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 * Save filters widget. This widget is displayed in the tag area
 * and allows the user to save the current state of the system
 * as a new saved filter query they can later load or set as
 * default.
 * @class mw.rcfilters.ui.SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget
 * @ignore
 * @extends OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget
 * @param {mw.rcfilters.Controller} controller Controller
 * @param {} model View model
 * @param {Object} [config] Configuration object
var SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget = function MwRcfiltersUiSaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget( controller, model, config ) {
    var layout,
        $popupContent = $( '<div>' );

    config = config || {};

    this.controller = controller;
    this.model = model;

    // Parent this, $.extend( {
        framed: false,
        icon: 'bookmark',
        title: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-add-new-title' ),
        popup: {
            classes: [ 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup' ],
            padded: true,
            head: true,
            // Make the popup slightly wider to accommodate titles and labels
            // from languages that are longer than the original English ones.
            // See T217304
            width: 450,
            icon: 'bookmark',
            label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-add-new-title' ),
            $content: $popupContent
    }, config ) );

    this.input = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( {
        placeholder: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-new-name-placeholder' )
    } );
    layout = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.input, {
        label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-new-name-label' ),
        align: 'top'
    } );

    this.setAsDefaultCheckbox = new OO.ui.CheckboxInputWidget();
    checkBoxLayout = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( this.setAsDefaultCheckbox, {
        label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-setdefault' ),
        align: 'inline'
    } );

    this.applyButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
        label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-apply-label' ),
        classes: [ 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup-buttons-apply' ],
        flags: [ 'primary', 'progressive' ]
    } );
    this.cancelButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
        label: mw.msg( 'rcfilters-savedqueries-cancel-label' ),
        classes: [ 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup-buttons-cancel' ]
    } );

            $( '<div>' )
                .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup-layout' )
                .append( layout.$element ),
            $( '<div>' )
                .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup-options' )
                .append( checkBoxLayout.$element ),
            $( '<div>' )
                .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget-popup-buttons' )

    // Events
    this.popup.connect( this, {
        ready: 'onPopupReady'
    } );
    this.input.connect( this, {
        change: 'onInputChange',
        enter: 'onInputEnter'
    } );
    this.input.$input.on( {
        keyup: this.onInputKeyup.bind( this )
    } );
    this.setAsDefaultCheckbox.connect( this, { change: 'onSetAsDefaultChange' } );
    this.cancelButton.connect( this, { click: 'onCancelButtonClick' } );
    this.applyButton.connect( this, { click: 'onApplyButtonClick' } );

    // Initialize
    this.applyButton.setDisabled( !this.input.getValue() );
        .addClass( 'mw-rcfilters-ui-saveFiltersPopupButtonWidget' );

/* Initialization */
OO.inheritClass( SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget, OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget );

 * Respond to input enter event
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onInputEnter = function () {

 * Respond to input change event
 * @param {string} value Input value
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onInputChange = function ( value ) {
    value = value.trim();

    this.applyButton.setDisabled( !value );

 * Respond to input keyup event, this is the way to intercept 'escape' key
 * @param {jQuery.Event} e Event data
 * @return {boolean} false
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onInputKeyup = function ( e ) {
    if ( e.which === OO.ui.Keys.ESCAPE ) {
        this.popup.toggle( false );
        return false;

 * Respond to popup ready event
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onPopupReady = function () {

 * Respond to "set as default" checkbox change
 * @param {boolean} checked State of the checkbox
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onSetAsDefaultChange = function ( checked ) {
        .setIcon( checked ? 'pushPin' : null );

 * Respond to cancel button click event
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onCancelButtonClick = function () {
    this.popup.toggle( false );

 * Respond to apply button click event
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.onApplyButtonClick = function () {

 * Apply and add the new quick link
SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget.prototype.apply = function () {
    var label = this.input.getValue().trim();

    // This condition is more for double-checking, since the
    // apply button should be disabled if the label is empty
    if ( label ) {
        this.controller.saveCurrentQuery( label, this.setAsDefaultCheckbox.isSelected() );
        this.input.setValue( '' );
        this.setAsDefaultCheckbox.setSelected( false );
        this.popup.toggle( false );

        this.emit( 'saveCurrent' );

module.exports = SaveFiltersPopupButtonWidget;