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Test Coverage
package org.workcraft.plugins.mpsat_verification;

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Assumptions;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.workcraft.Framework;
import org.workcraft.exceptions.DeserialisationException;
import org.workcraft.plugins.mpsat_verification.commands.*;
import org.workcraft.plugins.pcomp.PcompSettings;
import org.workcraft.plugins.stg.Mutex;
import org.workcraft.plugins.stg.Stg;
import org.workcraft.utils.BackendUtils;
import org.workcraft.utils.DesktopApi;
import org.workcraft.utils.PackageUtils;
import org.workcraft.utils.WorkspaceUtils;
import org.workcraft.workspace.WorkspaceEntry;


class VerificationCommandTests {

    static void skipOnMac() {

    static void init() {
        final Framework framework = Framework.getInstance();
        PcompSettings.setCommand(BackendUtils.getTemplateToolPath("UnfoldingTools", "pcomp"));
        MpsatVerificationSettings.setCommand(BackendUtils.getTemplateToolPath("UnfoldingTools", "mpsat"));

    void testPhilosophersDeadlockVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                null,  // combined
                null,  // consistency
                false, // deadlock freeness
                null,  // input properness
                null,  // output persistency
                null,  // output determinacy
                null,  // CSC
                null,  // USC
                null,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                null,  // DI interface
                null,  // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testPhilosophersNoDeadlockVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                null,  // combined
                null,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                null,  // input properness
                null,  // output persistency
                null,  // output determinacy
                null,  // CSC
                null,  // USC
                null,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                null,  // DI interface
                null,  // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testVmeVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                true,  // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                false, // CSC
                false, // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                true,  // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testArbitrationVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                false,  // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                true,  // CSC
                true,  // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                false, // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                true,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                false  // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testBadVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                false, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                false, // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                false, // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                true,  // CSC
                false, // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                false, // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testCycleVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                null, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                null,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                true,  // CSC
                true,  // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                true,  // DI interface
                true,  // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testCycleMutexVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                true, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                true,  // CSC
                true,  // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                true,  // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                true,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                false  // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testInconsistentVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                false, // combined
                false, // consistency
                null,  // deadlock freeness
                null,  // input properness
                null,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                null,  // CSC
                null,  // USC
                null,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                null,  // DI interface
                null,  // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testToggleSignalVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(),

                false, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                false, // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                false, // output determinacy
                false, // CSC
                false, // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                true,  // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testDlatchVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                false, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                true, // CSC
                true, // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                false, // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testInoutPulseVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                false, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                false, // CSC
                false, // USC
                false, // absence of self-triggering local signals
                false, // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    void testPulserSelfTriggerExceptionsVerification() throws DeserialisationException {
        String workName = PackageUtils.getPackagePath(getClass(), "");
                true, // combined
                true,  // consistency
                true,  // deadlock freeness
                true,  // input properness
                true,  // output persistency
                true,  // output determinacy
                false, // CSC
                false, // USC
                true,  // absence of self-triggering local signals
                true,  // DI interface
                false, // normalcy
                null,  // mutex implementability (late protocol)
                null   // mutex implementability (early protocol)

    private void testVerificationCommands(String workName, Boolean combined,
            Boolean consistency, Boolean deadlockFreeness,
            Boolean inputProperness, Boolean outputPersistency, Boolean outputDeterminacy,
            Boolean csc, Boolean usc,
            Boolean localSelfTriggering, Boolean diInterface, Boolean normalcy,
            Boolean mutexImplementabilityLateProtocol,
            Boolean mutexImplementabilityEarlyProtocol)
            throws DeserialisationException {

        final Framework framework = Framework.getInstance();
        final ClassLoader classLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
        URL url = classLoader.getResource(workName);
        WorkspaceEntry we = framework.loadWork(url.getFile());

        CombinedVerificationCommand combinedCommand = new CombinedVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(combined, combinedCommand.execute(we));

        ConsistencyVerificationCommand consistencyCommand = new ConsistencyVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(consistency, consistencyCommand.execute(we));

        DeadlockFreenessVerificationCommand deadlockCommand = new DeadlockFreenessVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(deadlockFreeness, deadlockCommand.execute(we));

        InputPropernessVerificationCommand inputPropernessCommand = new InputPropernessVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(inputProperness, inputPropernessCommand.execute(we));

        OutputPersistencyVerificationCommand persistencyCommand = new OutputPersistencyVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(outputPersistency, persistencyCommand.execute(we));

        OutputDeterminacyVerificationCommand determinacyCommand = new OutputDeterminacyVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(outputDeterminacy, determinacyCommand.execute(we));

        CscVerificationCommand cscCommand = new CscVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(csc, cscCommand.execute(we));

        UscVerificationCommand uscCommand = new UscVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(usc, uscCommand.execute(we));

        DiInterfaceVerificationCommand diInterfaceCommand = new DiInterfaceVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(diInterface, diInterfaceCommand.execute(we));

        LocalSelfTriggeringVerificationCommand localSelfTriggeringCommand = new LocalSelfTriggeringVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(localSelfTriggering, localSelfTriggeringCommand.execute(we));

        NormalcyVerificationCommand normalcyCommand = new NormalcyVerificationCommand();
        Assertions.assertEquals(normalcy, normalcyCommand.execute(we));

        MutexImplementabilityVerificationCommand mutexImplementabilityCommand = new MutexImplementabilityVerificationCommand();
        setMutexProtocolIfApplicable(we, Mutex.Protocol.LATE);
        Assertions.assertEquals(mutexImplementabilityLateProtocol, mutexImplementabilityCommand.execute(we));

        setMutexProtocolIfApplicable(we, Mutex.Protocol.EARLY);
        Assertions.assertEquals(mutexImplementabilityEarlyProtocol, mutexImplementabilityCommand.execute(we));

    private void setMutexProtocolIfApplicable(WorkspaceEntry we, Mutex.Protocol mutexProtocol) {
        if (WorkspaceUtils.isApplicable(we, Stg.class)) {
            Stg stg = WorkspaceUtils.getAs(we, Stg.class);
            stg.getMutexPlaces().forEach(mutexPlace -> mutexPlace.setMutexProtocol(mutexProtocol));
