# Storage
## Topic Areas
* @subpage docs_storage_entities
* @subpage docs_storage_id-counters
* @subpage docs_storage_propertyinfo
* @subpage docs_storage_sitelinks
* @subpage docs_storage_terms
* @subpage docs_storage_terms-caching
## SQL Tables {#sql_tables}
* @ref docs_topics_change-propagation
* @subpage docs_sql_wb_changes
* @subpage docs_sql_wb_changes_subscription
* @ref docs_storage_id-counters
* @subpage docs_sql_wb_id_counters
* @ref docs_storage_sitelinks
* @subpage docs_sql_wb_items_per_site
* @ref docs_storage_propertyinfo
* @subpage docs_sql_wb_property_info
* @ref docs_storage_terms
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_item_terms
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_property_terms
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_term_in_lang
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_text_in_lang
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_type
* @subpage docs_sql_wbt_text
* @ref docs_topics_change-propagation
* @subpage docs_sql_wbc_entity_usage (See also @ref docs_topics_usagetracking)
## Existing table changes
The following changes are done to the default MediaWiki tables:
* [content_models]
* Repo: Add new content models
* wikibase-item
* wikibase-property
* [page_props]
* Repo: Add some counters:
* wb-claims
* wb-identifiers
* wb-sitelinks
* Client:
* wb_item
* ...