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# wbc_entity_usage

Part of the @ref docs_topics_usagetracking system on a Client.


 - eu_row_id - auto-increment row ID for internal use. Primary key.
 - eu_entity_id - Serialized entity ID for the entity that has usage
 - eu_aspect - Which aspect of the entity is being used. (See @ref docs_topics_usagetracking)
 - eu_page_id - the ID of the page using the entity; refers to page.page_id.

| Field        | Type           | Null | Key | Default | Extra          |
| eu_row_id    | bigint(20)     | NO   | PRI | NULL    | auto_increment |
| eu_entity_id | varbinary(255) | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |
| eu_aspect    | varbinary(37)  | NO   |     | NULL    |                |
| eu_page_id   | int(11)        | NO   | MUL | NULL    |                |

**Implied relations:**

digraph models_diagram{
    graph [rankdir=LR, overlap=false];
    node [shape=record]

wbc_entity_usage [shape=plain label=<
<table border="0" cellborder="1" cellspacing="0">
  <tr><td port="1">....</td></tr>
  <tr><td port="page">eu_page_id</td></tr>

page[href="" fontcolor=blue]

page -> wbc_entity_usage:page[arrowhead="crow"]

**Extra Indexes:**
 - UNIQUE eu_entity_id , eu_aspect, eu_page_id - record one usage per page per aspect of an entity
 - eu_page_id, eu_entity_id - look up (and especially, delete) usage entries by page id

**Example data:**

| eu_row_id | eu_entity_id | eu_aspect | eu_page_id |
| 158829644 | Q99          | O         |   73443972 |
|  88145275 | L10102       | L         |   56193021 |
| 157778764 | L10151-S1    | L         |   53636569 |
|  91511974 | Q645         | D.en      |   3334     |
|  96856295 | P455         | L.en      |   3334     |
|  39020318 | Q6339058     | C.P625    |   13831293 |