err := v.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        v.logger.Errorf("Error Remove-VM: %v", err)
    v.state = virtualizers.Deleted

    if v.sock != nil {
    // err = os.RemoveAll(v.folder)
    // if err != nil {
    //     return err
    // }

    return nil

// Initialize passes the arguments from creation to create a virtualizer
func (v *Virtualizer) Initialize(data []byte) error {
    c := new(Config)
    err := c.Unmarshal(data)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    v.headless = c.Headless
    v.switchName = c.SwitchName
    return nil

// operation is the job progress that gets tracked via APIs
type operation struct {
    finishedLock sync.Mutex
    isFinished   bool
    Logs   chan string
    Status chan string
    Error  chan error
    ctx    context.Context

// log writes a log to the channel for the job
func (o *operation) log(text string, v ...interface{}) {
    o.Logs <- fmt.Sprintf(text, v...)

// finished completes the operation and lets the user know and cleans up channels
func (o *operation) finished(err error) {
    defer o.finishedLock.Unlock()
    if o.isFinished {

    o.isFinished = true

    if err != nil {
        o.Logs <- fmt.Sprintf("Error: %v", err)
        o.Status <- fmt.Sprintf("Failed: %v", err)
        o.Error <- err


// getState gets the state of the vm to maintain whether or not its still alive
func (v *Virtualizer) getState() (string, error) {
    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Get-VM", "-Name", v.name, "|", "Select", "State")
    output, err := v.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        v.logger.Errorf("Error Get-VM: %v", err)
        return "", err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        readStr := strings.Split(output, "-----")
        if len(readStr) >= 2 {
            return strings.TrimSpace(readStr[1]), nil

    if strings.Contains(output, "Hyper-V was unable to find a virtual machine with name") {
        err = v.Close(true)
        if err != nil {
            v.logger.Errorf("Error closing VM as it doesn't exist: %v", err)
        return "", errors.New("machine doesn't exist on hyper-v anymore")
    return "", nil

// checkState is a one second loop that calls get state to read the vm status
// So we can run accordingly
func (v *Virtualizer) checkState() {
    for {
        state, err := v.getState()
        if err != nil {
            v.logger.Errorf("Getting State: %s", err)
        if state == "Off" {
            v.state = virtualizers.Ready

        time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

// updateStatus updates the status of the job to provide more feedback to the user currently reading the job.
func (o *operation) updateStatus(text string) {
    o.Status <- text
    o.Logs <- text

// Serial returns the serial logger which contains the serial output of the app.
func (v *Virtualizer) Serial() *logger.Logger {
    return v.serialLogger

// func (v *Virtualizer) GeneratePowershell(source string) error {
//     name := filepath.Base(v.folder)
//     err := os.MkdirAll(filepath.Join(source), 0777)
//     if err != nil {
//         return err
//     }
//     err = os.Rename(v.folder, filepath.Join(source, name))
//     if err != nil {
//         return err
//     }
//     v.config.VM.RAM.Align(vcfg.MiB * 2)

//     size := fmt.Sprintf("%v%s", v.config.VM.RAM.Units(vcfg.MiB), "MB")

//     var args []string
//     // New-VM
//     args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("New-VM -Name %s -BootDevice VHD -VHDPath %s -Path %s -Generation 1 -SwitchName \"%s\"",
//         v.name, filepath.Join(source, name, fmt.Sprintf("disk.vhd")), filepath.Join(source, name), v.switchName))

//     // Set-VMMemory
//     args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("Set-VMMemory -VMName %s -DynamicMemoryEnabled 0 -Startupbytes %s", v.name, size))

//     // Add-VMNetworkAdapter
//     if len(v.routes) > 1 {
//         for i := 1; i < len(v.routes); i++ {
//             args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("Add-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName %s -SwitchName \"%s\"", v.name, v.switchName))
//         }
//     }

//     // Set-VMProcessor
//     args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("Set-VMProcessor -VMName %s -Count %s -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true", v.name, strconv.Itoa(int(v.config.VM.CPUs))))

//     // Start-VM
//     args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("Start-VM -Name %s", v.name))

//     // vmconnect gui to go with command
//     vmconnect, err := exec.LookPath("vmconnect.exe")
//     if err != nil {
//         return fmt.Errorf("error finding vmconnect: %v", err)
//     }
//     args = append(args, fmt.Sprintf("%s localhost %s", vmconnect, v.name))

//     // Create stop script
//     stop, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(source, name, "stop.ps1"))
//     if err != nil {
//         return err
//     }

//     // Stop-VM
//     stop.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Stop-VM -Name %s\n", v.name)))

//     // Remove-VM
//     stop.Write([]byte(fmt.Sprintf("Remove-VM -Name %s -Force", v.name)))

//     // Create start script
//     f, err := os.Create(filepath.Join(source, name, "start.ps1"))
//     if err != nil {
//         return err
//     }

//     f.Write([]byte(strings.Join(args, "\n")))
//     defer f.Close()
//     defer stop.Close()
//     return nil
// }

// Detach removes vm from active vm list
// func (v *Virtualizer) Detach(source string) error {
//     if v.state != virtualizers.Ready {
//         return errors.New("virtual machine must be in a ready state to detach")
//     }

//     // clean up from hyper-v
//     cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Remove-VM", "-Name", v.name, "-Force")
//     _, err := v.execute(cmd)
//     if err != nil {
//         v.logger.Errorf("Error Remove-VM: %v", err)
//     }
//     v.state = virtualizers.Deleted

//     v.disk.Close()
//     if v.sock != nil {

//         v.sock.Close()
//     }

//     err = v.GeneratePowershell(source)
//     if err != nil {
//         return err
//     }

//     virtualizers.ActiveVMs.Delete(v.name)

//     return nil
// }

// Prepare prepares the virtualizer with the appropriate fields to run the virtual machine
func (v *Virtualizer) Prepare(args *virtualizers.PrepareArgs) *virtualizers.VirtualizeOperation {

    op := new(operation)
    op.Virtualizer = v
    v.name = args.Name
    v.config = args.Config
    v.pname = args.PName
    // v.source = args.Source
    v.routes = util.Routes(args.Config.Networks)
    v.state = virtualizers.Changing
    v.vmdrive = args.VMDrive
    v.created = time.Now()
    v.logger = args.Logger
    v.serialLogger = logger.NewLogger(2048 * 10)
    v.logger.Debugf("Preparing VM")

    op.Logs = make(chan string, 128)
    op.Error = make(chan error, 1)
    op.Status = make(chan string, 10)
    op.ctx = args.Context

    o := new(virtualizers.VirtualizeOperation)
    o.Logs = op.Logs
    o.Error = op.Error
    o.Status = op.Status

    go op.prepare(args)

    return o

func (o *operation) setVMDetails(size string) error {
    // set vm memory
    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Set-VMMemory", "-VMName", o.name, "-DynamicMemoryEnabled", "0", "-StartupBytes", size)
    output, err := o.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        o.logger.Errorf("Error Set-VMMemory: %v", err)
        return err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        o.logger.Infof("%s", output)

    // set network adapters
    if len(o.routes) > 1 {
        for i := 1; i < len(o.routes); i++ {
            cmd = exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Add-VMNetworkAdapter", "-VMName", o.name, "-SwitchName", fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", o.switchName))
            output, err = o.execute(cmd)
            if err != nil {
                o.logger.Errorf("Error Adding VMNetwork Adapter: %v", err)
                return err
            if len(output) != 0 {
                o.logger.Infof("%s", output)
    cpus := int(o.config.VM.CPUs)
    if cpus == 0 {
        cpus = 1
    // set vm processors
    cmd = exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Set-VMProcessor", "-VMName", o.name, "-Count", strconv.Itoa(cpus), "-ExposeVirtualizationExtensions", "$true")
    output, err = o.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        o.logger.Errorf("Error Set-VMProcessor: %v", err)
        return err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        o.logger.Infof("%s", output)

    pipePath := fmt.Sprintf("\\\\.\\pipe\\%s", o.id)

    cmd = exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Set-VMComPort", "-VMName", o.name, "-Path", fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", pipePath), "-Number", "1")
    output, err = o.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        o.logger.Errorf("error", "Error Set-VMComPort: %v", err)
        return err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        o.logger.Infof("info", "%s", output)
    return nil

// prepare sets the fields and arguments to spawn the virtual machine
func (o *operation) prepare(args *virtualizers.PrepareArgs) {
    var returnErr error
    progress := o.logger.NewProgress("Preparing Hyper-v machine", "", 0)
    defer progress.Finish(false)
    o.updateStatus(fmt.Sprintf("Preparing hyperv files..."))
    defer func() {

    o.name = args.Name
    o.folder = filepath.Dir(args.ImagePath)
    o.id = strings.Split(filepath.Base(o.folder), "-")[1]

    _, loaded := virtualizers.ActiveVMs.LoadOrStore(o.name, o.Virtualizer)
    if loaded {
        returnErr = errors.New("virtual machine already exists")

    o.config.VM.RAM.Align(vcfg.MiB * 2)

    size := fmt.Sprintf("%v%s", o.config.VM.RAM.Units(vcfg.MiB), "MB")

    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "New-VM", "-Name", o.name,
        "-BootDevice", "VHD", "-VHDPath", filepath.ToSlash(args.ImagePath), "-Path", o.folder, "-Generation", "1", "-SwitchName", fmt.Sprintf("\"%s\"", o.switchName))
    output, err := o.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        o.logger.Errorf("Error New-VM: %v", err)
        returnErr = err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        // If hyper-v is not running the cmdlets won't exist
        if strings.Contains(output, "is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet") {
            returnErr = errors.New("Hyper-V is not enabled please enable it via Windows Features")
        o.logger.Infof("%s", output)

    err = o.setVMDetails(size)
    if err != nil {
        returnErr = err

    err = o.setEnableServices()
    if err != nil {
        returnErr = err
    o.state = "ready"

    if args.Start {
        err = o.Start()
        if err != nil {
            returnErr = err


func (o *operation) setEnableServices() error {
    cmd := exec.Command(virtualizers.Powershell, "Enable-VMIntegrationService", "-VMName", o.name, "-Name", "Shutdown,Vss")
    output, err := o.execute(cmd)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    if len(output) != 0 {
        o.logger.Infof("%s", output)
    return nil