

0 mins
Test Coverage
/* HeadWidget.ts



        Mon Dec 29 17:15:38     2008, Created by jumperchen

Copyright (C) 2008 Potix Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

This program is distributed under LGPL Version 2.1 in the hope that
it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
//Bug 1926480: opera failed to add listheader dynamically (since hdfakerflex introduced)
var _fixOnChildChanged = zk.opera ? function (head: HeadWidget): boolean {
    return !!(head.parent && head.parent.rerender()); //later
} : zk.$void;

function _syncFrozen(wgt: HeadWidget): void {
    var mesh = wgt.getMeshWidget(),
        frozen: zul.mesh.Frozen | undefined;
    if (mesh && (frozen = mesh.frozen)) {
        var hdfaker: HTMLTableColElement | undefined;
        if (mesh._nativebar) {
        } else if ((hdfaker = mesh.ehdfaker)) {
            //_scrollScale is used in Scrollbar.js
            frozen._scrollScale = hdfaker.childNodes.length - frozen._columns! - 1;

            // Bug ZK-2264
            frozen._shallSyncScale = false;

export class HeadWidget extends zul.Widget<HTMLTableRowElement> {
    // NOTE: Parent could be null because it is checked in `afterChildrenFlex_`.
    override parent?: zul.mesh.MeshWidget;
    override firstChild?: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget;
    override lastChild?: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget;
    override previousSibling?: zul.mesh.HeadWidget;
    override nextSibling?: zul.mesh.HeadWidget;
    /** @internal */
    _sizable?: boolean;
    // FIXME: The following three properties are never assigned.
    hdfaker!: HTMLTableColElement;
    bdfaker!: HTMLTableColElement;
    ftfaker!: HTMLTableColElement;
    /** @internal */
    _menupopup?: string;
    /** @internal */
    _mpop?: zul.menu.Menupopup;

    constructor() {
        super(); // FIXME: reconsider constructor params
        this.listen({ onColSize: this }, -1000);

     * @returns whether the width of the child column is sizable.
    isSizable(): boolean {
        return !!this._sizable;

     * Sets whether the width of the child column is sizable.
     * If true, an user can drag the border between two columns (e.g.,
     * {@link HeaderWidget})
     * to change the widths of adjacent columns.
     * @defaultValue `false`.
    setSizable(sizable: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._sizable;
        this._sizable = sizable;

        if (o !== sizable || opts?.force) {

        return this;

    override isVisible(): boolean {
        return this._visible;

    override setVisible(visible: boolean, opts?: Record<string, boolean>): this {
        const o = this._visible;
        this._visible = visible;

        if (o !== visible || opts?.force) {
            var mesh = this.getMeshWidget();
            setTimeout(function () {
                // ZK-2217: fix height if mesh.desktop exists
                if (mesh && mesh.desktop) {
                    // ZK-2130: should fix ebody height
                    // ZK-2217: should contain foot and paging
                    var foot = mesh.$n('foot'),
                        pgib = mesh.$n('pgib'),
                        hgh = zk(mesh).contentHeight() - mesh.$n_('head').offsetHeight
                            - (foot ? foot.offsetHeight : 0) - (pgib ? pgib.offsetHeight : 0)
                            - (mesh._nativebar && mesh.frozen ? mesh.frozen.$n_().offsetHeight : 0);
                    mesh.ebody!.style.height = jq.px0(hgh);
            }, 0);

        return this;

    /** @internal */
    override removeChildHTML_(child: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget, ignoreDom?: boolean): void {
        super.removeChildHTML_(child, ignoreDom);
        if (!(this instanceof zul.mesh.Auxhead))
            for (var fs = zul.mesh.HeaderWidget._faker, i = fs.length; i--;)
                jq(child.uuid + '-' + fs[i], zk).remove();

    //bug #3014664
    override setVflex(vflex: string): this { //vflex ignored for Listhead/Columns/Treecols
        return super.setVflex(false);

    //bug #3014664
    override setHflex(hflex: string): this { //hflex ignored for Listhead/Columns/Treecols
        return super.setHflex(false);

     * @returns the mesh widget that this belongs to.
     * @since 5.0.5
    getMeshWidget(): zul.mesh.MeshWidget | undefined {
        return this.parent;

    onColSize(evt: zk.Event & { widths?: string[] }): void {
        var owner = this.parent!,
            widths = evt.widths,
            headWidth: string | 0 = 0;
        if (widths) {
            for (var i = 0; i < widths.length; i++)
                headWidth += parseInt(widths[i]);
            if (headWidth != 0) headWidth = jq.px0(headWidth);
        owner._innerWidth = headWidth || owner.eheadtbl!.width || owner.eheadtbl!.style.width;
        owner.fire('onInnerWidth', owner._innerWidth);
        owner.fireOnRender(zk.gecko ? 200 : 60);
        owner.disableAutoSizing_(); // clear span and sizedByContent without rerender

    /** @internal */
    override bind_(desktop: zk.Desktop | undefined, skipper: zk.Skipper | undefined, after: CallableFunction[]): void {
        super.bind_(desktop, skipper, after);
        after.push(() => {

    /** @internal */
    override unbind_(skipper?: zk.Skipper, after?: CallableFunction[], keepRod?: boolean): void {
        super.unbind_(skipper, after, keepRod);

    /** @internal */
    override onChildAdded_(child: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            var _getWidth = zul.mesh.MeshWidget._getWidth,
                mesh = this.getMeshWidget()!;
            if (!_fixOnChildChanged(this) && mesh && mesh._fixHeaders()) {
                // refix-ZK-2466 : grid dynamic add childern should 'syncSize' at the end (instead of 'add one and trigger one's onSize')
            mesh._minWd = undefined;
            var frozen = mesh.frozen;
            if (frozen)

            // B70-ZK-2128: Auxhead doesn't have to add faker.
            if (this instanceof zul.mesh.Auxhead)

            // ZK-2098: recovery the header faker if not exists
            var head = this,
                fakers = ['hdfaker', 'bdfaker', 'ftfaker'];
            // B30-1926480: ie8 does not support array.forEach
            // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/prefer-for-of
            for (var i = 0; i < fakers.length; i++) {
                var faker = fakers[i],
                    $faker = jq(mesh['e' + faker]);
                // ZK-3643: Handle fakerbar/bar even if the faker exists
                if ($faker[0] != null) {
                    //B70-ZK-2130: virtual bar doesn't have to add fakerbar
                    //fkaker bar need recover if native bar has vscrollbar
                    var $bar = jq(mesh).find('.' + head.$s('bar')), // head.$n('bar') still exists after remove
                        bar = $bar[0],
                        $hdfakerbar = jq(head.$n_('hdfaker')).find('[id*=hdfaker-bar]'),
                        hdfakerbar = $hdfakerbar[0],
                        barstyle = '', hdfakerbarstyle = '';

                    // ZK-2096, ZK-2124: should refresh this.$n('bar') if children change with databinding
                    // B30-1926480: the bar should be removed
                    if ((faker == 'hdfaker') && bar) {
                        var s: CSSStyleDeclaration;
                        if (s = bar.style) {
                            // ZK-2114: should not store display
                            // barstyle = s.display ? 'display:' + s.display + ';' : '';
                            barstyle += s.width ? 'width:' + s.width + ';' : '';
                        delete this._subnodes.bar;

                        if (hdfakerbar && (s = hdfakerbar.style)) {
                            hdfakerbarstyle = s.display ? 'display:' + s.display + ';' : '';
                            hdfakerbarstyle += s.width ? 'width:' + s.width + ';' : '';
                        delete this._subnodes['hdfaker-bar'];

                    if (!$faker.find(child.$n_(faker)).length) {
                        var wd = _getWidth(child, child._hflexWidth ? child._hflexWidth + 'px' : child.getWidth());
                        wd = wd ? 'width:' + wd + ';' : '';
                        var html = '<col id="' + /*safe*/ child.uuid + '-' + /*safe*/ faker + '" style="' +/*safe*/ wd + '"></col>',
                            index = child.getChildIndex();
                        // B30-1926480: child can be added after any brother node
                        if (index > 0)
                            jq($faker.find('col')[index - 1]).after(/*safe*/ html);
                            $faker.append(/*safe*/ html);

                    // resync var
                    $bar = jq(mesh).find('.' + head.$s('bar'));
                    bar = $bar[0];
                    $hdfakerbar = jq(head.$n_('hdfaker')).find('[id*=hdfaker-bar]');
                    hdfakerbar = $hdfakerbar[0];

                    if ((faker == 'hdfaker') && !bar) {
                        if (!hdfakerbar)
                            jq(head.$n_('hdfaker')).append(/*safe*/ '<col id="' + /*safe*/ head.uuid +
                                '-hdfaker-bar" style="' + hdfakerbarstyle + '" ></col>');
                        jq(head).append(/*safe*/ '<th id="' + /*safe*/ head.uuid + '-bar" class="' + head.$s('bar') + '" style="' + /*safe*/ barstyle + '" ></th>');

    /** @internal */
    override onChildRemoved_(child: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget): void {
        if (this.desktop) {
            if (!_fixOnChildChanged(this) && !this.childReplacing_
                && this.parent!._fixHeaders())
            this.parent!._minWd = undefined;
            // Fix IE, FF for the issue B30-1926480-1.zul and B30-1926480.zul
            var mesh = this.getMeshWidget()!;

    /** @internal */
    override beforeChildrenFlex_(hwgt: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget): boolean { //HeaderWidget
        if (hwgt && !hwgt._flexFixed) {
            //bug #3033010
            //clear associated hdfaker and bdfaker
            var wgt = this.parent!,
                hdfaker = wgt.ehdfaker,
                bdfaker = wgt.ebdfaker,
                hdf = hdfaker ? hdfaker.firstChild : undefined,
                bdf = bdfaker ? bdfaker.firstChild : undefined;
            for (var h = this.firstChild; h; h = h.nextSibling) {
                // B70-ZK-2036: Do not adjust widget's width if it is not visible.
                if (h.isVisible() && h._nhflex! > 0) { //not min or undefined
                    if (hdf) (hdf as HTMLElement).style.width = '';
                    if (bdf) (bdf as HTMLElement).style.width = '';
                if (hdf) hdf = hdf.nextSibling;
                if (bdf) bdf = bdf.nextSibling;
        return true;

    /** @internal */
    override afterChildrenFlex_(hwgt?: zul.mesh.HeaderWidget): void { //hflex in HeaderWidget
        var wgt = this.parent!,
            ebody = wgt.ebody!,
            ehead = wgt.ehead,
            efoot = wgt.efoot,
            currentLeft = wgt._currentLeft;
        if (wgt) {
            if (wgt._cssflex && wgt.isChildrenFlex()) {
                var minWd = wgt._calcMinWds(),
                    wds: Record<string, number> | number[] = minWd.wds,
                    isFlex = false,
                    emptyHead = true;

                // reset display
                ehead!.style.display = '';
                var tblWidth = 0,
                    sizedByContent = wgt.isSizedByContent();
                for (let i = 0, wd = -1, hwgt = this.firstChild; hwgt; hwgt = hwgt.nextSibling, i++) {
                    var nhwgt = hwgt.$n_();
                    if (hwgt._hflex == 'min' || (!hwgt._nhflex && sizedByContent))
                        wd = wds[i];
                    else if (hwgt._width)
                        wd = parseInt(hwgt._width);
                    else if (hwgt._nhflex! > 0)
                        isFlex = true;

                    if (!hwgt.isVisible())
                        nhwgt.style.display = 'none';
                    if (wd >= 0) {
                        nhwgt.style.flex = '0 0 ' + jq.px(wd);
                        if (!isFlex)
                            tblWidth += wd;
                        wd = -1; //reset
                    //check empty head
                    if (hwgt.getLabel() || hwgt.getImage() || hwgt.nChildren)
                        emptyHead = false;

                //set table width
                var hdtbl = wgt.eheadtbl,
                    bdtbl = wgt.ebodytbl,
                    fttbl = wgt.efoottbl,
                    tblWidthPx = jq.px0(tblWidth);
                if (hdtbl) {
                    hdtbl.style.width = isFlex ? '100%' : tblWidthPx;
                    if (bdtbl)
                        bdtbl.style.width = isFlex ? '100%' : tblWidthPx;
                    if (fttbl)
                        fttbl.style.width = isFlex ? '100%' : tblWidthPx;

                //set body column/footer column width
                var bdfaker = wgt.ebdfaker!,
                    ftfaker = wgt.eftfaker,
                    bdcol = bdfaker.firstChild,
                    // eslint-disable-next-line zk/noNull
                    ftcol: ChildNode | null | undefined,
                    width0 = zul.mesh.MeshWidget.WIDTH0;
                if (ftfaker)
                    ftcol = ftfaker.firstChild;
                wds = {};
                for (let hwgt = this.firstChild; hwgt && bdcol; hwgt = hwgt.nextSibling) {
                    wds[hwgt.uuid] = hwgt.$n_().getBoundingClientRect().width;
                    bdcol = bdcol.nextSibling;
                bdcol = bdfaker.firstChild;
                for (let hwgt = this.firstChild; hwgt && bdcol; hwgt = hwgt.nextSibling) {
                    var wd = wds[hwgt.uuid],
                        wdpx = jq.px0(wd);
                    if (hwgt.isVisible() && wdpx !== undefined) {
                        (bdcol as HTMLElement).style.width = wdpx;
                        if (ftcol)
                            (ftcol as HTMLElement).style.width = wdpx;
                    } else {
                        (bdcol as HTMLElement).style.width = width0;
                        if (ftcol)
                            (ftcol as HTMLElement).style.width = width0;
                    bdcol = bdcol.nextSibling;
                    if (ftcol)
                        ftcol = ftcol.nextSibling;
                ehead!.style.display = emptyHead ? 'none' : '';

                // css flex doesn't need 'bar' style, because 'colgroup' is disabled.
                const bar = this.$n('bar');
                if (bar && !bar.style.cssText)
                    bar.style.display = 'none';
            } else {
                wgt._adjSpanWd(); //if there is span and shall span the column width for extra space

                // ZK-2772 Misaligned Grid columns
                if (wgt.frozen && !wgt._isAllWidths()) {
                    wgt._calcSize(); // yes, we need to do it again.
                // ZK-2551: need to restore scroll pos after flexs are fixed
                if (zk(ebody).hasHScroll() && currentLeft != ebody.scrollLeft) {
                    ebody.scrollLeft = currentLeft;
                    if (ehead)
                        ehead.scrollLeft = currentLeft;
                    if (efoot)
                        efoot.scrollLeft = currentLeft;

    /** @internal */
    override deferRedrawHTML_(out: string[]): void {
        out.push('<tr', this.domAttrs_({ domClass: true }), ' class="z-renderdefer"></tr>');

    /** @internal */
    override getFlexDirection_(): string {
        return 'row';

    /** @internal */
    override afterClearFlex_(): void {
        var mesh = this.parent!;
        if (mesh._cssflex)
            mesh.ehdfaker!.style.display = '';

    static redraw(this: HeadWidget, out: string[]): void {
        out.push('<tr', this.domAttrs_(), ' style="text-align: left;">');
        for (var w = this.firstChild; w; w = w.nextSibling)

        var mesh = this.getMeshWidget();
        if (mesh && mesh._nativebar)
            out.push('<th id="', this.uuid, '-bar" class="', this.$s('bar'), '" ></th>');