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Test Coverage
<a name="1.0.0-beta-16"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-16]( (2023-02-27)

### Bug Fixes

* carbon ads ([#2266]( ([78209c3](, closes [#2063]( [#2062]( [#2082]( [#2139]( [#2145]( [#2150]( [#2153]( [#2164]( [#80]( [#2181]( [#2100]( [#2080]( [#2117]( [#2198]( [#1819]( [#2064]( [#2178]( [#2201]( [#1929]( [#2023]( [#2021]( [#2065]( [#1957]( [#1967]( [#2081]( [#2054]( [#2091]( [#2090]( [#2183]( [#2189]( [#2211]( [#2215]( [#2213]( [#2054]( [#2212]( [#2090]( [#2220]( [#2214]( [#2224]( [#2226]( [#2228]( [#2234]( [#2236]( [#2165]( [#2202]( [#2075]( [#2245]( [#2203]( [#2108]( [#2078]( [#2255]( [#2256]( [#2263]( [#2265](
* **MdDatePicker:** close datepicker on blur ([#2372]( ([b074be6](, closes [#2371]( [#2375]( [#2343](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove  in template ([#2314]( ([6ddf96b](
* **MdLayout:** subtract md-layout-large by 16 instead of 17 ([#1947]( ([24b1160](
* **node-sass:** update node-sass ([#2308]( ([4de8608](
* typo fixed in docs ([#2344]( ([8be9430](

### Features

* changed some broken links ([#2384]( ([77aa59e](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-15"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-15]( (2020-08-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **components,doc:** fix the character counter not reseting when ([#2081]( ([6b24539](, closes [#2054](
* **components,doc:** fix the character counter not reseting when ([#2213]( ([5137908](, closes [#2054](
* **MdDatepicker:** Pick text button (confirm and cancel) from locale configuration ([#2078]( ([01e1124](
* **MdDialog:** position centered ([6b46d96](
* **MdDialog:** revert ([d51649c](
* **MdStep:** set tabindex for not active step ([#2215]( ([17b0d20](

### Features

* active theme section move to navbar + code fund re-style ([#2225]( ([a5d027b](, closes [#2063]( [#2062]( [#2082]( [#2139]( [#2145]( [#2150]( [#2153]( [#2164]( [#80]( [#2181]( [#2100]( [#2080]( [#2117]( [#2198]( [#1819]( [#2064]( [#2178]( [#2201]( [#1929]( [#2023]( [#2021]( [#2065]( [#1957]( [#1967]( [#2081]( [#2054]( [#2091]( [#2090]( [#2183]( [#2189]( [#2211]( [#2215]( [#2213]( [#2054]( [#2212]( [#2090]( [#2220]( [#2214]( [#2224](
* add contributors ([#2235]( ([14efbd6](, closes [#2063]( [#2062]( [#2082]( [#2139]( [#2145]( [#2150]( [#2153]( [#2164]( [#80]( [#2181]( [#2100]( [#2080]( [#2117]( [#2198]( [#1819]( [#2064]( [#2178]( [#2201]( [#1929]( [#2023]( [#2021]( [#2065]( [#1957]( [#1967]( [#2081]( [#2054]( [#2091]( [#2090]( [#2183]( [#2189]( [#2211]( [#2215]( [#2213]( [#2054]( [#2212]( [#2090]( [#2220]( [#2214]( [#2224]( [#2226]( [#2228]( [#2234](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-13"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-13]( (2020-04-30)

### Bug Fixes

* Drawer detection ([#1929]( ([3aefccb](
* **MdApp:** remove height 100 to make md-app-content span content height ([#1957]( ([94fb4a8](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-12"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-12]( (2020-04-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdMenu:** unexpected close on item click ([#2062]( ([c274693](
* **MdRadio:** internal radio not being checked ([#2063]( ([a9feb6f](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-14"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-14]( (2020-05-27)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-13"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-13]( (2020-04-30)

### Bug Fixes

* Drawer detection ([#1929]( ([3aefccb](
* **MdApp:** remove height 100 to make md-app-content span content height ([#1957]( ([94fb4a8](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-12"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-12]( (2020-04-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdMenu:** unexpected close on item click ([#2062]( ([c274693](
* **MdRadio:** internal radio not being checked ([#2063]( ([a9feb6f](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](
* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-15"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-15]( (2020-08-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdDatepicker:** Pick text button (confirm and cancel) from locale configuration ([#2078]( ([01e1124](

### Features

* active theme section move to navbar + code fund re-style ([#2225]( ([a5d027b](, closes [#2063]( [#2062]( [#2082]( [#2139]( [#2145]( [#2150]( [#2153]( [#2164]( [#80]( [#2181]( [#2100]( [#2080]( [#2117]( [#2198]( [#1819]( [#2064]( [#2178]( [#2201]( [#1929]( [#2023]( [#2021]( [#2065]( [#1957]( [#1967]( [#2081]( [#2054]( [#2091]( [#2090]( [#2183]( [#2189]( [#2211]( [#2215]( [#2213]( [#2054]( [#2212]( [#2090]( [#2220]( [#2214]( [#2224](
* add contributors ([#2235]( ([14efbd6](, closes [#2063]( [#2062]( [#2082]( [#2139]( [#2145]( [#2150]( [#2153]( [#2164]( [#80]( [#2181]( [#2100]( [#2080]( [#2117]( [#2198]( [#1819]( [#2064]( [#2178]( [#2201]( [#1929]( [#2023]( [#2021]( [#2065]( [#1957]( [#1967]( [#2081]( [#2054]( [#2091]( [#2090]( [#2183]( [#2189]( [#2211]( [#2215]( [#2213]( [#2054]( [#2212]( [#2090]( [#2220]( [#2214]( [#2224]( [#2226]( [#2228]( [#2234](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-14"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-14]( (2020-05-27)

### Bug Fixes

* **components,doc:** fix the character counter not reseting when ([#2081]( ([6b24539](, closes [#2054](
* **components,doc:** fix the character counter not reseting when ([#2213]( ([5137908](, closes [#2054](
* **MdDialog:** position centered ([6b46d96](
* **MdDialog:** revert ([d51649c](
* **MdStep:** set tabindex for not active step ([#2215]( ([17b0d20](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-13"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-13]( (2020-04-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** remove height 100 to make md-app-content span content height ([#1957]( ([94fb4a8](
* Drawer detection ([#1929]( ([3aefccb](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-12"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-12]( (2020-04-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdMenu:** unexpected close on item click ([#2062]( ([c274693](
* **MdRadio:** internal radio not being checked ([#2063]( ([a9feb6f](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](
* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-14"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-14]( (2020-05-27)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](
* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-13"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-13]( (2020-04-30)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** remove height 100 to make md-app-content span content height ([#1957]( ([94fb4a8](
* Drawer detection ([#1929]( ([3aefccb](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-12"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-12]( (2020-04-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdMenu:** unexpected close on item click ([#2062]( ([c274693](
* **MdRadio:** internal radio not being checked ([#2063]( ([a9feb6f](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](
* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-12"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-12]( (2020-04-21)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdMenu:** unexpected close on item click ([#2062]( ([c274693](
* **MdRadio:** internal radio not being checked ([#2063]( ([a9feb6f](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](
* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-11"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-11]( (2019-05-12)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** is undefined ([#1762]( ([ffee13d](, closes [#1741](
* **MdApp:** fix drawer slot ([#1845]( ([e6a967b](
* **MdApp:** normalized component's tag before checking to match slot … ([#1994]( ([05b4744](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix option selecting ([#1765]( ([24e63ba](
* **MdButton:** adjust spacing for multiple toolbar buttons ([#1750]( ([84cdb90](
* **MdDatepicker:** positioning when used inside flex container ([#2036]( ([67677a2](
* **MdDialogContent:** missing theme class ([#1876]( ([6ca54cf](
* **MdField:** remove firefox required box-shadow ([3ff295f](
* **MdFile:** disabled icon ([#1787]( ([21d7e67](, closes [#1782](
* **MdFile:** infinite focus loop ([04a4751](
* **MdInput:** invert password on-off icons ([#2008]( ([3e9dfa2](
* **MdListItem:** allow multiple actions ([#1760]( ([714ee9f](
* **MdListItem:** expand content cursor style and hover ([#1808]( ([739cefa](, closes [#1643](
* **MdListItem:** reduce function complexity ([#1853]( ([b09777b](
* **MdMenuContent:** destroy keydown listener on Esc ([#1766]( ([e460e58](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix CSP error ([#1850]( ([96d3d8d](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** improve transition ([#1946]( ([0e62ae7](
* **MdRipple:** fixed missing ripple effect ([#2059]( ([b799671](
* **MdRouterLink:** new router-link registration name ([#1978]( ([b1dff40](
* **MdSelect:** add missing `this` for calling isLocalValueSet function ([7a690ba](
* **MdSelect:** infinite loop error, when no v-model provided ([#2035]( ([1d6eced](
* **MdSelect:** selected event before mounted ([946ea32](, closes [#1781](
* **MdSnackbar:** add "persistent" argument to createPromise() ([c7e8df8](
* **MdSvgLoader:** svg loader for invalid / missing mimetype ([#1942]( ([4fa84a4](
* **MdTable:** add support for index in table row ([#2026]( ([f1b65ea](
* **MdTable:** nextTick selection data ([#1874]( ([6fbdd21](, closes [#1866]( [#2](
* **MdTable:** provide value mutation ([#1789]( ([ae38547](, closes [#1786](
* **MdTable:** recalculate fixed header width on data changes ([#1877]( ([2b675c9](
* **MdTable:** revert asc direction ([#1776]( ([0f82ace](
* fix the repeated generated css theme classes if there is multiple themes defined ([#1784]( ([2922afa](
* MdBadge do not accept color [#1854]( issue ([#1856]( ([87cf617](
* **MdTable:** sort on created ([#1775]( ([bd1e14b](, closes [#1774](
* **MdTable:** undefined table sorting [#1906]( ([#2012]( ([5d54da5](
* **MdTableHead:** sort indicator position when there is only one column ([#1743]( ([12f0a40](
* **MdTabs:** repeat import in all.scss #TimRChen ([#1848]( ([2edc13c](
* **MdTabs:** setupObservers on mounted immediately ([#1770]( ([d8dc038](, closes [#1768](
* **MdTextarea:** resize anywhen localValue changed ([#1841]( ([d81922a](, closes [#1833](

### Code Refactoring

* **MdDatepicker:** Better flow ([#1698]( ([8a438ae](, closes [#1689](

### Features

* **MdCardExpandContent:** reactive content ([#1799]( ([c3f6eb0](, closes [#1795](
* **MdRadio:** object support ([#1771]( ([8670933](, closes [#1753](
* add swipeable functionality ([#1618]( ([4bed8cc](
* disable complexity rules for some methods ([fb57db4](
* router link components improvements ([#1651]( ([fee1503](, closes [#1644](


* **MdDatepicker:** upgrade date-fns to 2.0.0-alpha.7

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

<a name="1.0.0-beta-9"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-9]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](

### Reverts

* new field variants ([#1545]( ([ff0a5bf](
* Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([e1bfad0](
* Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([5b8e0fe](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp

* fix(MdDrawerRightPrevious): right drawer styles

use an previous element for styling container with right drawer with similar css codes

* fix(MdDrawer): Temporary style

* fix(MdAppSideDrawer): correct component name

* fix(MdApp): reactive persistent drawer

fully reactive drawer
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** create card inside overlap mode ([607143f](
* **MdApp:** fix fixed-last not revealing the first row after scroll up ([bad65a2](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([0388d84](
* **MdApp:** fix persistent drawer not pushing the content ([7d86e8c](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll flickering after 1px scroll ([2fb232e](
* **MdApp:** fix reveal scroll not being updated ([6ed4522](
* **MdApp:** fix styles after ssr support ([27e9e7d](
* **MdApp:** prevent md-app withou children to raise an error ([5b71335](
* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdAutocomplete:** sync v-model with search term  ([#1218]( ([e9bb62e](, closes [#1215](
* **MdBottomBar:** avoid class colisions ([fe916d3](
* **MdButton:** add full support for router-link ([6353774](
* **MdButton:** create better detection of router-link to support hmr ([2db10a6](
* **MdButton:** file not being recognized by GitHub fs ([920817c](
* **MdButton:** force MdRipple to be added when using MdButton alone ([9b59a9f](
* **MdButton:** read all router link properties and bind to button props ([271f059](
* **MdCard:** fix some theme errors and glitches ([7c47cca](
* **MdCheckbox:** typo ([ca0c2a4](
* **MdChips:**  fix issues ([#1159]( ([dc428dd](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdChips:** make chip allow spaces ([#1211]( ([0030083](, closes [#1207](
* **MdCore:** prop validator message now uses Vue.util.warn ([c76a630](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDatepicker:** show today if date is not selected ([#1214]( ([ac76cd7](, closes [#1200](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdDialog:** make prompt dialogs to work with v-model ([9daa006](
* **MdDivider:** create divider as <li> tag when direct inside lists ([d807367](
* **MdDrawer:** always enforce drawers as array ([3758794](
* **MdDrawer:** revert old behavior for persistent ([cb242c7](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** improve error states and input reset ([1a389b0](
* **MdField:** improve icon position ([38245ae](
* **MdField:** make type prop only available for input ([a69d46c](
* **MdField:** make v-model work with vue 2.5.x ([5596575](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdField:** restore the order after upgrade to Vue 2.4 ([d526aff](
* **MdField:** theme icons ([16added](
* **MdFile:** add required v-model ([3232cbb](
* **MdFile:** Remove calling method `onInput` which doesn't exist ([#1176]( ([5bf3476](, closes [#1163](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdInput:** avoid InputEvent object from [@input]( event ([#1196]( ([12a4219](, closes [#1160]( [#1150]( [#1203]( [/]( [/](
* **MdInput:** fix password toggle ([#1178]( ([65030e7](, closes [#1170](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdLayout:** change gutter from padding to margin ([55419b3](
* **MdLayout:** make all content inside a layout without wrap ([152c9c3](
* **MdList:** add active style ([fb1c253](
* **MdList:** add full support to router-link ([4cbb036](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdOverlay:** make all overlays inside body display:fixed by default ([670a96d](
* **MdPortal:** always check if targetEl exists after apply it ([3fae6b0](
* **MdPortal:** check fro only children elements before remove ([d7e5845](
* **MdPortal:** get the correct transition duration before removing a portal element ([35e4e9d](
* **MdPortal:** improve re render of a portal element ([9631403](
* **MdPortal:** make document.body as a default target for portal ([d438d72](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** fix firefox radius ([#1221]( ([0686e8a](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdRipple:** improve ripple performance ([bd0e058](
* **MdRipple:** make ripple to be disabled globally ([125ebb4](
* **MdRipple:** prevent ripple when scrolling a list ([f183dfe](
* **MdScrollbar:** fix scrollbar color and size to better match specs ([5fb4123](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** fix regression in select model variable name ([c7cff56](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** prevent select from getting a wrong highlight when mounted ([e3eb993](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSnackbar:** adjust margins and padding to be compliant with the specs ([5297291](
* **MdSnackbar:** fix snackbar not opening when is not persistent ([6d5a448](
* **MdSteppers:** fix styles of vertical steppers being applies to horizontal ([5a5d028](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([64a332b](
* **MdTable:** change sort methods ([75c603b](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTable:** sync hasValue when the value changes ([#1147]( ([fdc5dab](, closes [#1146]( [#1146](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([acbecce](
* **MdToolbar:** fix offset alignment for small screens ([9117cfd](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* add beta flag ([bd96842](
* add jest-vue to replace jest-vue-preprocessor ([505627c](
* change broken image ([0868406](
* change default fab color to accent ([5893895](
* fix splash not changing the colors properly ([94f9d92](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([7914eb8](
* getting startet with wrong javascript markup ([73360f8](
* make checkbo and radio to work with disabled attribute ([88d7755](
* make field to have an required indicator ([facbea8](
* make input id unique per instance ([981d281](
* make meta colors off by default and add an option to enable it ([c67a1c0](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* remove global scoped css affecting all md-content elements ([5fa0d52](
* remove invalid content ([5412ae1](
* remove post install ([a859157](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](, closes [#1134](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](

### Components

* **MdApp:** create a app shell utility to hold drawers ([9d2617e](
* **MdAutocomplete:** add better documentation examples ([a448325](
* **MdAvatar:** create avatar component ([#15]( ([5a6d2e0](
* **MdCard:** add cards ([17ed67b](
* **MdCheckbox:** create checkboxes ([f1414a0](
* **MdDatepicker:** create datepicker component ([#25]( ([05efb1a](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([c421630](
* **MdDialog:** create dialog component ([#24]( ([014e38d](
* **MdDialog:** create md-file ([#13]( ([80dd444](
* **MdDivider:** create dividers ([f790ba9](
* **MdDrawer:** add a new component: MdDrawer ([cab7d15](
* **MdEmptyState:** create empty state component ([#28]( ([7381897](
* **MdField:** start the creation of the md-field component ([e97b317](
* **MdLayout:** recreate md-layout ([#1229]( ([652a0c6](
* **MdList:** create lists ([da24c63](
* **MdMenu:** add menu component ([#21]( ([8241575](
* **MdProgress:** create progress bar and progress spinner ([#34]( ([19d742b](
* **MdRadio:** create radio buttons ([dfa5478](
* **MdSelect:** create select component ([#27]( ([e965e86](
* **MdSnackbar:** add snackbar component ([#19]( ([614b6fa](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create speed dial files ([48b6fd1](
* **MdSteppers:** create steppers component ([2f70440](
* **MdSubheader:** create subheaders ([28a9916](
* **MdSwitch:** create switch selector ([dd835da](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#29]( ([0810e69](
* **MdTable:** create base files for dynamic table ([#33]( ([799aa80](
* **MdTabs:** add bottom bar ([#18]( ([8caef27](
* **MdTabs:** create tabs ([#17]( ([af565f4](
* **MdToolbar:** start documentation of mdToolbar ([759ac43](
* **MdTooltip:** add tooltips ([#20]( ([2456ff9](

### Features

* **MdApp:** add support for custom scrollbar ([e6dc6b5](
* **MdApp:** add support for md-display-2 as the flexible header ([c030908](
* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** create fixed last row option ([f537e12](
* **MdApp:** create flexible toolbars ([4c3b432](
* **MdApp:** create overlaping content above toolbar ([14d68b6](
* **MdApp:** create reveal toolbars ([78d2edd](
* **MdApp:** create waterfall toolbars ([4da9e77](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdButton:** add md-fab position classes ([8fb6c66](
* **MdButton:** add md-ripple option to enable/disable the effect ([2b23610](
* **MdButton:** create floating action buttons ([7b4de04](
* **MdButton:** fix to prop not being passed to router-link ([4521af6](
* **MdCard:** create needed files to start creation of cards ([3d91708](
* **MdCheckbox:** add support for md-primary hue ([11ddc67](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288]( [/]( [/]( [/]( [/](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add option to disable dates by array or function ([1d269e4](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdDrawer:** add a awesome mini variant ([40fb9a1](
* **MdDrawer:** create all kinds of drawers ([53a9d98](
* **MdField:** add required fields and error messages ([1adc7dd](
* **MdField:** create character counter ([f1bb1c6](
* **MdField:** create clearable fields ([12bf9a5](
* **MdField:** create md-field with md-input and md-textarea ([5a106cf](
* **MdField:** create password toggle ([516f278](
* **MdField:** make icons work together with fields ([13549dc](
* **MdList:** add support for selection controls ([9cdd3aa](
* **MdList:** expansion lists ([d4e4277](
* **MdList:** highlight router link active item ([c5d922f](
* **MdList:** lists now support single, double and triple line ([adccbab](
* **MdList:** make static list items ([a0053d3](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **Mdpp:** create a scrollbar for md-content inside a md-app ([4b9e078](
* **MdRadio:** add support for md-primary hue ([084171d](
* **MdRipple:** add a disabled class to make easy to distinguish ([f0d0f7c](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdSelect:** add md-opened, md-closed events ([#1235]( ([2a1d440](
* **MdSelect:** add md-selected event ([#1234]( ([804c648](
* **MdSnackbar:** add optional persist option ([9efe538](
* **MdSnackbar:** make snackbar persists across route changes ([0eca578](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add animation types, directions and event triggers ([492ff05](
* **MdSpeedDial:** add centered fab and speed dial ([bf8c5f4](
* **MdSpeedDial:** create morph icon ([2f55de5](
* **MdSpeedDial:** start creation of speed dial ([ed5721b](
* add wide support for server side rendering ([#1183]( ([ff24b8f](
* create focused interaction for buttons ([409dd11](
* **MdSwitch:** add support for md-primary hue ([cefe2ab](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](
* **MdToolbar:** create multiline toolbars ([dc870d4](
* **MdToolbar:** resize toolbars according to breakpoints ([a052efa](

### Performance Improvements

* improve app toolbar performance on scroll ([bb66530](

### Reverts

* fix ads ([d3a123f](
* old release script ([ad975b6](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.2"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.2]( (2018-05-15)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdTable:** fix table rendering default slot twice ([#1731]( ([3c61bcf](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10.1"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10.1]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdApp:** fix typo breaking MdApp on several scenarios ([#1728]( ([8bdbaf3](, closes [#1727](

<a name="1.0.0-beta-10"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-10]( (2018-05-13)

### Bug Fixes

* **Core:** inject SassScript value to CSS variables to fix libsass 3.5.0 ([#1620]( ([4f180f6](, closes [/]( [#1619](
* **MdApp:** right drawer, fully reactive ([#1493]( ([3ac16c7](, closes [#1204](
* **MdBadge:** custom class and style supported ([#1676]( ([71b7afa](
* **MdBottomBarItem:** missing props to for router link ([#1531]( ([6860d3a](, closes [#1412](
* **MdButton:** change type of mdRippleActive prop to null to support SSR ([baf6a14](
* **MdButton:** fab-bottom-center style ([#1724]( ([d1b296e](, closes [#1722](
* **MdButton:** fix events when ripple is on ([#1532]( ([e7f8f34](
* **MdButton:** Ripple for firefox ([#1468]( ([156506b](, closes [#1461](
* **MdCard:** prevent showing scrollbars ([#1580]( ([dc7892e](
* **MdChips:** improve alignment with other regular fields like md-input ([ce7e075](
* **MdCore:** remove all async/await from codebase ([5c3c208](
* **MdDialog:** remove md-primary from MdDialogConfirm's cancel button ([#1633]( ([e125c0d](, closes [#1622](
* **MdField:** fix font size for safari ([#1476]( ([679f3d6](
* **MdField:** fix textarea and inline alignments ([#1646]( ([dbeb7e9](
* **MdFile:** empty statement ([#1716]( ([ae10127](, closes [#1711](
* **MdLayout:** remove breakpoint margins ([#1457]( ([c568fe3](
* **MdMenu:** fix vertical alignment for menu items in IE ([#1615]( ([5d3dfcf](
* **MdMenu:** preventDefault only for specific keys ([7c10a09](
* **MdMenuItem:** fix router ([#1474]( ([eb6c8df](, closes [#1471](
* **MdProgressBar:** query style ([#1683]( ([48453a1](, closes [#1682](
* **MdRipple:** clear immediately ([#1506]( ([d52954a](
* **MdSelect:** adjust position when body has margin ([#1551]( ([c820b72](
* **MdSelect:** dropdown icon align with input on botton line variant ([#1600]( ([5c30f73](
* **MdSelect:** fix select position under md-dialog ([#1525]( ([f7990c5](, closes [#1149](
* **MdSelect:** pass props id and name as pure html attributes ([#1583]( ([9fde310](
* **MdSelect:** update the text if options are updated ([#1481]( ([042e571](, closes [#1389](
* **MdSteppers:** zero height in IE ([#1664]( ([665732c](
* **MdTable:** emit selected/update event only when selected items really changed ([#1585]( ([a591144](, closes [#1559](
* **MdTable:** fix value condition for slot ([af0b89c](
* **MdTable:** make fixed header follow the horizontal scroll ([#1575]( ([b14aac3](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1674]( ([ddee303](, closes [#1348](
* **MdTableRow:** removeSelectableItem when empty ([#1616]( ([6d787bd](, closes [#1610](
* **MdTableRow:** update selectableItem while `mdItem` changed ([#1496]( ([30c2f80](, closes [#1492](
* build script ([0b4ffc3](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position on transition end ([#1467]( ([bc3b611](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** remove ResizeObserver to improve the size and position calculation ([#1552]( ([ef0cd2f](
* **MdTabs:** transparent content ([#1725]( ([a4e3619](, closes [#1713](
* constructor name support for IE11 ([95614b6](
* ios devices do not trigger click events on 'non-clickable' elements ([#1634]( ([63b8ac0](, closes [#1503](
* make dev env works ([a8e3978](

### Components

* **MdBadge:** new md-badge component ([#1465]( ([3c60a38](

### Features

* **MdBadge:** add prop validation ([a53aff6](
* **MdCheckbox:** add `indeterminate` variant ([#1597]( ([e373857](
* **MdCheckbox:** add object to possible checkbox value ([#1556]( ([05821e2](
* **MdCheckBox:** True / false value supporting ([#1703]( ([7cdcb66](, closes [#1701](
* **MdChips:** Support with field variants ([#1668]( ([c502a16](
* **MdDatepicker:** add close and open events ([#1577]( ([5cb9b7b](
* **MdDatepicker:** add immediately option ([#1607]( ([f62ec6a](, closes [#1606](
* **MdDatepicker:** Debounce the conversion into a date object ([#1666]( ([a47ebe1](
* **MdDialog:** add emit event when clicked outside of dialog ([#1567]( ([b19f6f0](
* **MdField:** add [@md]( event ([#1635]( ([6ef5235](
* **MdField:** add prefixes and suffixes ([#1592]( ([a30d84c](
* **MdField:** new field variants ([#1545]( ([f2347f1](
* **MdFile:** Support with field variants ([#1662]( ([fbf6d2a](
* **MdList:** expand only one option ([#1645]( ([09b8573](, closes [#1641](
* **MdListItemExpand:** add expanded and collapsed events ([#1495]( ([11c2785](, closes [#1490](
* **MdMenu:** new props mdCloseOnClick ([#1630]( ([ecf5cb7](
* **MdSnackbar:** keep alive if its persistent ([#1561]( ([33007b4](
* **MdTable:** allow 2D array as the model value ([#1477]( ([aed487a](
* **MdTable:** allow custom value for mdHeight ([#1522]( ([c63b757](
* **MdTableCell:** add `md-id` prop ([#1584]( ([7e7249a](

### Performance Improvements

* move universal selector from html tag ([#1652]( ([2340eae](


* **MdApp:** Replace useless props `mdLeft` with `!this.mdRight`
* **MdApp:** no more than one drawer in a MdApp
* **MdCheckBox:** checkbox without setting value is true / false as default

<a name="1.0.0-beta-8"></a>
# [1.0.0-beta-8]( (2018-01-29)

### Bug Fixes

* **MdAutocomplete:** fix input emit when cleared ([#1295]( ([8a055e8](
* **MdAutocomplete:** prevent show options twice ([#1410]( ([6a719b5](, closes [#1408](
* **MdChips:** add labels for static chips ([#1329]( ([b7094cb](, closes [#1327](
* **MdDatepicker:** avoid warning for duplicated keys ([#1379]( ([70712d7](
* **MdDialog:** IE not rendering Dialogs ([#1356]( ([8115f32](
* **MdField:** Consider number `0` as hasValue ([#1407]( ([d026496](, closes [#1406](
* **MdField:** disable clear button while field is disabled ([#1326]( ([03a9425](, closes [#1321](
* **MdField:** preserve the name attribute on change ([#1385]( ([0a83834](
* **MdField:** prevent MdInput and MdTextarea from emit input events directly ([#1285]( ([00832e9](, closes [#1261](
* **MdHighlightText:** avoid printing 'null' as a value ([#1352]( ([4d906b6](, closes [#1351](
* **MdLayout:** add xlarge and large classes to the layout component ([#1323]( ([6c5fe65](
* **MdMenu:** Close menu while another is opened ([#1266]( ([ef720c4](, closes [#1255](
* **MdMenu:** fix close-on-select props ([#1280]( ([40406af](, closes [#1279](
* **MdProgressSpinner:** undefined navigator on SSR ([#1441]( ([4722dad](
* **MdRipple:** clear ripples if called programatically ([#1431]( ([9e6aa8a](
* **MdSelect:** emit `md-selected` event after `localValue` changed ([#1282]( ([023723a](, closes [#1275](
* **MdSelect:** fix dense layout not being rendered properly ([#1346]( ([7110eab](, closes [#1332](
* **MdSelect:** make options in disabled groups un-selectable ([#1293]( ([89138eb](, closes [#1286](
* **MdSelect:** prevent overflowing arrow icon ([#1373]( ([637e914](
* **MdSelect:** Reactive options ([#1447]( ([01dfdfb](, closes [#1262](
* **MdSteppers:** recalculate styles on window resize ([#1394]( ([d3953f7](
* **MdTable:** fix error to sort by attribute of child object ([#1309]( ([9134227](
* **MdTable:** fix height of fixed table for firefox ([#1384]( ([e24f8dc](
* **MdTable:** improve sort function on table for numbered columns ([#1353]( ([18bb96c](, closes [#1349](
* **MdTable:** remove table head when column removed ([#1354]( ([b54eb10](, closes [#1347](
* **MdTabs:** correct indicator position while alignment changed ([#1442]( ([c5fc2f5](, closes [#1432](
* **MdTabs:** fix indicator ([#1448]( ([b33d0d6](, closes [#1304](
* **MdTextarea:** fix input event handler not triggering ([#1341]( ([567e9a7](, closes [#1340](
* **MdTextarea:** prevent emitting `inputEvent` object on `input` ([#1249]( ([c83f2a6](, closes [#1247](
* **MdTooltip:** `mdActive` never updated to true using `.sync` modifier ([b1018fb](
* **MdTooltip:** overlaying in dialog ([#1446]( ([8ade40f](
* menu compatibility with IE (node type statement) ([#1365]( ([a4c03be](, closes [#1263]( [#1263](
* upgrade vue-template-compiler in yarn.lock ([#1306]( ([b1bc2e1](
* z-index issues ([#1264]( ([843056d](

### Features

* **MdApp:** allow custom components with slot ([#1387]( ([ff341a2](
* **MdApp:** custom class and style ([#1256]( ([9073313](
* **MdChips:** add formatter for individual chips ([#1339]( ([247a840](, closes [#1288](
* **MdChips:** feedback for duplicated chip ([#1281]( ([d15f63b](, closes [#1212]( [#1212](
* **MdDatepicker:** add dateformat ([#1436]( ([74aee23](
* **MdDatepicker:** add support for labels ([#1265]( ([9f61c0b](
* **MdDatepicker:** custom first day of a week ([#1409]( ([af0dc0a](, closes [#1397]( [#1397](
* **MdDatepicker:** emit date without confirming ([#1426]( ([e4af731](
* **MdDatepicker:** override browser native pickers ([#1270]( ([1cfaf3c](
* **MdDatepicker:** remove fixed label position ([#1417]( ([a2cbc98](
* **MdListItemExpand:** reactive expansion ([#1435]( ([0f7e28f](, closes [#1425](
* **MdListItemLink:** add all `<a>` attributes supported ([#1328]( ([c9a2b9f](, closes [#1320](
* **MdRipple:** multiple waves ([#1419]( ([70b3aa2](
* **MdTable:** reactive selection ([#1358]( ([906a91d](, closes [#1348]( [#1292](
* **MdTableRow:** enable native browser events without the .native modifier ([#1393]( ([edb484e](


* **MdTable:** no more `md-selected` event from `MdTableRow`

* fix(MdTable): select event should be triggered after select update event

* fix(MdTableHeadSelection): select all only take effect on selectable items