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[bd_repo_url]: https://github.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint
[bd_travis_url]: http://travis-ci.org/okunishinishi/node-colorprint
[bd_travis_shield_url]: http://img.shields.io/travis/okunishinishi/node-colorprint.svg?style=flat
[bd_travis_com_url]: http://travis-ci.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint
[bd_travis_com_shield_url]: https://api.travis-ci.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint.svg?token=
[bd_license_url]: https://github.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint/blob/master/LICENSE
[bd_codeclimate_url]: http://codeclimate.com/github/okunishinishi/node-colorprint
[bd_codeclimate_shield_url]: http://img.shields.io/codeclimate/github/okunishinishi/node-colorprint.svg?style=flat
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[bd_gemnasium_url]: https://gemnasium.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint
[bd_gemnasium_shield_url]: https://gemnasium.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint.svg
[bd_npm_url]: http://www.npmjs.org/package/colorprint
[bd_npm_shield_url]: http://img.shields.io/npm/v/colorprint.svg?style=flat
[bd_standard_url]: http://standardjs.com/
[bd_standard_shield_url]: https://img.shields.io/badge/code%20style-standard-brightgreen.svg

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<!-- Description Start -->
<a name="description"></a>

Print ansi-colored message to stdout/stderr.

<!-- Description End -->

<!-- Overview Start -->
<a name="overview"></a>

<img src="asset/images/screenshot.png"/>

<!-- Overview End -->

<!-- Sections Start -->
<a name="sections"></a>

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/01.Installation.md.hbs" Start -->

<a name="section-doc-guides-01-installation-md"></a>


npm install colorprint --save

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/01.Installation.md.hbs" End -->

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/02-Usage.md.hbs" Start -->

<a name="section-doc-guides-02-usage-md"></a>


"use strict";

const colorpint = require('colorpint')

colorpint.notice('This is NOTICE') //Pipe to stdout with magenta color.
colorpint.info('This is INFO') //Pipe to stdout with green color.
colorpint.debug('This is DEBUG') //Pipe to stdout with  color.
colorpint.trace('This is TRACE') //Pipe to stdout with white color.
colorpint.warn('This is WARN') //Pipe to stdout with yellow color.
colorpint.error('This is ERROR') //Pipe to stderr with red color.
colorpint.fatal('This is FATAL') //Pipe to stderr with bgRed color.


<!-- Section from "doc/guides/02-Usage.md.hbs" End -->

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/03-CLI.md.hbs" Start -->

<a name="section-doc-guides-03-cli-md"></a>

Using via CIL

### Install globally

$ npm install colorprint -g

### From Command Line


colorpint notice "This is NOTICE from CLI" # Pipe to stdout with magenta color.
colorpint info "This is INFO from CLI" # Pipe to stdout with green color.
colorpint debug "This is DEBUG from CLI" # Pipe to stdout with  color.
colorpint trace "This is TRACE from CLI" # Pipe to stdout with white color.
colorpint warn "This is WARN from CLI" # Pipe to stdout with yellow color.
colorpint error "This is ERROR from CLI" # Pipe to stderr with red color.
colorpint fatal "This is FATAL from CLI" # Pipe to stderr with bgRed color.


<!-- Section from "doc/guides/03-CLI.md.hbs" End -->

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/04-Customizing.md.hbs" Start -->

<a name="section-doc-guides-04-customizing-md"></a>


### Customize the whole module.

"use strict";

const colorprint = require('colorprint');
colorprint.info('This will be blue with prefix.');


### Create new context to customize.

"use strict";

const Colorprint = require('colorprint/lib/colorprint');
let colorprint = new Colorprint({
    PREFIX: '[Foo]',
    INFO_COLOR: 'blue'
colorprint.info('This will be blue with prefix.');


colorprint is using [cli-color](https://github.com/medikoo/cli-color) for coloring and you can see [available colors here](https://github.com/medikoo/cli-color#colors).

<!-- Section from "doc/guides/04-Customizing.md.hbs" End -->

<!-- Sections Start -->

<!-- LICENSE Start -->
<a name="license"></a>

This software is released under the [MIT License](https://github.com/okunishinishi/node-colorprint/blob/master/LICENSE).

<!-- LICENSE End -->