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package wikipath

import (

// NormalizeArticleTitle normalizes an article title to get a
// retrieval key
func NormalizeArticleTitle(title string) string {
    // Just lowercase it for now -- there are other normalization rules though.
    return strings.ToLower(title)

// Index contains all the loaded articles.
// If built, each article has a set of forward/reverse pointers.
type Index struct {
    itemIndex    map[string]*IndexItem // Map of normalized article title to `Item`s.
    itemIndexMut sync.RWMutex

    tempLinks  []*StrippedArticle // [empty if ready] Articles to be indexed.
    tempRedirs []*StrippedArticle // [empty if ready] Redirects to be indexed.

    ready bool // If the index has been built

// IndexItem is an article in the index.
// If built, it has pointers to articles it links to, and pointers
// to articles which link to it.
type IndexItem struct {
    Title string // Non-normalized title of the page.

    Forward    []*IndexItem // Items this pages links to.
    ForwardMut sync.Mutex

    Reverse    []*IndexItem // Items which link to this one.
    ReverseMut sync.Mutex

// NewIndex creates an Index.
func NewIndex() *Index {
    return &Index{
        itemIndex:  make(map[string]*IndexItem),
        tempLinks:  make([]*StrippedArticle, 0),
        tempRedirs: make([]*StrippedArticle, 0),

// FindPath gets a list of paths between two IndexItems, sorted by length.
// Returns (path found, items touched).
func (ind *Index) FindPath(from *IndexItem, to *IndexItem, depth int) (path *IndexPath, searched int) {
    // Idiot check
    if from == to {
        return NewIndexPath(from, FORWARD), 0

    // Ensure index has been built.
    if !ind.ready {

    // Run the search.
    path, searched = pathSearch(from, to, depth)

    return path, searched

func pathSearch(from *IndexItem, to *IndexItem, depth int) (path *IndexPath, searched int) {
    // Set up dict of already-visited item paths.
    found := make(map[*IndexItem]*IndexPath)

    // Count searched
    // searched = 0 at definition.

    // Set up Djikstra queue
    queue := NewPathQueue()

    fromPath := NewIndexPath(from, FORWARD)
    toPath := NewIndexPath(to, REVERSE)

    path = fromPath

    for ; path != nil; path = queue.Dequeue() {

        // Get the right link list depending on direction
        var links []*IndexItem
        if path.Direction == FORWARD {
            links = path.Item.Forward
        } else {
            links = path.Item.Reverse

        for _, link := range links {
            linkPath := path.Append(link)
            foundPath := found[link]

            if (linkPath.Direction == FORWARD && link == to) || (linkPath.Direction == REVERSE && link == from) {
                // Found the end of the path.
                return linkPath, searched
            } else if foundPath == nil {
                // Not searched yet. Add this to the queue of pages to be searched.
                found[link] = linkPath
            } else if foundPath.Direction == linkPath.Direction {
                // Already searched in the same direction.
                // If our way is shorter, set the path to our way.
                if linkPath.Len() < foundPath.Len() {
                    foundPath.Prev = linkPath.Prev
            } else {
                // At this point, link.FoundPath.Direction != linkPath.Direction
                // We've met the search coming from the other direction.
                return NewIndexPathByJoin(linkPath, foundPath), searched

    // Nothing happened.
    return nil, searched

// AddArticle adds an article to the index.
// Index these things:
// - make an IndexItem, add it to the itemIndex
// - Parse the links from the article text, add it to the linkIndex
// - Figure out redirects, add them to the redirectIndex.
func (ind *Index) AddArticle(a *StrippedArticle) {
    k := NormalizeArticleTitle(a.Title)

    if a.Redirect != "" {
        // Article is a redirect, add to redirect index.
        ind.tempRedirs = append(ind.tempRedirs, a)
    } else {
        // Article is not a redirect.

        // Make article if it doesn't already exist.
        if ind.itemIndex[k] == nil {
            ind.itemIndex[k] = &IndexItem{Title: a.Title}

        // Add links to temp link index.
        ind.tempLinks = append(ind.tempLinks, a)

    // Flag index as not ready.
    // Will rebuild on next use.
    ind.ready = false

// Build builds the index, finding each article's forward and reverse pointers.
func (ind *Index) Build() {

    itemPump := func(tempLinks []*StrippedArticle, tempItems chan<- *StrippedArticle) {
        for _, sa := range tempLinks {
            tempItems <- sa

    linkWorker := func(ec *ErrorContext, tempItems <-chan *StrippedArticle) {
        // read tempItem from chan
        for {
            sa := <-tempItems
            if sa == nil {

            k := NormalizeArticleTitle(sa.Title)

            // tempItem isn't a redirect

            // For each link in the article, add a forward and reverse pointer
            linkSrc := ind.Get(k) // Get() takes care of locking
            for _, linkName := range sa.Links {
                linkDst := ind.Get(linkName)

                // Check for broken links.
                if linkDst != nil {
                    // Append to forward links
                    linkSrc.Forward = append(linkSrc.Forward, linkDst)

                    // Append to reverse links
                    linkDst.Reverse = append(linkDst.Reverse, linkSrc)

    linksWait := NewErrorContext()

    // Channel of all the temp items which need indexing.
    tempItems := make(chan *StrippedArticle)
    go itemPump(ind.tempLinks, tempItems)

    nWorkers := runtime.GOMAXPROCS(-1)
    for i := 0; i < nWorkers; i++ {
        go linkWorker(linksWait, tempItems)

    // Wait for all link workers to finish indexing.

    // Index all redirects.
    for _, sa := range ind.tempRedirs {
        k := NormalizeArticleTitle(sa.Title)
        redir := ind.Get(sa.Redirect)

        // Check for broken links.
        if redir != nil {
            ind.itemIndex[k] = redir

    // Remove temp index, it's unneeded.
    ind.tempLinks = nil
    ind.tempRedirs = nil

    // Index is now ready.
    ind.ready = true

// Status gets status of index as (ready, dirty)
func (ind *Index) Status() bool {
    return ind.ready

// Get gets an IndexItem by article title.
func (ind *Index) Get(title string) *IndexItem {
    k := NormalizeArticleTitle(title)
    defer ind.itemIndexMut.RUnlock()
    return ind.itemIndex[k]

// GetRandom returns a random item from the index.
func (ind *Index) GetRandom() *IndexItem {
    defer ind.itemIndexMut.RUnlock()

    total := len(ind.itemIndex)
    n := rand.Intn(total)
    i := 0
    for _, item := range ind.itemIndex {
        if i >= n {
            return item
        } else {

    return nil // should never happen