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 * Altsys library (UI-Components) for D3 modules
 * @package    Altsys
 * @version    XCL 2.3.3
 * @author     Other authors gigamaster, 2020 XCL/PHP7
 * @author     Gijoe (Peak)
 * @copyright  (c) 2005-2023 Authors
 * @license    GPL v2.0

include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/class/template.php';

include_once __DIR__ . '/altsys_functions.php';

 * @param     $tplset
 * @param     $tpl_file
 * @param     $tpl_source
 * @param int $lastmodified
 * @return bool
function tplsadmin_import_data( $tplset, $tpl_file, $tpl_source, $lastmodified = 0 ) {

    $db =& XoopsDatabaseFactory::getDatabaseConnection();

    // check the file is valid template

    [ $count ] = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='default' AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tpl_file ) . "'" ) );

    if ( ! $count ) {
        return false;

    // check the template exists in the tplset
    if ( 'default' != $tplset ) {
        [ $count ] = $db->fetchRow( $db->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset ) . "' AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tpl_file ) . "'" ) );

        if ( $count <= 0 ) {
            // copy from 'default' to the tplset

            $result = $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='default' AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tpl_file ) . "'" );

            while ( false !== ( $row = $db->fetchArray( $result ) ) ) {
                $db->queryF( 'INSERT INTO '
                             . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' )
                             . " SET tpl_refid='"
                             . addslashes( $row['tpl_refid'] )
                             . "',tpl_module='"
                             . addslashes( $row['tpl_module'] )
                             . "',tpl_tplset='"
                             . addslashes( $tplset )
                             . "',tpl_file='"
                             . addslashes( $tpl_file )
                             . "',tpl_desc='"
                             . addslashes( $row['tpl_desc'] )
                             . "',tpl_type='"
                             . addslashes( $row['tpl_type'] )
                             . "'" );

                $tpl_id = $db->getInsertId();

                $db->queryF( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_id='$tpl_id', tpl_source=''" );

    // UPDATE just tpl_lastmodified and tpl_source

    $drs = $db->query( 'SELECT tpl_id FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset ) . "' AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $tpl_file ) . "'" );

    while ( list( $tpl_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $drs ) ) {
        $db->queryF( 'UPDATE ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " SET tpl_lastmodified='" . addslashes( $lastmodified ) . "',tpl_lastimported=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

        $db->queryF( 'UPDATE ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_source='" . addslashes( $tpl_source ) . "' WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

        altsys_template_touch( $tpl_id );

    return true;

 * @param $lines
 * @return string
function tplsadmin_get_fingerprint( $lines ) {
    $str = '';

    foreach ( $lines as $line ) {
        if ( trim( $line ) ) {
            $str .= md5( trim( $line ) );

    return md5( $str );

 * @param        $tplset_from
 * @param        $tplset_to
 * @param string $whr_append
function tplsadmin_copy_templates_db2db( $tplset_from, $tplset_to, $whr_append = '1' ) {
    global $db;

    // get tplfile and tplsource

    $result = $db->query( "SELECT tpl_refid,tpl_module,'"
                          . addslashes( $tplset_to )
                          . "',tpl_file,tpl_desc,tpl_lastmodified,tpl_lastimported,tpl_type,tpl_source FROM "
                          . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' )
                          . ' NATURAL LEFT JOIN '
                          . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' )
                          . " WHERE tpl_tplset='"
                          . addslashes( $tplset_from )
                          . "' AND ($whr_append)" );

    while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        $tpl_source = array_pop( $row );

        $drs = $db->query( 'SELECT tpl_id FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset_to ) . "' AND ($whr_append) AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $row['tpl_file'] ) . "' AND tpl_refid='" . addslashes( $row['tpl_refid'] ) . "'" );

        if ( ! $db->getRowsNum( $drs ) ) {
            // INSERT mode
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . ' (tpl_refid,tpl_module,tpl_tplset,tpl_file,tpl_desc,tpl_lastmodified,tpl_lastimported,tpl_type) VALUES (';
            foreach ( $row as $colval ) {
                $sql .= "'" . addslashes( $colval ) . "',";

            $db->query( mb_substr( $sql, 0, - 1 ) . ')' );

            $tpl_id = $db->getInsertId();

            $db->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_id='$tpl_id', tpl_source='" . addslashes( $tpl_source ) . "'" );

            altsys_template_touch( $tpl_id );
        } else {
            while ( list( $tpl_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $drs ) ) {
                // UPDATE mode

                $db->query( 'UPDATE '
                            . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' )
                            . " SET tpl_refid='"
                            . addslashes( $row['tpl_refid'] )
                            . "',tpl_desc='"
                            . addslashes( $row['tpl_desc'] )
                            . "',tpl_lastmodified='"
                            . addslashes( $row['tpl_lastmodified'] )
                            . "',tpl_lastimported='"
                            . addslashes( $row['tpl_lastimported'] )
                            . "',tpl_type='"
                            . addslashes( $row['tpl_type'] )
                            . "' WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

                $db->query( 'UPDATE ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_source='" . addslashes( $tpl_source ) . "' WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

                altsys_template_touch( $tpl_id );

 * @param        $tplset_to
 * @param string $whr_append
function tplsadmin_copy_templates_f2db( $tplset_to, $whr_append = '1' ) {
    global $db;

    // get tplsource
    //$result = $db->query('SELECT * FROM ' . $db->prefix('tplfile') . "  WHERE tpl_tplset='default' AND ($whr_append)") ;

    $result = $db->query( 'SELECT * FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . "  WHERE tpl_tplset='default' AND ($whr_append)" );

    while ($row = $db->fetchArray($result)) {
        $basefilepath = tplsadmin_get_basefilepath( $row['tpl_module'], $row['tpl_type'], $row['tpl_file'] );

        $tpl_source = rtrim( implode( '', file( $basefilepath ) ) );

        $lastmodified = filemtime( $basefilepath );

        $drs = $db->query( 'SELECT tpl_id FROM ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " WHERE tpl_tplset='" . addslashes( $tplset_to ) . "' AND ($whr_append) AND tpl_file='" . addslashes( $row['tpl_file'] ) . "' AND tpl_refid='" . addslashes( $row['tpl_refid'] ) . "'" );

        if ( ! $db->getRowsNum( $drs ) ) {
            // INSERT mode
            $sql = 'INSERT INTO '
                   . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' )
                   . " SET tpl_refid='"
                   . addslashes( $row['tpl_refid'] )
                   . "',tpl_desc='"
                   . addslashes( $row['tpl_desc'] )
                   . "',tpl_lastmodified='"
                   . addslashes( $lastmodified )
                   . "',tpl_type='"
                   . addslashes( $row['tpl_type'] )
                   . "',tpl_tplset='"
                   . addslashes( $tplset_to )
                   . "',tpl_file='"
                   . addslashes( $row['tpl_file'] )
                   . "',tpl_module='"
                   . addslashes( $row['tpl_module'] )
                   . "'";

            $db->query( $sql );

            $tpl_id = $db->getInsertId();

            $db->query( 'INSERT INTO ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_id='$tpl_id', tpl_source='" . addslashes( $tpl_source ) . "'" );

            altsys_template_touch( $tpl_id );
        } else {
            while ( list( $tpl_id ) = $db->fetchRow( $drs ) ) {
                // UPDATE mode

                $db->query( 'UPDATE ' . $db->prefix( 'tplfile' ) . " SET tpl_lastmodified='" . addslashes( $lastmodified ) . "' WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

                $db->query( 'UPDATE ' . $db->prefix( 'tplsource' ) . " SET tpl_source='" . addslashes( $tpl_source ) . "' WHERE tpl_id='$tpl_id'" );

                altsys_template_touch( $tpl_id );

 * @param $dirname
 * @param $type
 * @param $tpl_file
 * @return string
function tplsadmin_get_basefilepath( $dirname, $type, $tpl_file ) {
    // module instance

    $path = $basefilepath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $dirname . '/templates/' . ( 'block' == $type ? 'blocks/' : '' ) . $tpl_file;

    if ( is_callable( 'Legacy_Utils::getTrustDirnameByDirname' ) ) {
        $mytrustdirname = Legacy_Utils::getTrustDirnameByDirname( $dirname );
    } elseif ( ! defined( 'XOOPS_CUBE_LEGACY' ) ) {
        $mytrustdirname = XOOPS_PATH;

    if ( defined( 'ALTSYS_TPLSADMIN_BASEPATH' ) ) {
        // Special hook

        $path = ALTSYS_TPLSADMIN_BASEPATH . '/' . substr( $tpl_file, strlen( $dirname ) + 1 );
    } elseif ( $mytrustdirname || @include XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/modules/' . $dirname . '/mytrustdirname.php' ) {
        // D3 module base
        if ( ! empty( $mytrustdirname ) ) {
            $mid_path = 'altsys' == $mytrustdirname ? '/libs/' : '/modules/';

            $path = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . $mid_path . $mytrustdirname . '/templates/' . ( 'block' == $type ? 'blocks/' : '' ) . substr( $tpl_file, strlen( $dirname ) + 1 );

            //new for xcck etc.other trust_module

            if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
                $path = XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . $mid_path . $mytrustdirname . '/templates/' . ( 'block' == $type ? 'blocks/' : '' ) . $tpl_file;

                if ( ! file_exists( $path ) ) {
                    $path = $basefilepath;

    return $path;

 * @param        $msg
 * @param string $target_dirname
 * @param int $wait
function tplsadmin_die( $msg, $target_dirname = '', $wait = 2 ) {
    if ( 'post' === mb_strtolower( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) ) {
        redirect_header( '?mode=admin&lib=altsys&page=mytplsadmin&dirname=' . $target_dirname, $wait, $msg );


    die( $msg );