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Test Coverage
    "@metadata": {
        "authors": [
            "John Reid",
    "wikibase-client-desc": "Client fer the Wikibase extension",
    "tooltip-t-wikibase": "Airt tae connected data reposeterie item",
    "wikibase-after-page-move": "Ye sud update [$1 the associatit {{WBREPONAME}} item] tae maintain leid airtins on the flittit page an aw.",
    "wikibase-after-page-delete": "Airtin tae this page sud hae been remuived fae [$1 the associatit {{WBREPONAME}} item]. We speir ye tae check this haes happent.",
    "wikibase-comment-add": "Ae {{WBREPONAME}} item haes been made.",
    "wikibase-comment-remove": "Associatit {{WBREPONAME}} item deleted. Leid links remuived.",
    "wikibase-comment-linked": "Ae {{WBREPONAME}} item haes been linkit til this page.",
    "wikibase-comment-unlink": "This page haes been onlinkit fae {{WBREPONAME}} item. Leid links remuived.",
    "wikibase-comment-restore": "Associated {{WBREPONAME}} item ondelytit. Leid links restored.",
    "wikibase-comment-update": "{{WBREPONAME}} item chynged",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-add": "Leid airtin eikit: $1",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-change": "Leid link chynged fae $1 til $2",
    "wikibase-comment-sitelink-remove": "Leid airtin remuived: $1",
    "wikibase-comment-multi": "$1 {{PLURAL:$1|chynge|chynges}}",
    "wikibase-dataitem": "{{WBREPONAME}} item",
    "wikibase-editlinks": "Eedit airtins",
    "wikibase-editlinkstitle": "Eedit interleid airtins",
    "wikibase-addlinkstitle": "Add interleid airtins",
    "wikibase-linkitem-addlinks": "Eik airtins",
    "wikibase-linkitem-alreadylinked": "The page that ye wantit tae airt wi is awreadie attached til ae [$1 item] on the central data repository that airts til [[$2]] on this steid. Items can anely hae ae page per steid attached. Please wale ae different page tae airt wi.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-close": "Close dialogue an reload page",
    "wikibase-linkitem-failure": "Aen onkent mistak occurred while ettlin tae ait til the gien page.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-title": "Airt wi page",
    "wikibase-linkitem-linkpage": "Airt wi page",
    "wikibase-linkitem-selectlink": "Please select ae steid n ae page that ye want tae airt this page tae.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-input-site": "Leid:",
    "wikibase-linkitem-input-page": "Page:",
    "wikibase-linkitem-confirmitem-text": "The page that ye'v chosen is awreadie associatit wi aen [$1 item oan oor central data reposeeterie]. Please confirm that the {{PLURAL:$2|page|pages}} shawn ablo {{PLURAL:$2|is|ar}} the {{PLURAL:$2|yin|yins}} that ye want tae airt this page tae.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-confirmitem-button": "Confirm",
    "wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin-title": "Ye need tae be loggit in",
    "wikibase-linkitem-not-loggedin": "Ye need tae be loggit in oan this wiki n in the [$1 central data reposeeterie] tae uise this feature.",
    "wikibase-linkitem-success-link": "The pages hae been airtit. Ye can find the item conteenin the airtins in oor [$1 central data repository].",
    "limitreport-entityaccesscount": "Nummer o Wikibase entities laidit",
    "wikibase-property-notfound": "$1 propertie naw foond.",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata": "$1 {{WBREPONAME}}",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-hide": "Skauk",
    "wikibase-rc-hide-wikidata-show": "Shaw",
    "wikibase-rc-show-wikidata-pref": "Shaw {{WBREPONAME}} eedits in recent chynges",
    "wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-letter": "D",
    "wikibase-rc-wikibase-edit-title": "{{WBREPONAME}} eedit",
    "wikibase-replicationnote": "Please notice that it can tak several minutes till the chynges are veesible on aw wikis.",
    "wikibase-watchlist-show-changes-pref": "Shaw {{WBREPONAME}} eedits in yer watchleet",
    "wikibase-error-deserialize-error": "Failed tae deserialize data.",
    "wikibase-error-serialize-error": "Failed tae serialize data.",
    "wikibase-error-invalid-entity-id": "The ID entered is onkent til the system. Please uise ae valid entitie ID.",
    "wikibase-error-exceeded-entity-access-limit": "Too mony {{WBREPONAME}} entities accessed.",
    "unconnectedpages": "Pages nae connectit tae items",
    "unconnectedpages-summary": "This page leets pages wi no connectit data item (in namespaces that support connectit items). The leet is sortit bi descendin page ID, so that newer pages are leetit first.",
    "wikibase-unconnectedpages-submit": "Shaw pages",
    "pageswithbadges": "Pages wi badges",
    "pageswithbadges-summary": "This page leets pages wi badges (e.g. guid airticle or featurt airticle). The leet is sortit bi descendin page ID, so that newer pages are leetit first.",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-invalid-id": "$1 isna a valid item ID",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-legend": "Leet o pages wi a gien badge",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-badge": "Badge:",
    "wikibase-pageswithbadges-submit": "Shaw pages",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-id": "{{WBREPONAME}} item ID",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-id-none": "Nane",
    "wikibase-pageinfo-entity-usage-D-with-modifier": "Descreeption: $1",
    "wikibase-property-render-error": "Failed tae render propertie $1: $2",
    "wikibase-otherprojects": "In ither projects",
    "wikibase-otherprojects-beta-message": "Ither projects sidebar",
    "wikibase-otherprojects-beta-description": "Adds an \"{{int:wikibase-otherprojects}}\" section tae the sidebar that provides airtins tae the ither Wikimedia projects based on {{WBREPONAME}} data.",
    "wikibase-sitelinks-sitename-columnheading": "Leid",
    "wikibase-sitelinks-link-columnheading": "Airtit page",
    "unresolved-property-category": "Pages wi unresolved properties",
    "connected-redirect-category": "Redirects connectit tae a {{WBREPONAME}} item"