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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "Jon Harald Søby",
            "Katie Filbert",
            "Lokal Profil",
            "Lucas Werkmeister (WMDE)",
            "Marius Hoch",
            "Matěj Suchánek",
            "Minh Nguyen",
            "Nemo bis",
    "wikibase-client-desc": "{{desc|name=Wikibase Client|url=}}\nSee also [[d:Wikidata:Glossary#Wikidata|Wikidata]].",
    "tooltip-t-wikibase": "Tooltip for toolbox link to connected Wikibase data repository item",
    "accesskey-t-wikibase": "The quick access key for the link to the connected repository [[d:Wikidata:Glossary#Item|item]] displayed in the client's toolbox.\n\n{{doc-accesskey}}",
    "wikibase-after-page-move": "Message on [[Special:MovePage]] on submit and successfully move, inviting user to update associated Wikibase repository item to maintain language links on the moved page on the client.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the link for the associated Wikibase item.",
    "wikibase-after-page-delete": "Message after a successful page deletion, inviting the user to remove the link to the deleted page from the associated Wikibase repository item.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the link for the associated Wikibase item.",
    "wikibase-comment-add": "Autocomment message in the client for when an item is created (and then is linked to the client page).",
    "wikibase-comment-remove": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) recent changes when a Wikidata item connected to a page gets deleted. This results in all the language links being removed from the page on the client.",
    "wikibase-comment-linked": "Autocomment message in the client for when a Wikidata item is linked to a page in the client.",
    "wikibase-comment-unlink": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) recent changes when a sitelink to a page gets removed. This results in the associated item being disconnected from the client page and all the language links being removed.",
    "wikibase-comment-restore": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) recent changes when a Wikidata item gets undeleted and has a sitelink to this page. Language links get re-added to the client page.",
    "wikibase-comment-update": "Automatic generic edit summary for Recent Changes on the client (e.g. Wikipedia), when a linked item gets changed in the  repository (e.g. Wikidata).\n\nIn practice, more focused messages are used most of the time, such as {{msg-mw|wikibase-comment-sitelink-add}}, etc.",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-add": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) when a particular sitelink gets added on the repository. This change appears on the client as a new language link in the sidebar.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the wikilink that was added, in form of [[:de:Berlin|de:Berlin]]",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-change": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) when a particular sitelink gets changed on the repository.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the wikilink for the old link\n* $2 - the new wikilink\nFormat of wikilink is [[:de:Berlin|de:Berlin]].",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-remove": "Autocomment message for client (e.g. Wikipedia) when a particular sitelink gets removed on the repository. $1 is the wikilink for the link removed, in format [[:de:Berlin|de:Berlin]].",
    "wikibase-comment-multi": "Summary shown in [[Special:RecentChanges]] and on [[Special:WatchList]] for an entry that represents multiple changes on the Wikibase repository.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the number of changes; is always at least 2.\n{{Identical|Change}}",
    "wikibase-dataitem": "Toolbox link text for link to connected Wikibase data item. For example, on Wikipedia, it will appear as \"Wikidata item\".\n\n{{Identical|Item}}",
    "wikibase-editlinks": "[[Image:InterlanguageLinks-Sidebar-Monobook.png|right]]\n\tThis is a link to the page on Wikidata where interlanguage links of the current page can be edited. See the image on the right for how it looks.\n{{Identical|Edit link}}",
    "wikibase-editlinkstitle": "This is the '''tooltip''' text on a link in the sidebar that opens a wizard to edit interlanguage links.\n\nThe link text is {{msg-mw|Wikibase-editlinks}}.",
    "wikibase-addlinkstitle": "This is the '''tooltip''' text on a link in the sidebar that opens a wizard to edit interlanguage links.\n\nThe link text is {{msg-mw|Wikibase-linkitem-addlinks}}.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-addlinks": "Link in the sidebar asking to add language links and link the current page with pages on other sites. Only visible in case the current page has no langlinks.\n{{Identical|Add link}}",
    "wikibase-linkitem-alreadylinked": "Tells that the page which the user wanted to link with the current one is already attached to an item on the central data repository. That item already links to an article on this site while items can only have one page per site attached.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - a link to the item\n* $2 - the name of the page in the current wiki the item already links to",
    "wikibase-linkitem-close": "Button text asking to close the current dialog and to reload the page.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-failure": "Shown in case an error occurred which is not an API error (like a linking conflict)",
    "wikibase-linkitem-failed-modify": "Shown in case of a merge / modification error of items",
    "wikibase-linkitem-title": "Title for the dialog which allows linking the current page with a page on another site.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-linkpage": "Button in the dialog which allows linking the current page with a page on another site. Usable after the user inserted a site and a page to link.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-selectlink": "Explains to the user that they can choose a site and a page that should be linked with the item they are currently viewing. The link can be thought of as bidirectional.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-input-site": "Label for the (autocompleted) inputbox asking for a site/ language.\n{{Identical|Language}}",
    "wikibase-linkitem-input-page": "Label for the (autocompleted) inputbox asking for a page.\n{{Identical|Page}}",
    "wikibase-linkitem-confirmitem-text": "Text shown above a table containing links to other pages. Asks the user to confirm that the links are correct and should be linked with the current page.\n\tThe message string will only be used when there are multiple pages, still it has a count argument so it can use a correct plural parser function.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the URL to the item which links to the shown pages\n* $2 - the number of links to associated pages",
    "wikibase-linkitem-confirmitem-button": "Button label below a table containing links to other pages. Asks the user to confirm that he wants to link them with the current page.\n{{Identical|Confirm}}",
    "wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin-title": "Title of the dialog telling the user that he needs to login on both the repo and client to use this feature.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin": "This messages informs the user that he needs to be logged in on both this wiki and the repository to use this feature.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the URI to the login form of the repository",
    "wikibase-linkitem-success-link": "Success message after the page the user currently is on has been linked with an item. $1 holds a URL pointing to the item.",
    "limitreport-entityaccesscount": "Label shown in the Parser limit report telling the user how many Wikibase entities have been loaded during the parse of the current page.",
    "limitreport-entityaccesscount-value": "{{optional}}\nValue in the Parser limit report telling the user how many Wikibase entities have been loaded during the parse of the current page.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of entities loaded\n* $2 - Number of entities that can be loaded.",
    "wikibase-property-notfound": "Message for property parser function when a property is not found. Parameters:\n* $1 - the name of the property\n* $2 - (unused) the language in which the property label was searched",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata": "This refers to a toggle to hide or show edits (revisions) that come from Wikidata. If set to \"hide\", it hides edits made to the connected item in the Wikidata repository.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - a link with the text {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-show}} or {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-hide}}\n* <nowiki>{{WBREPONAME}}</nowiki> - expanded to {{msg-mw|wikibase-repo-name}}",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-hide": "{{doc-actionlink}}\nOption text in [[Special:RecentChanges]] in conjunction with {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata}}.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-show}}\n{{Identical|Hide}}",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-show": "{{doc-actionlink}}\nOption text in [[Special:RecentChanges]] in conjunction with {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata}}.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-hide}}\n{{Identical|Show}}",
    "wikibase-rc-show-wikidata-pref": "Option in the recent changes section of preferences to show wikibase changes by default in recent changes.",
    "wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-letter": "Very short form of \"'''wikidata edit'''\". Used in [[Special:RecentChanges]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].\n\n{{Rc single letters}}",
    "wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-legend": "{{notranslate}}\nUsed as legend on [[Special:RecentChanges]] and [[Special:Watchlist]].\n\nRefers to {{msg-mw|Wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-title}}.",
    "wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-title": "Text for the legend of {{msg-mw|wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-letter}}.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Recentchanges-label-newpage}}\n* {{msg-mw|Recentchanges-label-minor}}\n* {{msg-mw|Recentchanges-label-bot}}\n* {{msg-mw|Recentchanges-label-unpatrolled}}\n{{Identical|Edit}}",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-label": "Label for \"Wikidata edits\" filter on ChangesList pages (such as RecentChanges).",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-description": "Description for 'Wikidata edits' filter on ChangesList pages (such as RecentChanges)",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-conflicts-ores": "Tooltip shown when hovering over a 'Wikidata edits' filter tag, when a ORES filter is also selected.\n* 'Contribution quality' is based on {{msg-mw|Ores-rcfilters-damaging-title}}.\n* 'User intent' is based on {{msg-mw|Ores-rcfilters-goodfaith-title}}.",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-conflicts-ores-global": "Message shown in the result area when both an ORES filter and the 'Wikidata edits' filter are selected.  This indicates that no results will be shown because propagated Wikidata edits do not have ORES scores available.\n\n* \"Wikidata edits\" is {{msg-mw|wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-label}}.\n* \"Contribution quality\" is based on {{msg-mw|Ores-rcfilters-damaging-title}}.\n* \"User intent\" is based on {{msg-mw|Ores-rcfilters-goodfaith-title}}.\n* \"Active Filters\" is based on {{msg-mw|rcfilters-activefilters}}.",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-damaging-conflicts-hide-wikibase": "Tooltip shown when hovering over a 'Contribution quality predictions' filter tag, when the 'Wikidata edits' filter is selected and there is a conflict.  Propagated Wikidata edits do not have ORES scores avaialble.  Parameters:\n* $1 - Comma-separated string of selected Type of Change filters, e.g. \"Wikidata edits\"\n* $2 - Count of selected Type of Change filters, for PLURAL",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-goodfaith-conflicts-hide-wikibase": "Tooltip shown when hovering over a 'User intent predictions' filter tag, when the 'Wikidata edits' filter is selected and there is a conflict.  'Wikidata edits' are not scored by ORES.  Parameters:\n* $1 - Comma-separated string of selected Type of Change filters, e.g. \"Wikidata edits\"\n* $2 - Count of selected Type of Change filters, for PLURAL",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-conflicts-major-global": "Message shown in the result area when both the Non-minor filter and 'Wikidata edits' filter are selected.  This indicates that no results will be shown.\n\n\"Non-minor edits\" is {{msg-mw|rcfilters-filter-major-label}}.\n\n\"Wikidata edits\" is {{msg-mw|wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-label}}.",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-major-conflicts-hide-wikibase": "Tooltip shown when hovering over the Non-minor edits tag when 'Wikidata edits' filter is also selected.\n\n\"Non-minor edits\" is {{msg-mw|rcfilters-filter-major-label}}.\n\n\"\"Wikidata edits\" is {{msg-mw|wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-label}}.\n\nThis indicates that no results will be shown.",
    "wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-conflicts-major": "Tooltip shown when hovering over a 'Wikidata edits' filter tag when the Non-minor edits filter is also selected.\n\n\"Non-minor edits\" is {{msg-mw|rcfilters-filter-major-label}}.\n\n\"Wikidata edits\" is {{msg-mw|wikibase-rcfilters-hide-wikibase-label}}.\n\nThis indicates that no results will be shown.",
    "wikibase-replicationnote": "Note telling the user that it can take a few minutes until the made changes are visible on all wikis.\nPreceded by message {{msg-mw|Wikibase-linkitem-success-link}}",
    "wikibase-watchlist-show-changes-pref": "Option in the watchlist section of preferences to always show wikibase edits by default in the watchlist. Appears as a checkbox in the same list with options such as:\n* {{msg-mw|tog-watchdefault}}\n* {{msg-mw|tog-watchmoves}}\nAnd so on.",
    "wikibase-error-deserialize-error": "Generic error when invalid (undeserializable) data has been given.",
    "wikibase-error-serialize-error": "Generic error for when entity data failed to serialize or cannot be handled.",
    "wikibase-error-invalid-entity-id": "Generic error message when an invalid entity ID was entered. Parameters:\n* $1 unused\n* $2 - the entered but invalid ID",
    "wikibase-error-exceeded-entity-access-limit": "Error message shown in rendered page output when too many entities are accessed on the page. The limit on the number of full entities that can be loaded on any given page, via Scribunto and/or the property parser function, is controlled by the <tt>entityAccessLimit</tt> configuration setting.",
    "wikibase-error-exceeded-referenced-entity-id-limit": "{{doc-important|Do not translate \"mw.wikibase.getReferencedEntityId\"}}\n\nError message shown in rendered page output when too many \"mw.wikibase.getReferencedEntityId\" calls are on a page. The limit on the number of function calls per page is controlled by the <code>referencedEntityIdAccessLimit</code> configuration setting.",
    "unconnectedpages": "{{doc-special|UnconnectedPages}}",
    "unconnectedpages-summary": "Introductory text used on Special:UnconnectedPages.",
    "wikibase-unconnectedpages-submit": "Label for the button that activates the action",
    "pageswithbadges": "{{doc-special|PagesWithBadges}}",
    "pageswithbadges-summary": "Introductory text used on Special:PagesWithBadges.",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-invalid-id": "Error message when an invalid id is passed to the special page. Parameters:\n* $1 - the invalid ID",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-legend": "Legend for the PagesWithBadges special page",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-badge": "Label for the input field to select the badge to filter by.\n{{Identical|Badge}}",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-submit": "Label for the button that activates the action",
    "entityusage": "{{doc-special|EntityUsage}}",
    "entityusage-summary": "Introductory text used on Special:EntityUsage.",
    "wikibase-entityusage-invalid-id": "Error message when an invalid id is passed to the special page. Parameters:\n* $1 - the invalid ID",
    "wikibase-entityusage-legend": "Legend for the EntityUsage special page",
    "wikibase-entityusage-entity": "Label for the input field to select the entity to show.\n{{Identical|Entity}}",
    "wikibase-entityusage-submit": "Label for the button that activates the action",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-id": "A link to the corresponding Wikibase Item",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-id-none": "The page is not linked with a wikibase item.\n{{Identical|None}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-description-local": "Name for local description.",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-description-central": "Name for central description.",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage": "Description in action=info and action=edit about entities used in the page\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-S": "Name for ''sitelink'' entity usage\n{{Identical|Sitelink}}\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-L": "Name for ''label'' entity usage\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-L-with-modifier": "Name for ''label'' entity usage when the language is specified\n{{Identical|Label}}\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-D": "Name for ''description'' entity usage\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-D-with-modifier": "Name for ''description'' entity usage when the language is specified\n{{Identical|Description}}\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-T": "Name for ''title'' entity usage\n* see [[:wikidata:Wikidata:Glossary#Title]]\n{{Identical|Title}}\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-C": "Name for ''statement'' entity usage\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-C-with-modifier": "Name for ''statement'' entity usage when the property ID is specified\n{{Identical|Statement}}\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-X": "Name for ''all'' entity usage\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-O": "Name for ''other'' entity usage, i.e. usage not covered by another usage aspect. Formerly this included ''statement'' entity usage.\n{{Related|Wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage}}",
    "wikibase-property-render-error": "Error message shown when the #property parser function fails to render a property value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the property ID or name\n* $2 - the original error message (this is typically in English and may be rather technical)",
    "wikibase-otherprojects": "Label of the sidebar section containing links to other projects.\n\nAlso used in {{msg-mw|Wikibase-otherprojects-beta-description}}\n{{Identical|Other project}}\n{{related|Wikibase-otherprojects}}",
    "wikibase-otherprojects-beta-message": "Used as checkbox label for the \"other projects\" beta feature.\n\nThe description for this label is {{msg-mw|wikibase-otherprojects-beta-description}}\n{{related|Wikibase-otherprojects}}",
    "wikibase-otherprojects-beta-description": "Description for the \"other projects\" beta feature.\n\nThis description is for the checkbox label {{msg-mw|wikibase-otherprojects-beta-label}}.\n\nRefers to {{msg-mw|Wikibase-otherprojects}}.\n{{related|Wikibase-otherprojects}}",
    "wikibase-page-schema-publisher-name": "{{notranslate}}\nUsed in a meta tag for search engines: Wikimedia Foundation company title",
    "wikibase-page-schema-publisher-logo-url": "{{notranslate}}\nUsed in a meta tag for search engines: URL to a localised PNG (if necessary) of the wikimedia logo",
    "wikibase-page-schema-author-name": "{{notranslate}}\nUsed in a meta tag for search engines: Short description describing all the wonderful people that make our projects",
    "wikibase-sitelinks-sitename-columnheading": "Sitelinks table column heading for the column containing the language names.\n{{Identical|Language}}",
    "wikibase-sitelinks-link-columnheading": "Sitelinks table column heading for the column containing the title/link of/to the referenced (wiki) page.\n{{Identical|Linked page}}",
    "echo-category-title-wikibase-action": "{{doc-echo-category-title|tooltip=Echo-pref-tooltip-wikibase-action}}",
    "echo-pref-tooltip-wikibase-action": "{{doc-echo-pref-tooltip|title=Echo-category-title-wikibase-action}}",
    "exceeded-entity-limit-category": "{{tracking category name}}\nName for a [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if they access too many Wikidata entities. The limit on the number of full entities that can be loaded on any given page, via Scribunto and/or the property parser function, is controlled by the <tt>entityAccessLimit</tt> configuration setting.",
    "exceeded-entity-limit-category-desc": "Exceeded entity limit category description. Shown on [[Special:TrackingCategories]].\n\nThe limit on the number of full entities that can be loaded on any given page, via Scribunto and/or the property parser function, is controlled by the <tt>entityAccessLimit</tt> configuration setting.",
    "notification-header-page-connection": "Header text for a notification when your article is connected to a Wikibase repository. Parameters:\n* $1 – formatted username of the person who connected the page\n* $2 – raw username of the person who connected the page, can be used for GENDER\n* $3 – title of the page that was connected\n* $4 – ID of the item the article is now connected to (or -1 on old notifications that did not specify the item)\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-subject-page-connection}}\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-header-page-linked}}",
    "notification-bundle-header-page-connection": "Bundled message for the page connection notification. Parameters:\n* $1 – formatted username of the person who connected the first page\n* $2 – raw username of the person who connected the first page, for GENDER support\n* $3 – title of the first page that was connected\n* $4 – the number of other pages that were connected, except that if the count is greater than 99, this value will be 100; uses standard number formatting and used for PLURAL\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-header-page-connection}}\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-bundle-header-page-linked}}\n{{Related|Notification-bundle}}",
    "notification-link-text-view-item": "Label for button that links to the item your article was connected to. Parameters:\n* $1 – raw username of the person who is viewing the notification, can be used for GENDER\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-link-text-view-page}}",
    "notification-subject-page-connection": "Email subject. Parameters:\n* $1 – formatted username of the person who connected the page\n* $2 – raw username of the person who connected the page, can be used for GENDER.\n* $3 – raw username of the notified user, can be used for GENDER\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-header-page-connection}}\n* {{msg-mw|Notification-page-linked-email-subject}}",
    "notification-page-connection-link": "{{notranslate}}\nThe name of the page where notified users can find more information and help.  Parameters:\n* $1 – repository name (eg. Wikidata)",
    "unresolved-property-category": "{{tracking category name}}\nName for a [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where pages are placed automatically if they reference properties that cannot be resolved.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Unresolved-property-category-desc}}",
    "unresolved-property-category-desc": "Unresolved property category description. Shown on [[Special:TrackingCategories]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Unresolved-property-category}}",
    "connected-redirect-category": "{{tracking category name}}\nName for a [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Help:Tracking categories|tracking category]] where redirect pages are placed automatically if they are connected to a data item.\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Connected-redirect-category-desc}}",
    "connected-redirect-category-desc": "Connected redirect category description. Shown on [[Special:TrackingCategories]].\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|Connected-redirect-category}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-dialog-title": "Title of the Wikidata Bridge dialog.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property that is being edited.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-permissions-error": "Message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge due to one or more permission errors, which will be detailed following this message.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the number of errors\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-permissions-error-info": "Message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge and needs more information about the reason. This message follows the toggle icon.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-protected-on-repo-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value has been protected.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - URL of the page protection policy project page on the repository wiki.\n* $2 - URL of the administrators project page on the repository wiki.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-protected-on-repo-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value has been protected.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - URL of the page protection policy project page on the repository wiki.\n* $2 - URL of the edit warring project page on the repository wiki.\n* $3 - URL of the protection log for that Item on the repository wiki.\n* $4 - URL of the talk page of the target Item.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-semiprotected-on-repo-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value has been semi-protected.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - URL of the page protection policy project page on the repository wiki.\n* $2 - URL of the autoconfirmed users project page on the repository wiki.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-semiprotected-on-repo-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value has been semi-protected.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - URL of the protection log for that Item on the repository wiki.\n* $2 - URL of the talk page of the target Item.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-cascadeprotected-on-repo-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value is cascade protected.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - (unused)\n* $2 - URL of the administrators project page on the repository wiki.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-cascadeprotected-on-repo-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the Item containing the value is cascade protected, because it is transcluded in one or more pages which have been protected with the \"cascading\" option.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of pages that are causing this page to be protected.\n* $2 - List of pages that are causing this page to be protected.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-blocked-on-repo-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because they have been blocked on the repository wiki.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-blocked-on-repo-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because they have been blocked on the repository wiki.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking user, with a link to their user page if possible (for technical reasons, this can only be used once in the message)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - (unused)\n* $4 - the username of the blocking user (for technical reasons, this can only be used once in the message)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of this block\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - (unused)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\n* $9 - URL of the administrators project page on the repository wiki\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|blockedtext}}\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-cascadeprotected-on-client-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the current page is cascade protected.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-cascadeprotected-on-client-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the current page is cascade protected, because it is transcluded in one or more pages which have been protected with the \"cascading\" option.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - Number of pages that are causing this page to be protected.\n* $2 - List of pages that are causing this page to be protected.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-blocked-on-client-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because they have been blocked on this wiki.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-blocked-on-client-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because they have been blocked on this wiki.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the blocking user, with a link to their user page if possible (for technical reasons, this can only be used once in the message)\n* $2 - the reason for the block\n* $3 - (unused)\n* $4 - the username of the blocking user (for technical reasons, this can only be used once in the message)\n* $5 - the unique numeric identifier of this block\n* $6 - the expiry of the block\n* $7 - (unused)\n* $8 - the timestamp when the block started\n\nSee also:\n* {{msg-mw|blockedtext}}\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-permissions-error-unknown-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because of unknown reasons.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-permissions-error-unknown-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because of unknown reasons.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-heading": "Heading of the section asking the user to decide what kind of edit is being made.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-replace-label": "Label of the option that the previous value was incorrect and should be replaced. This option is suitable, for example, if a typo was originally made when copying the value from the source. It should not be used if the “correct” value is arguable or contentious.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-replace-description": "Additional description of the option that the previous value was incorrect and should be replaced; see {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-replace-label}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-update-label": "Label of the option that the previous value was correct, but outdated, and should be updated. This option will add the new value and mark it as preferred, but also keep the old value, so that it is still available, but no longer the best/current value. This option is suitable, for example, if the correct value changes over time, and it has changed since the last time the value was edited. It should not be used if the previous value was never correct, or if it is unclear what the best value is.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-update-description": "Additional description of the option that the previous value was correct, but outdated, and should be updated; see {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-decision-update-label}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-references-heading": "Heading of the references section, see also {{msg-mw|wikibase-statementview-references-counter}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-heading": "Heading of a warning displayed when the user is not logged in. This message plus {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-message}} closely mirror {{msg-mw|anoneditwarning}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-tempuser-message": "Message of a warning displayed when the user is not logged in, and temporary users are enabled (which means IP address will not be shown). The text of this message is mostly based on {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-message}}, which in turn is similar to {{msg-mw|anoneditwarning}}.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-message": "Message of a warning displayed when the user is not logged in. {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-heading}} plus this message closely mirror {{msg-mw|anoneditwarning}}. {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-tempuser-message}} is derived from this message.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-proceed": "Label of a button displayed when the user is not logged in, allowing the user to dismiss the warning and continue editing.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-anonymous-edit-warning-login": "Label of a button displayed when the user is not logged in, sending the user to the wiki’s login page.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-license-heading": "Heading of a dialog informing the user that they are editing on a different project, under a different license. Followed by {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-license-body}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-license-body": "Body of a dialog informing the user that they are editing on a different project, under a different license. Follows {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-license-heading}}.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - message key for the button which the user must click to proceed, either {{msg-mw|savechanges}} or {{msg-mw|publishchanges}} depending on the configuration of the repository wiki.\n* $2 - URL of the terms of use of the repository wiki.\n* $3 - URL of the rights for content on the repository wiki (the “license”).\n* $4 - name of the rights for content on the repository wiki (the “license”).\n\nNote that $3 and $4 don’t always refer to a license, strictly speaking; on Wikidata, for instance, they refer to CC0, which is technically a legal tool. Avoid phrasing like “the [$3 $4] license” for that reason.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-heading": "Heading for a component which presents the user with multiple options when they cannot edit a value directly via the Wikidata Bridge.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo": "Suggestion for the user when they cannot edit a value directly via the Wikidata Bridge. The button below has the label {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo-button}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo-button": "Label of a button sending the user to the Wikibase repository, shown after {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-edit-article": "Suggestion for the user when they cannot edit a value directly via the Wikidata Bridge. The button above refers to {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-bailout-suggestion-go-to-repo-button}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-unsupported-datatype-error-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is of unsupported data type.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-unsupported-datatype-error-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is of unsupported data type.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property\n* $2 - the name of the datatype.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-deprecated-statement-error-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is deprecated.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-deprecated-statement-error-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is deprecated.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-ambiguous-statement-error-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the statement group has more than one value.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-ambiguous-statement-error-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because the statement group has more than one value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-somevalue-error-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is not a known value, but an indicator for some unknown value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-somevalue-error-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is not a known value, but an indicator for some unknown value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.\n\n''unknown value'' is the same message as {{msg-mw|wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-somevalue}}.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-novalue-error-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is not a known value, but an indicator for the absence of a value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-novalue-error-body": "Body of a message displayed when the user cannot edit this value via Wikidata Bridge because it is not a known value, but an indicator for the absence of a value.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - the label of the property.\n\n''no value'' is the same message as {{msg-mw|wikibase-snakview-snaktypeselector-novalue}}.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-heading": "Heading of a message displayed when an edit could not be saved for some reason.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-message": "Part of an error page displayed when an edit could not be saved for some reason. “Try saving again” refers to a button below this message, labeled using {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-retry-save}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-conflict-error-heading": "Heading of a message displayed when an edit could not be saved due to a conflict with another edit.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-edit-conflict-error-message": "Error message displayed when an edit could not be saved due to a conflict with another edit. “Reload the page” refers to a button below this message, labeled using {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-page}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-unknown-error-heading": "Heading of an error page displayed when there is an error of some unknown kind, with no more specific error page available.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-unknown-error-message": "Part of an error page displayed when there is an error of some unknown kind, with no more specific error page available. “Reloading” refers to a button below this message, labeled using {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-bridge}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-report": "Part of error pages that ask the user to report the error.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - A URL where to report the issue. (The target is configurable, so the message should not mention Phabricator, though that will be the link target on Wikimedia wikis.)\n* $2 - The URL of the current page, where the error occurred.\n* $3 - The property ID being edited. Together with $4, this describes the value that is being edited; the result may look like “P569 of Q42”, which to an experienced Wikidata editor may read like “date of birth of Douglas Adams”.\n* $4 - The title of the item being edited.\n* $5 - An error code providing more information about the error to the developers.\n\n{{Doc-jqueryMsg}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-bridge": "Label of a button to reload the Wikidata Bridge application within the page after an error occurred. (Contrast with {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-page}}, which reloads the whole page.)",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-page": "Label of a button to reload the whole page after an error occurred. (Contrast with {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-reload-bridge}}, which only reloads the Wikidata Bridge within the page.)",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-go-back": "Label of a button to return to the main Wikidata Bridge application after an error occurred.\n\n{{Identical|Go back}}",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-error-retry-save": "Label of a button to try saving an edit again after an error occurred.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-login-warning": "Message that is shown on [[Special:UserLogin]] when the user was sent there after clicking “log in” on a Data Bridge warning that they are currently not logged in. The login page was opened in a new tab; after logging in, the user needs to close that tab to return to the original tab with Data Bridge so they can save their edit again.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-reference-note": "Message assuring the user they will be able to edit references after saving",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-thank-you-head": "Heading of a message displayed when the user has successfully saved a change via Wikidata Bridge.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-thank-you-edit-reference-on-repo-body": "Suggestion for the user that they could edit references directly on Wikidata next. The button below has the label {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-thank-you-edit-reference-on-repo-button}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-thank-you-edit-reference-on-repo-button": "Label of a button sending the user to the Wikibase repository to edit references, shown after {{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-thank-you-edit-reference-on-repo-body}}.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-heading": "Heading of a message displayed when an edit could not be saved because the user logged out.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-message": "Part of an error page displayed when an edit could not be saved because the user logged out.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-publish": "Label of a button to try publishing an edit again after an assert user error occurred. It should be distinct from `{{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-save}}` similarly to how `{{msg-mw|publishchanges}}` is distinct from `{{msg-mw|savechanges}}`.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-save": "Label of a button to try saving an edit again after an assert user error occurred. It should be distinct from `{{msg-mw|wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-publish}}` similarly to how `{{msg-mw|publishchanges}}` is distinct from `{{msg-mw|savechanges}}`.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-login": "Label of a button to open a new login window after an assert user error occurred.",
    "wikibase-client-data-bridge-saving-error-assertuser-editing": "Label of a button to go back to the editing screen after an assert user error occurred."