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Test Coverage
# Autodetect text files
* text=auto eol=lf

# ...Unless the name matches the following overriding patterns

# Definitively text files
*.php  text
*.css  text
*.js   text
*.txt  text
*.md   text
*.xml  text
*.json text
*.bat  text
*.sql  text
*.yml  text

# Ensure those won't be messed up with
*.png  binary
*.jpg  binary
*.gif  binary
*.ttf  binary

# Ignore some meta files when creating an archive of this repository
# We do not ignore any content, because this repo represents the 
# `yiisoft/yii2-dev` package, which is expected to ship all tests and docs.
/.appveyor.yml      export-ignore
/.github            export-ignore
/.editorconfig      export-ignore
/.gitattributes     export-ignore
/.gitignore         export-ignore
/.scrutinizer.yml   export-ignore
/.travis.yml        export-ignore

# Avoid merge conflicts in CHANGELOG
# https://about.gitlab.com/2015/02/10/gitlab-reduced-merge-conflicts-by-90-percent-with-changelog-placeholders/
/framework/CHANGELOG.md        merge=union