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declare( strict_types = 1 );

namespace Wikibase\Client\Usage;

use InvalidArgumentException;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityId;

 * Value object representing the usage of an entity. This includes information about
 * how the entity is used, but not where.
 * @see docs/
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * @author Daniel Kinzler
class EntityUsage {

     * Usage flag indicating that the entity's sitelinks (including badges) were used.
     * This would, for example, be the case when generating language links or sister links
     * from an entity's sitelinks, for display in the sidebar.
    public const SITELINK_USAGE = 'S';

     * Usage flag indicating that one of the entity's labels were used.
     * This would be the case when showing the label of a referenced entity. Note that
     * label usage is typically tracked with a modifier specifying the label's language code.
    public const LABEL_USAGE = 'L';

     * Usage flag indicating that one of the entity's descriptions were used.
     * This would be the case when showing the descriptions of a referenced entity. Note that
     * descriptions usage is typically tracked with a modifier specifying the language code.
    public const DESCRIPTION_USAGE = 'D';

     * Usage flag indicating that the entity's local page name was used,
     * i.e. the title of the local (client) page linked to the entity.
     * This would be the case when linking a referenced entity to the
     * corresponding local wiki page.
     * This can be thought of as a special kind of sitelink usage,
     * specifically for the sitelink for the local wiki.
    public const TITLE_USAGE = 'T';

     * Usage flag indicating that certain statements (identified by their property id)
     * from the entity were used.
     * This currently implies that we also have an OTHER_USAGE or an ALL_USAGE
     * for the same entity (STATEMENT_USAGE is never used alone).
    public const STATEMENT_USAGE = 'C';

     * Usage flag indicating that any and all aspects of the entity
     * were (or may have been) used.
    public const ALL_USAGE = 'X';

     * Usage flag indicating that some aspect of the entity was changed
     * which is not covered by any other usage flag (except "all"). That is,
     * the specific usage flags together with the "other" flag are equivalent
     * to the "all" flag ( S + T + L + O = X or rather O = X - S - T - L ).
     * This currently covers alias usage and entity existence checks.
    public const OTHER_USAGE = 'O';

     * List of all valid aspects. Only the array keys are used, the values are meaningless.
     * @var null[]
    private static $aspects = [
        self::SITELINK_USAGE => null,
        self::LABEL_USAGE => null,
        self::DESCRIPTION_USAGE => null,
        self::TITLE_USAGE => null,
        self::STATEMENT_USAGE => null,
        self::OTHER_USAGE => null,
        self::ALL_USAGE => null,

     * @var EntityId
    private $entityId;

     * @var string
    private $aspect;

     * @var null|string
    private $modifier;

     * @var string
    private $identity;

     * @param EntityId $entityId
     * @param string $aspect use the EntityUsage::XXX_USAGE constants
     * @param string|null $modifier for further qualifying the usage aspect (e.g. a language code
     *        may be used along with the LABEL_USAGE aspect.
     * @throws InvalidArgumentException
    public function __construct( EntityId $entityId, string $aspect, ?string $modifier = null ) {
        if ( !array_key_exists( $aspect, self::$aspects ) ) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException( '$aspect must use one of the XXX_USAGE constants, "' . $aspect . '" given!' );

        $this->entityId = $entityId;
        $this->aspect = $aspect;
        $this->modifier = $modifier;
        $this->identity = $entityId->getSerialization() . '#' . self::makeAspectKey( $aspect, $modifier );

    public function getAspect(): string {
        return $this->aspect;

    public function getModifier(): ?string {
        return $this->modifier;

     * Returns the aspect with the modifier applied.
     * @see makeAspectKey
    public function getAspectKey(): string {
        return self::makeAspectKey( $this->aspect, $this->modifier );

    public function getEntityId(): EntityId {
        return $this->entityId;

    public function getIdentityString(): string {
        return $this->identity;

    public function __toString(): string {
        return $this->identity;

     * @return array ( 'entityId' => string $entityId, 'aspect' => string $aspect, 'modifier' => string|null $modifier )
     * @phan-return array{entityId:string,aspect:string,modifier:?string}
    public function asArray(): array {
        return [
            'entityId' => $this->entityId->getSerialization(),
            'aspect' => $this->aspect,
            'modifier' => $this->modifier,

     * @return string One of the EntityUsage::..._USAGE constants with the modifier split off.
    public static function stripModifier( string $aspectKey ): string {
        // This is about twice as fast compared to calling $this->splitAspectKey.
        return strstr( $aspectKey, '.', true ) ?: $aspectKey;

     * Splits the given aspect key into aspect and modifier (if any).
     * This is the inverse of makeAspectKey().
     * @return string[] list( $aspect, $modifier )
    public static function splitAspectKey( string $aspectKey ): array {
        return array_pad( explode( '.', $aspectKey, 2 ), 2, null );

     * Composes an aspect key from aspect and modifier (if any).
     * This is the inverse of splitAspectKey().
     * @return string "$aspect.$modifier"
    public static function makeAspectKey( string $aspect, ?string $modifier = null ): string {
        if ( $modifier === null ) {
            return $aspect;

        return "$aspect.$modifier";
