# Libraries
Wikibase makes use of multiple PHP libraries which are installed via [composer](
A summary is provided below, you can always find the list of libraries in the [composer.json] file.
### Maintained by Wikibase Developers
These libraries are developed outside the Wikibase.git repo so that they can easily be consumed by other projects.
* data-values - All libs have their source in the [DataValues Github org]( (except two)
* [data-values](
* [common](
* [interfaces](
* [serialization](
* [geo](
* [time]( (source is in [wmde Github org](
* [number]( (source is in [wmde Github org](
* wikibase - All libs have their source in the wmde Github org
* [data-model](
* [data-serialization](
* [internal-serialization](
* [data-model-services](
* [diff/diff]( - WMDE Github org
* [wikimedia/purtle]( - Wikimedia Github org
### External
* psr
* [log]( - ([PSR-3](
* [simple-cache]( - ([PSR-16](
* onoi/message-reporter
[composer.json]: @ref composer.json