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package shikaku

import (

// Board Represents a Shikaku board, containing a grid of Squares.
type Board struct {
    Grid [][]Square

// Height returns the height of the board.
func (bo *Board) Height() int {
    return len(bo.Grid)

// Width returns the width of the board.
func (bo *Board) Width() int {
    return len(bo.Grid[0])

// Size returns the size of the board in a Vec2.
func (bo *Board) Size() Vec2 {
    return Vec2{bo.Width(), bo.Height()}

// Get returns the square at the given Vec2{x,y}.
// Panics if the coordinates are out of bounds.
func (bo *Board) Get(pos Vec2) *Square {
    x, y := pos[0], pos[1]
    if x >= bo.Width() || x < 0 || y >= bo.Height() || y < 0 {
        panic("Get() coordinates out of bounds")

    return &bo.Grid[y][x]

// BoardVisitor is a function called for a certain set of squares in a
// board, returning true to advance or false to stop iterating.
type BoardVisitor func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) (advance bool)

// Iter calls visitor for each square in the board.
func (bo *Board) Iter(visitor BoardVisitor) bool {
    return bo.IterIn(ORIGIN, bo.Size(), visitor)

// IterWhere calls visitor for each square in the board satisfying predicate, stopping if visitor returns false.
func (bo *Board) IterWhere(predicate func(sq Square) bool, visitor BoardVisitor) (uninterrupted bool) {
    return bo.IterIn(ORIGIN, bo.Size(), func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        if predicate(*sq) {
            return visitor(pos, sq)
        return true


// IterIn valls visitor for each square in the rectangular range from a (inclusive) to b (exclusive).
// Preconditions:
//   a[0] <= b[0]
//   a[1] <= b[1]
// Panics otherwise.
func (bo *Board) IterIn(a, b Vec2, visitor BoardVisitor) (uninterrupted bool) {
    if a[0] == b[0] || a[1] == b[1] {
        return true // Can't iterate through an empty rectangle
    } else if a[0] > b[0] || a[1] > b[1] {
        panic("IterIn() passed negative area")

    var pos Vec2
    for pos[1] = a[1]; pos[1] < b[1]; pos[1]++ {
        for pos[0] = a[0]; pos[0] < b[0]; pos[0]++ {
            sq := bo.Get(pos)
            advance := visitor(pos, sq)
            if !advance {
                return false
    return true

// NewBoardFromString creates a new Board from a string of the following format:
// Each blank as '--'
// Each given as 'xx', e.g. 00, 04, 16, 99, etc.
// Each square separated by a space, and each line by a newline (\n).
// For example, a 5x5 could look like this:
//  -- -- 05 -- --
//  -- 04 -- -- --
//  03 02 -- -- --
//  -- -- -- 06 --
//  -- 05 -- -- --
func NewBoardFromString(s string) (*Board, error) {
    s = strings.TrimSpace(s)
    b := new(Board)

    // For each line
    for _, line := range strings.Split(s, "\n") {
        line = strings.TrimSpace(line)
        row := []Square{}
        for _, sqStr := range strings.Fields(line) {
            if sqStr == "--" {
                row = append(row, NewBlank())
            } else {
                area, err := strconv.Atoi(sqStr)
                if err != nil {
                    return nil, fmt.Errorf("Couldn't parse board: '%s' isn't an int", sqStr)
                row = append(row, NewGiven(area))
        b.Grid = append(b.Grid, row)

    // Sanity check: all the rows are the same length
    rowLen := len(b.Grid[0])
    for _, row := range b.Grid {
        if len(row) != rowLen {
            return nil, errors.New("Couldn't parse board: not all rows are the same length")

    return b, nil

// Solve solves the Shikaku puzzle

For each Given:
    for each factor pair (each way around)
        For each possible placement
            add a potential answer to the blank

For each Blank:
    if it has 0 Possibles, abort with error.
    Count those with len(possible) != 1

If count(len(possible) != 1) is zero
    Repeat everything

func (bo *Board) Solve() error {
    // Sanity check: all the squares, added together, actually cover the board
    totalCovered := 0
    bo.Iter(func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        totalCovered += sq.Area
        return true
    if totalCovered > bo.Height()*bo.Width() {
        return errors.New("Covered area is greater than board area")
    if totalCovered < bo.Height()*bo.Width() {
        return errors.New("Covered area is less than board area")

    // Finalize if only one solution for anything.
    // So count the number of times something's finalized.
    countFinalized := 0

    // For each Given
    bo.IterWhere(IsUnsolvedGiven, func(pos Vec2, giv *Square) bool {

        // Count possible orientations. If there's only 1, finalize it.
        countPossible := 0
        var lastPossible Rect

        // For each factor pair...
        factors := Factor(giv.Area)
        for _, area := range factors {

            // ...each way around
            for flip := 0; flip <= 1; flip++ {

                // For each possible placement...
                var ofs Vec2 // Offset of top left corner to Given loc
                for ofs[0] = 0; ofs[0] < area[0]; ofs[0]++ {
                    for ofs[1] = 0; ofs[1] < area[1]; ofs[1]++ {
                        a := pos.Sub(ofs)
                        b := a.Add(area)
                        r := Rect{a, b, pos}

                        // ...That doesn't collide, and that fits
                        if bo.Contains(r) && !bo.Collides(r) {
                            // incr possible count, set lastPossible
                            lastPossible = r

                            // Add a Potential for each square in the area.
                            bo.IterIn(a, b, func(pos Vec2, potential *Square) bool {
                                if potential != giv {
                                return true

                // Flip the factor pair, then try again.
                // If it's a square, don't flip it.
                if area[0] != area[1] {
                    area = area.Transpose()
                } else {


        // If there's only one solution...
        if countPossible == 1 {
            // Finalize that solution.
            countFinalized += bo.Finalize(lastPossible)

        return true // keep going

    // For each Blank
    remaining := 0
    valid := bo.IterWhere(IsNotFinal, func(pos Vec2, blank *Square) bool {
        if len(blank.Possible) == 0 {
            return false // board is invalid, can't cover a square
        } else if len(blank.Possible) != 0 {
            remaining++ // one more remaining square to determine
        return true

    if !valid {
        return errors.New("Invalid board, some squares weren't covered")

    if remaining == 0 {
        // Done. Everything's fine.
        return nil

    // Finalize squares with 1 suggestion, add to the count.
    bo.Iter(func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        if IsNotFinal(*sq) && !IsGiven(*sq) {
            if len(sq.Possible) == 1 {
                sol := sq.Possible[0]
                //Make final.
                countFinalized += bo.Finalize(sol)
        return true

    if countFinalized == 0 {
        // Can't deterministically solve.
        // Iterate through the potential solutions, try all of them. bfs.
        var sol *Board = nil
        bo.IterWhere(IsNotFinal, func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
            for _, poss := range sq.Possible {
                newBoard := &Board{}
                *newBoard = *bo // Copy the board
                err := newBoard.Solve()
                if err == nil {
                    // Copy the solution back to this board, return without error
                    sol = newBoard
                    return false
            return true

        if sol != nil {
            // If a solution was found, return without error
            return nil

        // Otherwise, throw error about possible solutions.
        return errors.New("no possible solutions work")

    // Truncate lists of Possible
    bo.IterWhere(IsNotFinal, func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        sq.Possible = sq.Possible[:0]
        return true

    // Try refining it again.
    return bo.Solve()

// StringGiven returns a string representation of the board, in the same format as NewBoardFromString.
func (bo *Board) StringGiven() string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer

    for _, row := range bo.Grid {
        for _, sq := range row {
            if IsGiven(sq) {
                fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%02d ", sq.Area)
            } else {
                fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "-- ")

    return buf.String()

// String returns a string representation of the board.
func (bo *Board) String() string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer

    // write header
    fmt.Fprint(&buf, "    ")
    for i := 0; i < bo.Width(); i++ {
        fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %2d", i)
    fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\n\n")

    // Write each line
    for i, row := range bo.Grid {
        fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%2d  ", i)
        for _, sq := range row {
            if IsGiven(sq) {
                fmt.Fprintf(&buf, " %02d", sq.Area)
            } else {
                if IsFinal(sq) {
                    fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "  %1d", bo.Get(sq.Final.Given).Area)
                } else {
                    fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "   ")

        fmt.Fprint(&buf, "\n")

    return buf.String()

// DebugString prints each cell.
func (bo *Board) DebugString() string {
    var buf bytes.Buffer

    bo.Iter(func(loc Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        fmt.Fprintf(&buf, "%v: %v\n", loc, sq)
        return true

    return buf.String()

// Contains determines if the Rect is contained completely by the Board.
func (bo *Board) Contains(r Rect) bool {
    return r.A.In(ORIGIN, bo.Size()) && r.B.In(ORIGIN, bo.Size().Add(Vec2{1, 1}))

// Collides determines if the Rect overlaps with any final squares not of its
// own Given.
// Preconditions:
//   a[0] <= b[0]
//   a[1] <= b[1]
// Panics otherwise.
func (bo *Board) Collides(r Rect) bool {
    return !bo.IterIn(r.A, r.B, func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        return (IsGiven(*sq) && pos == r.Given) || (IsFinal(*sq) && sq.Final == r) || IsNotFinal(*sq)

// Finalize sets all the squares within r to final, and returns the count of squares changed.
func (bo *Board) Finalize(r Rect) (count int) {
    countFinalized := 0
    bo.IterIn(r.A, r.B, func(pos Vec2, sq *Square) bool {
        if !IsFinal(*sq) {

        if !IsGiven(*sq) && IsFinal(*sq) && sq.Final != r {
            panic("Can't Finalize() an invalid Rect")

        sq.Final = r
        sq.Possible = sq.Possible[:0]
        return true

    return countFinalized