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Launching Today: Velocity

Noah Davis

By: Noah Davis
February 07, 2018

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Data-driven insights to boost your engineering capacity

Today we’re sharing something big: Code Climate Velocity, our first new product since 2011, is launching in open beta.

Velocity helps organizations increase their engineering capacity by identifying bottlenecks, improving day-to-day developer experience, and coaching teams with data-driven insights, not just anecdotes.

Velocity helps you answer questions like:

  • Which pull requests are high risk and why? (Find out right away, not days later.)
  • How does my team’s KPIs compare to industry averages? Where’s our biggest opportunity to improve?
  • Are our engineering process changes making a difference? (Looking at both quantity and quality of output.)
  • Where do our developers get held up? Do they spend more time waiting on code review or CI results?

Learn more about Velocity.

Why launch a new product?

Velocity goes hand-in-hand with our code quality product to help us deliver on our ultimate mission: Superpowers for Engineering Teams. One of our early users noted:

““With Velocity, I’m able to take engineering conversations that previously hinged on gut feel and enrich them with concrete and quantifiable evidence. Now, when decisions are made, we can track their impact on the team based on agreed upon metrics.” – Andrew Fader, VP Engineering, Publicis

Get started today

We’d love to help you level up your engineering organization. Request a demo here