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( function () {

     * A widget for selecting a date from a calendar.
     * @classdesc CalendarWidget displays a calendar that can be used to select a date. It
     * uses {@link mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeFormatter DateTimeFormatter} to get the details of
     * the calendar.
     * This widget is mainly intended to be used as a popup from a
     * {@link mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeInputWidget DateTimeInputWidget}, but may also be used
     * standalone.
     * @class
     * @extends OO.ui.Widget
     * @mixes OO.ui.mixin.TabIndexedElement
     * @constructor
     * @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
     * @param {Object|mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeFormatter} [config.formatter={}] Configuration options for
     *  mw.widgets.datetime.ProlepticGregorianDateTimeFormatter, or an mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeFormatter
     *  instance to use.
     * @param {OO.ui.Widget|null} [config.widget=null] Widget associated with the calendar.
     *  Specifying this configures the calendar to be used as a popup from the
     *  specified widget (e.g. absolute positioning, automatic hiding when clicked
     *  outside).
     * @param {Date|null} [config.min=null] Minimum allowed date
     * @param {Date|null} [config.max=null] Maximum allowed date
     * @param {Date} [config.focusedDate] Initially focused date.
     * @param {Date|Date[]|null} [config.selected=null] Selected date(s).
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget = function MwWidgetsDatetimeCalendarWidget( config ) {
        var $colgroup, $headTR, headings, i;

        // Configuration initialization
        config = $.extend( {
            min: null,
            max: null,
            focusedDate: new Date(),
            selected: null,
            formatter: {}
        }, config );

        // Parent constructor this, config );

        // Mixin constructors this, $.extend( {}, config, { $tabIndexed: this.$element } ) );

        // Properties
        if ( config.min instanceof Date && config.min.getTime() >= -62167219200000 ) {
            this.min = config.min;
        } else {
            this.min = new Date( -62167219200000 ); // 0000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
        if ( config.max instanceof Date && config.max.getTime() <= 253402300799999 ) {
            this.max = config.max;
        } else {
            this.max = new Date( 253402300799999 ); // 9999-12-31T12:59:59.999Z

        if ( config.focusedDate instanceof Date ) {
            this.focusedDate = config.focusedDate;
        } else {
            this.focusedDate = new Date();

        this.selected = [];

        if ( config.formatter instanceof mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeFormatter ) {
            this.formatter = config.formatter;
        } else if ( $.isPlainObject( config.formatter ) ) {
            this.formatter = new mw.widgets.datetime.ProlepticGregorianDateTimeFormatter( config.formatter );
        } else {
            throw new Error( '"formatter" must be an mw.widgets.datetime.DateTimeFormatter or a plain object' );

        this.calendarData = null;

        this.widget = config.widget;
        this.$widget = config.widget ? config.widget.$element : null;
        this.onDocumentMouseDownHandler = this.onDocumentMouseDown.bind( this );

        this.$head = $( '<div>' );
        this.$header = $( '<span>' );
        this.$table = $( '<table>' );
        this.cols = [];
        this.colNullable = [];
        this.headings = [];
        this.$tableBody = $( '<tbody>' );
        this.rows = [];
        this.buttons = {};
        this.minWidth = 1;
        this.daysPerWeek = 0;

        // Events
        this.$element.on( {
            keydown: this.onKeyDown.bind( this )
        } );
        this.formatter.connect( this, {
            local: 'onLocalChange'
        } );
        if ( this.$widget ) {
            this.checkFocusHandler = this.checkFocus.bind( this );
            this.$element.on( {
                focusout: this.onFocusOut.bind( this )
            } );
            this.$widget.on( {
                focusout: this.onFocusOut.bind( this )
            } );

        // Initialization
            .addClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-heading' )
                new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
                    icon: 'previous',
                    framed: false,
                    classes: [ 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-previous' ],
                    tabIndex: -1
                } ).connect( this, { click: 'onPrevClick' } ).$element,
                new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
                    icon: 'next',
                    framed: false,
                    classes: [ 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-next' ],
                    tabIndex: -1
                } ).connect( this, { click: 'onNextClick' } ).$element,
        $colgroup = $( '<colgroup>' );
        $headTR = $( '<tr>' );
            .addClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-grid' )
            .append( $colgroup )
            .append( $( '<thead>' ).append( $headTR ) )
            .append( this.$tableBody );

        headings = this.formatter.getCalendarHeadings();
        for ( i = 0; i < headings.length; i++ ) {
            this.cols[ i ] = $( '<col>' );
            this.headings[ i ] = $( '<th>' );
            this.colNullable[ i ] = headings[ i ] === null;
            if ( headings[ i ] !== null ) {
                this.headings[ i ].text( headings[ i ] );
                this.minWidth = Math.max( this.minWidth, headings[ i ].length );
            $colgroup.append( this.cols[ i ] );
            $headTR.append( this.headings[ i ] );

        this.setSelected( config.selected );
            .addClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget' )
            .append( this.$head, this.$table );

        if ( this.widget ) {
            this.$element.addClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-dependent' );

            // Initially hidden - using #toggle may cause errors if subclasses override toggle with methods
            // that reference properties not initialized at that time of parent class construction
            // TODO: Find a better way to handle post-constructor setup
            this.visible = false;
            this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden' );
        } else {

    /* Setup */

    OO.inheritClass( mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
    OO.mixinClass( mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget, OO.ui.mixin.TabIndexedElement );

    /* Events */

     * A `change` event is emitted when the selected dates change.
     * @event mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.change
     * @param {Date|Date[]|null} dates The new date(s) or null

     * A `focusChanged` event is emitted when the focused date changes.
     * @event mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.focusChanged
     * @param {Date} date The newly focused date

     * A `page` event is emitted when the current "month" changes.
     * @event
     * @param {Date} date The new date

    /* Methods */

     * Return the current selected dates.
     * @return {Date[]}
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.getSelected = function () {
        return this.selected;

     * Set the selected dates.
     * @param {Date|Date[]|null} dates
     * @fires mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.change
     * @chainable
     * @return {mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget}
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.setSelected = function ( dates ) {
        var i, changed = false;

        if ( dates instanceof Date ) {
            dates = [ dates ];
        } else if ( Array.isArray( dates ) ) {
            dates = dates.filter( function ( dt ) {
                return dt instanceof Date;
            } );
        } else {
            dates = [];

        if ( this.selected.length !== dates.length ) {
            changed = true;
        } else {
            for ( i = 0; i < dates.length; i++ ) {
                if ( dates[ i ].getTime() !== this.selected[ i ].getTime() ) {
                    changed = true;

        if ( changed ) {
            this.selected = dates;
            this.emit( 'change', dates );

        return this;

     * Return the currently-focused date.
     * @return {Date}
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.getFocusedDate = function () {
        return this.focusedDate;

     * Set the currently-focused date.
     * @param {Date} date
     * @fires mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.focusChanged
     * @fires
     * @chainable
     * @return {mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget}
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.setFocusedDate = function ( date ) {
        var changePage = false,
            updateUI = false;

        if ( this.focusedDate.getTime() === date.getTime() ) {
            return this;

        if ( !this.formatter.sameCalendarGrid( this.focusedDate, date ) ) {
            changePage = true;
            updateUI = true;
        } else if (
            !this.formatter.timePartIsEqual( this.focusedDate, date ) ||
            !this.formatter.datePartIsEqual( this.focusedDate, date )
        ) {
            updateUI = true;

        this.focusedDate = date;
        this.emit( 'focusChanged', this.focusedDate );
        if ( changePage ) {
            this.emit( 'page', date );
        if ( updateUI ) {

        return this;

     * Adjust a date.
     * @protected
     * @param {Date} date Date to adjust
     * @param {string} component Component: 'month', 'week', or 'day'
     * @param {number} delta Integer, usually -1 or 1
     * @param {boolean} [enforceRange=true] Whether to enforce this.min and this.max
     * @return {Date}
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.adjustDate = function ( date, component, delta ) {
        var newDate,
            data = this.calendarData;

        if ( !data ) {
            return date;

        switch ( component ) {
            case 'month':
                newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent( date, data.monthComponent, delta, 'overflow' );

            case 'week':
                if ( data.weekComponent === undefined ) {
                    newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent(
                        date, data.dayComponent, delta * this.daysPerWeek, 'overflow' );
                } else {
                    newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent( date, data.weekComponent, delta, 'overflow' );

            case 'day':
                newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent( date, data.dayComponent, delta, 'overflow' );

                throw new Error( 'Unknown component' );

        while ( newDate < this.min ) {
            newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent( newDate, data.dayComponent, 1, 'overflow' );
        while ( newDate > this.max ) {
            newDate = this.formatter.adjustComponent( newDate, data.dayComponent, -1, 'overflow' );

        return newDate;

     * Update the user interface.
     * @protected
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.updateUI = function () {
        var r, c, row, day, k, $cell,
            width = this.minWidth,
            nullCols = [],
            focusedDate = this.getFocusedDate(),
            selected = this.getSelected(),
            datePartIsEqual = this.formatter.datePartIsEqual.bind( this.formatter ),
            isSelected = function ( dt ) {
                return datePartIsEqual( this, dt );

        this.calendarData = this.formatter.getCalendarData( focusedDate );

        this.$header.text( this.calendarData.header );

        for ( c = 0; c < this.colNullable.length; c++ ) {
            nullCols[ c ] = this.colNullable[ c ];
            if ( nullCols[ c ] ) {
                for ( r = 0; r < this.calendarData.rows.length; r++ ) {
                    if ( this.calendarData.rows[ r ][ c ] ) {
                        nullCols[ c ] = false;

        for ( r = 0; r < this.calendarData.rows.length; r++ ) {
            if ( !this.rows[ r ] ) {
                this.rows[ r ] = $( '<tr>' );
            } else {
                this.rows[ r ].children().detach();
            this.$tableBody.append( this.rows[ r ] );
            row = this.calendarData.rows[ r ];
            for ( c = 0; c < row.length; c++ ) {
                day = row[ c ];
                if ( day === null ) {
                    k = 'empty-' + r + '-' + c;
                    if ( !this.buttons[ k ] ) {
                        this.buttons[ k ] = $( '<td>' );
                    $cell = this.buttons[ k ];
                    $cell.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', nullCols[ c ] );
                } else {
                    k = ( day.extra ? day.extra : '' ) + day.display;
                    width = Math.max( width, day.display.length );
                    if ( !this.buttons[ k ] ) {
                        this.buttons[ k ] = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
                            $element: $( '<td>' ),
                            classes: [
                                day.extra ? 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-extra' : ''
                            framed: true,
                            label: day.display,
                            tabIndex: -1
                        } );
                        this.buttons[ k ].connect( this, { click: [ 'onDayClick', this.buttons[ k ] ] } );
                    this.buttons[ k ]
                        .setData( )
                        .setDisabled( < this.min || > this.max );
                    $cell = this.buttons[ k ].$element;
                        .toggleClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-focused',
                            this.formatter.datePartIsEqual( focusedDate, ) )
                        .toggleClass( 'mw-widgets-datetime-calendarWidget-selected',
                            selected.some( isSelected, ) );
                this.rows[ r ].append( $cell );

        for ( c = 0; c < this.cols.length; c++ ) {
            if ( nullCols[ c ] ) {
                this.cols[ c ].width( 0 );
            } else {
                this.cols[ c ].width( width + 'em' );
            this.cols[ c ].toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', nullCols[ c ] );
            this.headings[ c ].toggleClass( 'oo-ui-element-hidden', nullCols[ c ] );

     * Handles formatter 'local' flag changing.
     * @protected
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onLocalChange = function () {
        if ( this.formatter.localChangesDatePart( this.getFocusedDate() ) ) {
            this.emit( 'page', this.getFocusedDate() );


     * Handles previous button click.
     * @protected
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onPrevClick = function () {
        this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( this.getFocusedDate(), 'month', -1 ) );
        if ( !this.$widget || OO.ui.contains( this.$element[ 0 ], document.activeElement, true ) ) {
            this.$element.trigger( 'focus' );

     * Handles next button click.
     * @protected
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onNextClick = function () {
        this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( this.getFocusedDate(), 'month', 1 ) );
        if ( !this.$widget || OO.ui.contains( this.$element[ 0 ], document.activeElement, true ) ) {
            this.$element.trigger( 'focus' );

     * Handles day button click.
     * @protected
     * @param {OO.ui.ButtonWidget} button
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onDayClick = function ( button ) {
        var data = button.getData();
        this.setFocusedDate( data );
        this.setSelected( [ data ] );
        if ( !this.$widget || OO.ui.contains( this.$element[ 0 ], document.activeElement, true ) ) {
            this.$element.trigger( 'focus' );

     * Handles document mouse down events.
     * @protected
     * @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse down event
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onDocumentMouseDown = function ( e ) {
        if ( this.$widget &&
            !OO.ui.contains( this.$element[ 0 ],, true ) &&
            !OO.ui.contains( this.$widget[ 0 ],, true )
        ) {
            this.toggle( false );

     * Handles key presses.
     * @protected
     * @param {jQuery.Event} e Key down event
     * @return {boolean} False to cancel the default event
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onKeyDown = function ( e ) {
        var focusedDate = this.getFocusedDate();

        if ( !this.isDisabled() ) {
            switch ( e.which ) {
                case OO.ui.Keys.ENTER:
                case OO.ui.Keys.SPACE:
                    this.setSelected( [ focusedDate ] );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.LEFT:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'day', -1 ) );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.RIGHT:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'day', 1 ) );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.UP:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'week', -1 ) );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.DOWN:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'week', 1 ) );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.PAGEUP:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'month', -1 ) );
                    return false;

                case OO.ui.Keys.PAGEDOWN:
                    this.setFocusedDate( this.adjustDate( focusedDate, 'month', 1 ) );
                    return false;

     * Handles focusout events in dependent mode.
     * @private
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.onFocusOut = function () {
        setTimeout( this.checkFocusHandler );

     * When we or our widget lost focus, check if the calendar should be hidden.
     * @private
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.checkFocus = function () {
        var containers = [ this.$element[ 0 ], this.$widget[ 0 ] ],
            activeElement = document.activeElement;

        if ( !activeElement || !OO.ui.contains( containers, activeElement, true ) ) {
            this.toggle( false );

     * @inheritdoc
    mw.widgets.datetime.CalendarWidget.prototype.toggle = function ( visible ) {
        var change;

        visible = ( visible === undefined ? !this.visible : !!visible );
        change = visible !== this.isVisible();

        // Parent method this, visible );

        if ( change ) {
            if ( visible ) {
                // Auto-hide
                if ( this.$widget ) {
                        'mousedown', this.onDocumentMouseDownHandler, true
            } else {
                    'mousedown', this.onDocumentMouseDownHandler, true

        return this;

}() );