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Test Coverage
extends skeleton
block title
  title BBCBweaking
block languages
block login
block breadcrumb
  li: a(href="/unblock") Appeal a block
  li #{user.name}
block append css
    .upheld { background-color: #DF3034; }
    .referred { background-color: #2B8CC4; }

block content
      if verdict.verdict === 'already_unblocked'
          h1.heading-xlarge You’re already unblocked.
          p.lede We’ve checked your account and you’re not blocked by the bot. There’s no action we need to take.
      if verdict.verdict === 'overturned'
          h1.heading-xlarge You’re unblocked.
          p.lede We’ve automatically unblocked you because #{verdict.because}
      if verdict.verdict === 'upheld'
          h1.heading-xlarge We won’t unblock you.
          p.lede We’ve checked your account and decided not to unblock you because #{verdict.because}
      if verdict.verdict === 'referred'
          h1.heading-xlarge We can’t unblock you.
          p.lede We’ve checked your account but we can’t unblock you because #{verdict.because}