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namespace Wikimedia\Rdbms;

use IDBAccessObject;

 * Build SELECT queries with a fluent interface.
 * Each query builder object must be used for a single database query only,
 * and not be reused afterwards. To run multiple similar queries, you can
 * create a query builder to set up most of your query, which you can use
 * as a "template" to clone. You can then modify the cloned object for
 * each individual query.
 * Note that the methods in this class are not stable to override.
 * This class may be extended to create query builders for specific database
 * tables, such {@link \MediaWiki\Page\PageSelectQueryBuilder}, whilst still
 * providing the same fluent interface for adding arbitrary additional
 * conditions and such.
 * @since 1.35
 * @stable to extend
 * @ingroup Database
class SelectQueryBuilder extends JoinGroupBase {

    /** @var string sort the results in ascending order */
    public const SORT_ASC = 'ASC';

    /** @var string sort the results in descending order */
    public const SORT_DESC = 'DESC';

     * @var array The fields to be passed to IReadableDatabase::select()
    private $fields = [];

     * @var array The conditions to be passed to IReadableDatabase::select()
    private $conds = [];

     * @var string The caller (function name) to be passed to IReadableDatabase::select()
    private $caller = __CLASS__;

     * @var array The options to be passed to IReadableDatabase::select()
    protected $options = [];

     * @var int An integer used to assign automatic aliases to tables and groups
    private $nextAutoAlias = 1;

     * @var bool True if $this->caller has been set
    private $isCallerOverridden = false;

    /** @var IReadableDatabase */
    protected IReadableDatabase $db;

     * Only for use in subclasses. To create a SelectQueryBuilder instance,
     * use `$db->newSelectQueryBuilder()` instead.
     * @param IReadableDatabase $db
    public function __construct( IReadableDatabase $db ) {
        $this->db = $db;

     * Change the IReadableDatabase object the query builder is bound to. The specified
     * IReadableDatabase will subsequently be used to execute the query.
     * @param IReadableDatabase $db
     * @return $this
    public function connection( IReadableDatabase $db ) {
        if ( $this->db->getType() !== $db->getType() ) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ .
                ' cannot switch to a database of a different type.' );
        $this->db = $db;
        return $this;

     * Set the query parameters to the given values, appending to the values
     * which were already set. This can be used to interface with legacy code.
     * If a key is omitted, the previous value will be retained.
     * The parameters must be formatted as required by Database::select. For
     * example, JoinGroup cannot be used.
     * @param array $info Associative array of query info, with keys:
     *   - tables: The raw array of tables to be passed to Database::select()
     *   - fields: The fields
     *   - conds: The conditions
     *   - options: The query options
     *   - join_conds: The join conditions
     *   - joins: Alias for join_conds. If both joins and join_conds are
     *     specified, the values will be merged.
     *   - caller: The caller signature
     * @return $this
    public function queryInfo( $info ) {
        if ( isset( $info['tables'] ) ) {
            $this->rawTables( $info['tables'] );
        if ( isset( $info['fields'] ) ) {
            $this->fields( $info['fields'] );
        if ( isset( $info['conds'] ) ) {
            $this->where( $info['conds'] );
        if ( isset( $info['options'] ) ) {
            $this->options( (array)$info['options'] );
        if ( isset( $info['join_conds'] ) ) {
            $this->joinConds( (array)$info['join_conds'] );
        if ( isset( $info['joins'] ) ) {
            $this->joinConds( (array)$info['joins'] );
        if ( isset( $info['caller'] ) ) {
            $this->caller( $info['caller'] );
        return $this;

     * Given a table or table array as might be passed to Database::select(),
     * append it to the existing tables, interpreting nested arrays as join
     * groups.
     * This can be used to interface with existing code that expresses join
     * groups as nested arrays. In new code, join groups should generally
     * be created with newJoinGroup(), which provides a fluent interface.
     * @param string|array $tables
     * @return $this
    public function rawTables( $tables ) {
        if ( is_array( $tables ) ) {
            $this->tables = array_merge( $this->tables, $tables );
        } elseif ( is_string( $tables ) ) {
            $this->tables[] = $tables;
        } else {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException( __METHOD__ .
                ': $tables must be a string or array' );
        return $this;

     * Merge another query builder with this one. Append the other builder's
     * tables, joins, fields, conditions and options to this one.
     * @since 1.41
     * @param SelectQueryBuilder $builder
     * @return $this
    public function merge( SelectQueryBuilder $builder ) {
        $this->rawTables( $builder->tables );
        $this->fields( $builder->fields );
        $this->where( $builder->conds );
        $this->options( $builder->options );
        $this->joinConds( $builder->joinConds );
        if ( $builder->isCallerOverridden ) {
            $this->caller( $builder->caller );
        return $this;

     * Get an empty SelectQueryBuilder which can be used to build a subquery
     * of this query.
     * @return SelectQueryBuilder
    public function newSubquery() {
        return new self( $this->db );

     * Add a single table to the SELECT query. Alias for table().
     * @param string|JoinGroup|SelectQueryBuilder $table The table, see table() for details
     * @param-taint $table exec_sql
     * @param string|null $alias The table alias, or null for no alias
     * @param-taint $alias exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function from( $table, $alias = null ) {
        return $this->table( $table, $alias );

     * Add multiple tables. It's recommended to use join() and leftJoin() instead in new code.
     * @param string[] $tables
     * @param-taint $tables exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function tables( $tables ) {
        foreach ( $tables as $alias => $table ) {
            if ( is_string( $alias ) ) {
                $this->table( $table, $alias );
            } else {
                $this->table( $table );
        return $this;

     * Add a field or an array of fields to the query. Each field is an SQL
     * fragment. If the array key is non-numeric, the key is taken to be an
     * alias for the field.
     * @see IReadableDatabase::select()
     * @param string|string[] $fields
     * @param-taint $fields exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function fields( $fields ) {
        if ( is_array( $fields ) ) {
            $this->fields = array_merge( $this->fields, $fields );
        } else {
            $this->fields[] = $fields;
        return $this;

     * Add a field or an array of fields to the query. Alias for fields().
     * @param string|string[] $fields
     * @param-taint $fields exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function select( $fields ) {
        return $this->fields( $fields );

     * Add a single field to the query, optionally with an alias. The field is
     * an SQL fragment. It is unsafe to pass user input to this function.
     * @param string $field
     * @param-taint $field exec_sql
     * @param string|null $alias
     * @param-taint $alias exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function field( $field, $alias = null ) {
        if ( $alias === null ) {
            $this->fields[] = $field;
        } else {
            $this->fields[$alias] = $field;
        return $this;

     * Remove all fields from the query.
     * @return $this
    public function clearFields() {
        $this->fields = [];
        return $this;

     * Add conditions to the query. The supplied conditions will be appended
     * to the existing conditions, separated by AND.
     * @param string|array|IExpression $conds
     * @param-taint $conds exec_sql_numkey
     * May be either a string containing a single condition, or an array of
     * conditions. If an array is given, the conditions constructed from each
     * element are combined with AND.
     * Array elements may take one of two forms:
     *   - Elements with a numeric key are interpreted as raw SQL fragments.
     *   - Elements with a string key are interpreted as equality conditions,
     *     where the key is the field name.
     *     - If the value of such an array element is a scalar (such as a
     *       string), it will be treated as data and thus quoted appropriately.
     *       If it is null, an IS NULL clause will be added.
     *     - If the value is an array, an IN (...) clause will be constructed
     *       from its non-null elements, and an IS NULL clause will be added
     *       if null is present, such that the field may match any of the
     *       elements in the array. The non-null elements will be quoted.
     * Note that expressions are often DBMS-dependent in their syntax.
     * DBMS-independent wrappers are provided for constructing several types of
     * expression commonly used in condition queries. See:
     *    - IReadableDatabase::buildLike()
     *    - IReadableDatabase::conditional()
     * Untrusted user input is safe in the values of string keys, however untrusted
     * input must not be used in the array key names or in the values of numeric keys.
     * Escaping of untrusted input used in values of numeric keys should be done via
     * IReadableDatabase::addQuotes()
     * @return $this
    public function where( $conds ) {
        if ( is_array( $conds ) ) {
            foreach ( $conds as $key => $cond ) {
                if ( is_int( $key ) ) {
                    $this->conds[] = $cond;
                } elseif ( isset( $this->conds[$key] ) ) {
                    // @phan-suppress-previous-line PhanTypeMismatchDimFetch
                    // T288882
                    $this->conds[] = $this->db->makeList(
                        [ $key => $cond ], IReadableDatabase::LIST_AND );
                } else {
                    $this->conds[$key] = $cond;
        } else {
            $this->conds[] = $conds;
        return $this;

     * Add conditions to the query. Alias for where().
     * @param string|array|IExpression $conds
     * @param-taint $conds exec_sql_numkey
     * @return $this
    public function andWhere( $conds ) {
        return $this->where( $conds );

     * Add conditions to the query. Alias for where().
     * @param string|array|IExpression $conds
     * @param-taint $conds exec_sql_numkey
     * @return $this
    public function conds( $conds ) {
        return $this->where( $conds );

     * Manually append to the $join_conds array which will be passed to
     * IReadableDatabase::select(). This is not recommended for new code. Instead,
     * join() and leftJoin() should be used.
     * @param array $joinConds
     * @return $this
    public function joinConds( array $joinConds ) {
        $this->joinConds = array_merge( $this->joinConds, $joinConds );
        return $this;

     * Get a table alias which is unique to this SelectQueryBuilder
     * @return string
    protected function getAutoAlias() {
        return 'sqb' . ( $this->nextAutoAlias++ );

     * Create a parenthesized group of joins which can be added to the object
     * like a table. The group is initially empty.
     * @return JoinGroup
    public function newJoinGroup() {
        return new JoinGroup( $this->getAutoAlias() );

     * Set the offset. Skip this many rows at the start of the result set. Offset
     * with limit() can theoretically be used for paging through a result set,
     * but this is discouraged for performance reasons.
     * If the query builder already has an offset, the old offset will be discarded.
     * @param int $offset
     * @return $this
    public function offset( $offset ) {
        $this->options['OFFSET'] = $offset;
        return $this;

     * Set the query limit. Return at most this many rows. The rows are sorted
     * and then the first rows are taken until the limit is reached. Limit
     * is applied to a result set after offset.
     * If the query builder already has a limit, the old limit will be discarded.
     * @param int $limit
     * @return $this
    public function limit( $limit ) {
        $this->options['LIMIT'] = $limit;
        return $this;

     * Enable the LOCK IN SHARE MODE option. Lock the returned rows so that
     * they can't be changed until the next COMMIT. Cannot be used with
     * aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, etc., but also DISTINCT).
     * @return $this
    public function lockInShareMode() {
        $this->options[] = 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE';
        return $this;

     * Enable the FOR UPDATE option. Lock the returned rows so that
     * they can't be changed until the next COMMIT. Cannot be used with
     * aggregate functions (COUNT, MAX, etc., but also DISTINCT).
     * @return $this
    public function forUpdate() {
        $this->options[] = 'FOR UPDATE';
        return $this;

     * Enable the DISTINCT option. Return only unique result rows.
     * @return $this
    public function distinct() {
        $this->options[] = 'DISTINCT';
        return $this;

     * Set MAX_EXECUTION_TIME for queries.
     * @param int $time maximum allowed time in milliseconds
     * @return $this
    public function setMaxExecutionTime( int $time ) {
        $this->options['MAX_EXECUTION_TIME'] = $time;
        return $this;

     * Add a GROUP BY clause. May be either an SQL fragment string naming a
     * field or expression to group by, or an array of such SQL fragments.
     * If there is an existing GROUP BY clause, the new one will be appended.
     * @param string|string[] $group
     * @param-taint $group exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function groupBy( $group ) {
        $this->mergeOption( 'GROUP BY', $group );
        return $this;

     * Add a HAVING clause. May be either a string containing a HAVING clause
     * or an array of conditions building the HAVING clause. If an array is
     * given, the conditions constructed from each element are combined with
     * AND.
     * If there is an existing HAVING clause, the new one will be appended.
     * @param string|string[] $having
     * @param-taint $having exec_sql_numkey
     * @return $this
    public function having( $having ) {
        $this->mergeOption( 'HAVING', $having );
        return $this;

     * Set the ORDER BY clause. If it has already been set, append the
     * additional fields to it.
     * @param string[]|string $fields The field or list of fields to order by.
     * @param-taint $fields exec_sql
     * @param string|null $direction Sorting direction applied to all fields,
     *   self::SORT_ASC or self::SORT_DESC. If different fields need to be sorted in opposite
     *   directions, then this parameter must be omitted, and $fields must contain 'ASC' or 'DESC'
     *   after each field name.
     * @param-taint $direction exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function orderBy( $fields, $direction = null ) {
        if ( $direction === null ) {
            $this->mergeOption( 'ORDER BY', $fields );
        } elseif ( is_array( $fields ) ) {
            $fieldsWithDirection = [];
            foreach ( $fields as $field ) {
                $fieldsWithDirection[] = "$field $direction";
            $this->mergeOption( 'ORDER BY', $fieldsWithDirection );
        } else {
            $this->mergeOption( 'ORDER BY', "$fields $direction" );
        return $this;

     * Add a value to an option which may be not set or a string or array.
     * @param string $name
     * @param string|string[] $newArrayOrValue
    private function mergeOption( $name, $newArrayOrValue ) {
        $value = isset( $this->options[$name] )
            ? (array)$this->options[$name] : [];
        if ( is_array( $newArrayOrValue ) ) {
            $value = array_merge( $value, $newArrayOrValue );
        } else {
            $value[] = $newArrayOrValue;
        $this->options[$name] = $value;

     * Set a USE INDEX option.
     * If a string is given, the index hint is applied to the most recently
     * appended table or alias. If an array is given, it is assumed to be an
     * associative array with the alias names in the keys and the indexes in
     * the values, as in the USE INDEX option to IReadableDatabase::select(). The
     * array will be merged with the existing value.
     * @param string|string[] $index
     * @param-taint $index exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function useIndex( $index ) {
        $this->setIndexHint( 'USE INDEX', $index );
        return $this;

     * Set the IGNORE INDEX option.
     * If a string is given, the index hint is applied to the most recently
     * appended table or alias. If an array is given, it is assumed to be an
     * associative array with the alias names in the keys and the indexes in
     * the values, as in the IGNORE INDEX option to IReadableDatabase::select(). The
     * array will be merged with the existing value.
     * @param string|string[] $index
     * @param-taint $index exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function ignoreIndex( $index ) {
        $this->setIndexHint( 'IGNORE INDEX', $index );
        return $this;

     * Private helper for methods that set index hints.
     * @param string $type
     * @param string|string[] $value
    private function setIndexHint( $type, $value ) {
        if ( !isset( $this->options[$type] ) ) {
            $this->options[$type] = [];
        } elseif ( !is_array( $this->options[$type] ) ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ": The $type option cannot be appended to " .
                'because it is not an array. This may have been caused by a prior ' .
                'call to option() or options().' );
        if ( is_array( $value ) ) {
            $this->options[$type] = array_merge( $this->options[$type], $value );
        } elseif ( $this->lastAlias === null ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ': Cannot append index value since there is no' .
                'prior table' );
        } else {
            $this->options[$type][$this->lastAlias] = $value;

     * Make the query be an EXPLAIN SELECT query instead of a SELECT query.
     * @return $this
    public function explain() {
        $this->options['EXPLAIN'] = true;
        return $this;

     * Enable the STRAIGHT_JOIN query option.
     * @return $this
    public function straightJoinOption() {
        $this->options[] = 'STRAIGHT_JOIN';
        return $this;

     * Enable the SQL_BIG_RESULT option.
     * @return $this
    public function bigResult() {
        $this->options[] = 'SQL_BIG_RESULT';
        return $this;

     * Enable the SQL_BUFFER_RESULT option.
     * @return $this
    public function bufferResult() {
        $this->options[] = 'SQL_BUFFER_RESULT';
        return $this;

     * Enable the SQL_SMALL_RESULT option.
     * @return $this
    public function smallResult() {
        $this->options[] = 'SQL_SMALL_RESULT';
        return $this;

     * Enable the SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS option.
     * @return $this
    public function calcFoundRows() {
        $this->options[] = 'SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS';
        return $this;

     * Manually set an option in the $options array to be passed to
     * IReadableDatabase::select()
     * @param string $name The option name
     * @param mixed $value The option value, or null for a boolean option
     * @return $this
    public function option( $name, $value = null ) {
        if ( $value === null ) {
            $this->options[] = $name;
        } else {
            $this->options[$name] = $value;
        return $this;

     * Manually set multiple options in the $options array to be passed to
     * IReadableDatabase::select().
     * @param array $options
     * @return $this
    public function options( array $options ) {
        $this->options = array_merge( $this->options, $options );
        return $this;

     * @param int $recency Bitfield of IDBAccessObject::READ_* constants
     * @return $this
    public function recency( $recency ) {
        if ( ( $recency & IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_EXCLUSIVE ) {
        } elseif ( ( $recency & IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) == IDBAccessObject::READ_LOCKING ) {
        return $this;

     * Set the method name to be included in an SQL comment.
     * @param string $fname
     * @param-taint $fname exec_sql
     * @return $this
    public function caller( $fname ) {
        $this->caller = $fname;
        $this->isCallerOverridden = true;
        return $this;

     * Run the constructed SELECT query and return all results.
     * @return IResultWrapper
     * @return-taint tainted
    public function fetchResultSet() {
        return $this->db->select( $this->tables, $this->fields, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Run the constructed SELECT query, and return a single field extracted
     * from the first result row. This may only be called when only one field
     * has been added to the builder.
     * @return mixed
     * @return-taint tainted
    public function fetchField() {
        if ( count( $this->fields ) !== 1 ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ' expects the query to have only one field' );
        $field = reset( $this->fields );
        return $this->db->selectField( $this->tables, $field, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Run the constructed SELECT query, and extract a single field from each
     * result row, returning an array containing all the values. This may only
     * be called when only one field has been added to the builder.
     * @return array
     * @return-taint tainted
    public function fetchFieldValues() {
        if ( count( $this->fields ) !== 1 ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ' expects the query to have only one field' );
        $field = reset( $this->fields );
        return $this->db->selectFieldValues( $this->tables, $field, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Run the constructed SELECT query, and return the first result row. If
     * there were no results, return false.
     * @return \stdClass|false
     * @return-taint tainted
    public function fetchRow() {
        return $this->db->selectRow( $this->tables, $this->fields, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Run the SELECT query, and return the number of results. This typically
     * uses a subquery to discard the actual results on the server side, and
     * is useful when counting rows with a limit.
     * To count rows without a limit, it's more efficient to use a normal
     * COUNT() expression, for example:
     *   $queryBuilder->select( 'COUNT(*)' )->from( 'page' )->fetchField()
     * @return int
    public function fetchRowCount() {
        return $this->db->selectRowCount( $this->tables, $this->getRowCountVar(), $this->conds,
            $this->caller, $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Estimate the number of rows in dataset
     * MySQL allows you to estimate the number of rows that would be returned
     * by a SELECT query, using EXPLAIN SELECT. The estimate is provided using
     * index cardinality statistics, and is notoriously inaccurate, especially
     * when large numbers of rows have recently been added or deleted.
     * @return int
    public function estimateRowCount() {
        return $this->db->estimateRowCount( $this->tables, $this->getRowCountVar(), $this->conds,
            $this->caller, $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Private helper which extracts a field suitable for row counting from the
     * fields array
     * @return string
    private function getRowCountVar() {
        if ( count( $this->fields ) === 0 ) {
            return '*';
        } elseif ( count( $this->fields ) === 1 ) {
            return reset( $this->fields );
        } else {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ' expects the query to have at most one field' );

     * Build a GROUP_CONCAT or equivalent statement for a query.
     * This is useful for combining a field for several rows into a single string.
     * NULL values will not appear in the output, duplicated values will appear,
     * and the resulting delimiter-separated values have no defined sort order.
     * Code using the results may need to use the PHP unique() or sort() methods.
     * @param string $delim
     * @return string
    public function buildGroupConcatField( $delim ) {
        if ( count( $this->fields ) !== 1 ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException(
                __METHOD__ . ' expects the query to have only one field' );
        $field = reset( $this->fields );
        return $this->db->buildGroupConcatField( $delim, $this->tables, $field,
            $this->conds, $this->joinConds );

     * Get the SQL query string which would be used by fetchResultSet().
     * @return string
    public function getSQL() {
        return $this->db->selectSQLText( $this->tables, $this->fields, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );

     * Get an associative array describing the query in terms of its raw parameters to
     * Database::select(). This can be used to interface with legacy code.
     * @param string $joinsName The name of the join_conds key
     * @return array The query info array, with keys:
     *   - tables: The table array
     *   - fields: The fields
     *   - conds: The conditions
     *   - options: The query options
     *   - join_conds: The join conditions. This can also be given a different
     *     name by passing a $joinsName parameter, since some legacy code uses
     *     the name "joins".
     *   - caller: The caller signature
    public function getQueryInfo( $joinsName = 'join_conds' ) {
        $info = [
            'tables' => $this->tables,
            'fields' => $this->fields,
            'conds' => $this->conds,
            'options' => $this->options,
        if ( $this->caller !== __CLASS__ ) {
            $info['caller'] = $this->caller;
        $info[ $joinsName ] = $this->joinConds;
        return $info;

     * Execute the query, but throw away the results. This is intended for
     * locking select queries. By calling this method, the caller is indicating
     * that the query is only done to acquire locks on the selected rows. The
     * field list is optional.
     * Either forUpdate() or lockInShareMode() must be called before calling
     * this method.
     * @see self::forUpdate()
     * @see self::lockInShareMode()
     * @since 1.40
    public function acquireRowLocks(): void {
        if ( !array_intersect( $this->options, [ 'FOR UPDATE', 'LOCK IN SHARE MODE' ] ) ) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException( __METHOD__ . ' can only be called ' .
                'after forUpdate() or lockInShareMode()' );
        $fields = $this->fields ?: '1';
        $this->db->select( $this->tables, $fields, $this->conds, $this->caller,
            $this->options, $this->joinConds );