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define( '_MYLANGADMIN_H3_MODULE' , 'Target module');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_CACHEUPDATED' , 'The cache file has been updated');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_BTN_UPDATE' , 'Update');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_BTN_RESET' , 'Reset');

define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_CONSTANTNAME' , 'Constant Name');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_DEFAULTVALUE' , 'Default Value');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_TH_USERVALUE' , 'Custom Value');

define( '_MYLANGADMIN_NOTE_ADDEDBYMYLANG' , '(a constant added by user)');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_MYLANGFILENAME' , 'Partially overriding file name');

define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_CACHEFILENAME' , 'Cache file name');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_DT_CACHESTATUS' , 'Caching status');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_CREATED' , 'A new cache was created.');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_NOTCREATED' , 'The cache has not been created yet.');

define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODNOLANGUAGE' , 'The selected module does not have a language folder.');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODLANGINCOMPATIBLE' , 'The selected module has an incompatible language structure.');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_ERR_MODEMPTYLANGDIR' , 'The selected module does not have an overridable language file.');

define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_D3LANGMANENABLED' , 'The overriding system is enabled now.');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_FMT_HOWTOENABLED3LANGMAN4XCL' , 'The overriding system is disabled now. To enable it, copy "%s" into "%s"');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_HOWTOENABLED3LANGMAN4X2' , 'The overriding system cannot work with this XOOPS core except some D3 modules. If you want to enable it with this core, try to hack like this:');
define( '_MYLANGADMIN_MSG_NOTICE4ALREADYREAD' , 'Since this file has been already read by system, this column shows the current value');