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What Your Engineering Board Slides are Missing [Webinar]

Hillary Nussbaum

By: Hillary Nussbaum
December 10, 2020

Team brainstorming

While most board decks will include business metrics like ARR, churn rates, and cash in the bank, these metrics only provide a snapshot of business health. They don’t speak to the strategic priority of how you plan to deliver real value. They also don’t illustrate engineering’s ability to execute on product timelines.

In this 30-minute webinar, Alexandra Paredes, VP of Engineering at Code Climate, runs through her method of communicating with technical and non-technical stakeholders in the board room. She covers:

  • Representing both the speed and direction of your engineering department’s work
  • Summarizing engineering challenges and opportunities
  • Visualizing improvement against OKRs quarter over quarter

Armed with this framework, an engineering leader can illustrate the importance of their department and engage senior leadership on the best way to endure and thrive during these unprecedented times.

To incorporate this data into your own board deck, request a demo of Velocity.

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