* TranslationStash front-end logic.
* @author Santhosh Thottingal
* @license GPL-2.0-or-later
* @since 2013.10
'use strict';
var userTranslations = {},
TranslationStashStorage = require( './storage.js' ),
translationStorage = new TranslationStashStorage();
mw.translate.canTranslate = function () {
// At this page, the new translator can translate
return true;
function getMessages( messageGroup, language, offset, limit ) {
var deferred = new mw.Api().get( {
action: 'query',
list: 'messagecollection',
mcgroup: messageGroup,
mclanguage: language,
mcoffset: offset,
mclimit: limit,
mcprop: 'definition'
} );
return deferred.promise();
function addMessage( message ) {
var $messageTable = $( '.tux-messagelist' ),
sourceLanguage = $ 'sourcelangcode' ),
sourceLanguageDir = $ sourceLanguage ),
targetLanguage = $ 'targetlangcode' ),
targetLanguageDir = $ targetLanguage ),
status =,
statusClass = 'tux-status-' + status;
var statusMsg;
if ( status === 'translated' ) {
// tux-status-translated
statusMsg = 'tux-status-' + status;
var $messageWrapper = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'row tux-message' );
var $message = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'row message tux-message-item ' + status )
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'eight columns tux-list-message' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'tux-list-source' )
.attr( {
lang: sourceLanguage,
dir: sourceLanguageDir
} )
.text( message.definition ),
// Bidirectional isolation.
// This should be removed some day when proper
// unicode-bidi: isolate
// is supported everywhere
$( '<span>' )
.html( $( document.body ).hasClass( 'rtl' ) ? '‏' : '‎' ),
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( 'tux-list-translation' )
.attr( {
lang: targetLanguage,
dir: targetLanguageDir
} )
.text( message.translation || '' )
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'two columns tux-list-status text-center' )
$( '<span>' )
.addClass( statusClass )
// The following messages are used here:
// * tux-status-optional
// * tux-status-fuzzy
// * tux-status-proofread
// * tux-status-translated
// * tux-status-saving
// * tux-status-unsaved
.text( statusMsg ? mw.msg( statusMsg ) : '' )
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'two column tux-list-edit text-right' )
$( '<a>' )
.attr( {
title: mw.msg( 'translate-edit-title', message.key )
} )
.text( mw.msg( 'tux-edit' ) )
$messageWrapper.append( $message );
$messageTable.append( $messageWrapper );
// Attach translate editor to the message
$messageWrapper.translateeditor( {
message: message,
storage: translationStorage,
onSave: updateStats,
onSkip: function () {
var $next = this.$ '.tux-message' );
// If there is text in the skipped message, avoid showing the
// regular "you have unsaved messages" when navigating away,
// because there is no way to get back to these messages.
// This can happen when it's
// the last message in the translation stash
if ( !$next.length ) {
// Reload the page to get more messages
// when we get to the last one
onReady: function () {
this.$editor.find( '.tux-editor-skip-button' )
.text( mw.msg( 'translate-translationstash-skip-button-label' ) );
} );
* Updates the translation count at the top of the message list and
* displays warning when translation limit has been reached.
* Relies on classes stash-stats and tux-status-translated.
function updateStats() {
var $target = $( '.stash-stats' );
var count = $( '.tux-status-translated' ).length;
if ( count === 0 ) {
$target.text( mw.msg(
mw.language.convertNumber( count )
) );
if ( count >= mw.config.get( 'wgTranslateSandboxLimit' ) ) {
// Remove the untranslated message to disallow translation beyond the limit
$( '.tux-message' ).has( '.untranslated' ).remove();
// Show a message telling that the limit was reached
$( '.limit-reached' )
.append( $( '<h1>' ).text( mw.msg( 'tsb-limit-reached-title' ) ) )
.append( $( '<p>' ).text( mw.msg( 'tsb-limit-reached-body' ) ) )
.removeClass( 'hide' );
function loadMessages() {
var $messageTable = $( '.tux-messagelist' ),
messagegroup = '!sandbox';
$( '<div>' )
.addClass( 'tux-loading-indicator' )
.appendTo( $messageTable );
getMessages( messagegroup, $ 'targetlangcode' ) )
.done( function ( result ) {
var messages = result.query.messagecollection;
messages.forEach( function ( message ) { = {}; = 'untranslated'; = messagegroup;
if ( userTranslations[ message.title ] ) {
message.translation = userTranslations[ message.title ].translation; = 'translated';
addMessage( message );
} );
// Show the editor for the first untranslated message.
var $untranslated = $( '.tux-message' )
.has( '.tux-message-item.untranslated' )
if ( $untranslated.length ) {
$ 'translateeditor' ).show();
} ).fail( function ( errorCode, response ) {
$messageTable.empty().addClass( 'error' )
.text( 'Error: ' + errorCode + ' - ' +
( response.error && || 'Unknown error' )
} );
$( function () {
var $messageTable = $( '.tux-messagelist' ),
$ulsTrigger = $( '.ext-translate-language-selector > .uls' );
// Some links in helpers will navigate away by default. But since the messages
// will change on this page on every load, we want to avoid that. Force the
// links to open on new window/tab.
mw.hook( 'mw.translate.editor.showTranslationHelpers' ).add( function ( helpers, $editor ) {
$editor.find( 'a' ).prop( 'target', '_blank' );
} );
$ulsTrigger.uls( {
ulsPurpose: 'translate-special-translationstash',
onSelect: function ( languageCode ) {
var languageDetails = mw.translate.getLanguageDetailsForHtml( languageCode );
.find( '.ext-translate-target-language' )
.text( languageDetails.autonym )
.prop( {
lang: languageDetails.code,
dir: languageDetails.direction
} );
.data( {
targetlangcode: languageCode,
targetlangdir: languageDetails.direction
} );
} ).on( 'keypress', function () {
$( this ).trigger( 'click' );
} );
// Get the user translations if any(possibly from an early attempt)
// and new messages to try.
.done( function ( translations ) {
if ( translations.translationstash.translations ) {
translations.translationstash.translations.forEach( function ( translation ) {
userTranslations[ translation.title ] = translation;
} );
} );
} );