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Django Model Cleanup

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Mixins for model cleanup methods and validation error concatenations

* Free software: MIT license
* Documentation: https://django-model-cleanup.readthedocs.io.

Features of CleanMixin

* Provides `clean` method implementation
* Call to `full_clean` will result in call to all `clean_*` methods
* All methods will get called regardless of validation errors - get all errors at once
* Auto mapping of errors to field names based on clean method names, if errors have no error_dict


Install Django Model Cleanup::

    pip install django-model-cleanup

Add mixin in your models and enjoy `clean_` method collection and error concatenation when `full_clean` is called:

.. code-block:: python

    from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
    from django.db import models
    from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
    from django_model_cleanup import CleanMixin, ExtensibleValidationError

    class SomeModel(CleanMixin, models.Model):
        lorem = models.CharField(max_length=10, blank=True)

        def clean_foo(self):
            raise ValidationError('Foo is bad')

        def clean_bar(self):
            raise ExtensibleValidationError({'bar': _('Bar is wrong cause %s > %s!')}, code='bar', params=(2, 1))

        def clean_legacy(self):
            # We can't init ValidationError as one-liner, cause dict + params are not compatible
            # We need to wrap a message in ValidationError and put that in dict indicating a field
            msg = _('Bar legacy error %s > %s!')
            error = ValidationError(msg, code='bar', params=(7, 5))
            raise ValidationError({'bar': error})

Each error handling and concatenation is no longer required:

.. code-block:: python

        # This is not longer required:
        def clean(self):
            errors = []
            except ValidationError as ex:
            errors = []
            except ValidationError as ex:
            errors = []
            except ValidationError as ex:
            if errors:
                raise ValidationError(errors)

Running Tests

Does the code actually work?


    $ pipenv install --dev
    $ pipenv shell
    $ tox

We recommend using pipenv_ but a legacy approach to creating virtualenv and installing requirements should also work.
Please install `requirements/development.txt` to setup virtual env for testing and development.


This package was created with Cookiecutter_ and the `wooyek/cookiecutter-django-app`_ project template.

.. _Cookiecutter: https://github.com/audreyr/cookiecutter
.. _`wooyek/cookiecutter-django-app`: https://github.com/wooyek/cookiecutter-django-app
.. _`pipenv`: https://docs.pipenv.org/install/#fancy-installation-of-pipenv