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namespace Wikibase\Repo\Specials;

use HttpError;
use MediaWiki\Cache\HTMLCacheUpdater;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;
use Wikibase\DataModel\Entity\EntityIdParser;
use Wikibase\Lib\SettingsArray;
use Wikibase\Lib\Store\EntityRevisionLookup;
use Wikibase\Lib\SubEntityTypesMapper;
use Wikibase\Repo\LinkedData\EntityDataFormatProvider;
use Wikibase\Repo\LinkedData\EntityDataRequestHandler;
use Wikibase\Repo\LinkedData\EntityDataSerializationService;
use Wikibase\Repo\LinkedData\EntityDataUriManager;
use Wikibase\Repo\Store\Store;

 * Special page to act as a data endpoint for the linked data web.
 * The web server should generally be configured to make this accessible via a canonical URL/URI,
 * such as <>.
 * Note that this is implemented as a special page and not a per-page action, so there is no need
 * for the web server to map ID prefixes to wiki namespaces.
 * @license GPL-2.0-or-later
 * @author Daniel Kinzler
 * @author Thomas Pellissier Tanon
 * @author Anja Jentzsch < >
class SpecialEntityData extends SpecialWikibasePage {

    public const SPECIAL_PAGE_NAME = 'EntityData';

     * @var EntityDataRequestHandler
    private $requestHandler;

     * @var EntityDataFormatProvider
    private $entityDataFormatProvider;

    public function __construct(
        EntityDataRequestHandler $requestHandler,
        EntityDataFormatProvider $entityDataFormatProvider
    ) {
        parent::__construct( self::SPECIAL_PAGE_NAME );

        $this->requestHandler = $requestHandler;
        $this->entityDataFormatProvider = $entityDataFormatProvider;

    public static function factory(
        HTMLCacheUpdater $htmlCacheUpdater,
        EntityDataFormatProvider $entityDataFormatProvider,
        EntityDataSerializationService $serializationService,
        EntityDataUriManager $entityDataUriManager,
        EntityIdParser $entityIdParser,
        EntityRevisionLookup $entityRevisionLookup,
        LoggerInterface $logger,
        SettingsArray $repoSettings,
        Store $store,
        SubEntityTypesMapper $subEntityTypesMapper
    ): self {
        global $wgUseCdn, $wgApiFrameOptions;

        // TODO move EntityRedirectLookup to service container and inject it directly
        $entityRedirectLookup = $store->getEntityRedirectLookup();

        $maxAge = $repoSettings->getSetting( 'dataCdnMaxAge' );
        $formats = $entityDataFormatProvider->getAllowedFormats();

        $defaultFormat = !$formats ? 'html' : $formats[0];

        $entityDataRequestHandler = new EntityDataRequestHandler(
            $repoSettings->getSetting( 'entityTypesWithoutRdfOutput' ),

        return new self( $entityDataRequestHandler, $entityDataFormatProvider );

     * @see SpecialWikibasePage::execute
     * @param string|null $subPage
     * @throws HttpError
    public function execute( $subPage ) {
        // If there is no ID, show an HTML form
        // TODO: Don't do this if HTML is not acceptable according to HTTP headers.
        if ( !$this->requestHandler->canHandleRequest( $subPage, $this->getRequest() ) ) {

        $this->requestHandler->handleRequest( $subPage, $this->getRequest(), $this->getOutput() );

     * Shows an informative page to the user; Called when there is no entity to output.
    public function showForm() {
        //TODO: show input form with selector for format and field for ID. Add some explanation,
        //      point to meta-info like schema and license, and generally be a helpful data endpoint.
        $supportedFormats = $this->entityDataFormatProvider->getSupportedExtensions();
        $supportedFormats[] = 'html';
            [ $this->getOutput()->getLanguage()->commaList( $supportedFormats ) ]
